Why aren't my clones growing


Well-Known Member
I started a clone in pellet on April 11 and started some clones in diy aero cloner on April 11 out the five I started in pellet 1 survived and looks as if it is dying now .out of the 11 I put in aero cloner 7 died and 2 rooted I put in soil they died . Now I'm here with the remaining 3 I moved to rock wool cubes under a dome with cfl since April 28 and the root aren't growing it seems can some one offer me some help please .. Will post pics


Well-Known Member
The 2 in rock wool look to be healthy but since I took the out of my cloner I haven't seen any root growth also the 1 in soil is out the the cloner I haven't seen growth either the pellet is the oldest it's been in the dome in that pellet since April 11 and nothing


Active Member
try adding a heat mat or is that a heat mat they are already on? i always warm the roots a little bit. I always grow my clones in a heated propegator and spray to keep humid. At that young age i dont have them exposed to open air yet. If your already doing all them basics then fuck knows... Iv always used T5 lighting above my clones but cant see cfls not doing just as well.


Active Member
they look very soggy. I dont feed nearly as much water as i spray feed them early on? you watering them much?


Well-Known Member
These clones were tAken form my aerocloner about 3 days ago and placed in rock wool with dome .the one in the pot was rooted and placed in the soil with a dome. they all are rooted but doesn't seem to be growing .out of seventeen I'm left with these four .the water was ph @ 6.0 the majority withered away with this mildew on them . There a beat pad kept under the tray .what am I doing wrong



Well-Known Member
Ok, im not going to tell you that this is a "cure" or how it should be done. And, there will be members who are going to discredit me, and may even flame me for this, but I have done it more then once, and it has worked for me. So you can take my advise, or move on.

Roots continue to grow during darkness. Yes, photsynthesis comes to a halt, but the roots continue growing.

On occasion, i will have a cloneor two that just end up stalling, and doin nothing. The first time tgis happened to me, I had my clones in rapid rooters, and after almost 20 days of them doing nothing, i threw the clones and rapid rooters in the garbage. 3 or 4 days went by, and I was cleaning up my grow area. When I went to throw out garbage, there were the rapid rooters, in the garbage bag, with roots every where!!! I grabbed em out and threw em in soil. Plants ended up being beautiful and very healthy.

Anyways, since then, when ever I have a clone stall out on me, I will throw them into complete darkness for 3-5 days, checking them once a day, and they always rebound and beguin to show life again. I do not know why, but it works.


Well-Known Member
I'd be willing to bet it's just too damn humid and wet constantly. I've had 100% success rate with cloning without using a humidity dome or a heating pad. I just cut them, dip em in rooting solution, stick em in rockwool, then straight to the bubble cloner they go under some t5s or cfls. I've cloned maybe around 40 times and I've never had one die. Well... except for the one that fell through the netpot hole into the reservoir... but we won't talk about that.


Well-Known Member
Ok, im not going to tell you that this is a "cure" or how it should be done. And, there will be members who are going to discredit me, and may even flame me for this, but I have done it more then once, and it has worked for me. So you can take my advise, or move on.

Roots continue to grow during darkness. Yes, photsynthesis comes to a halt, but the roots continue growing.

On occasion, i will have a cloneor two that just end up stalling, and doin nothing. The first time tgis happened to me, I had my clones in rapid rooters, and after almost 20 days of them doing nothing, i threw the clones and rapid rooters in the garbage. 3 or 4 days went by, and I was cleaning up my grow area. When I went to throw out garbage, there were the rapid rooters, in the garbage bag, with roots every where!!! I grabbed em out and threw em in soil. Plants ended up being beautiful and very healthy.

Anyways, since then, when ever I have a clone stall out on me, I will throw them into complete darkness for 3-5 days, checking them once a day, and they always rebound and beguin to show life again. I do not know why, but it works.
how long do you wait after you cut clones to do this I mean mine have roots from being taken from cloner there just not doing shit but maintaining I guess.


Active Member
cant see anything wrong but could probably have the light closer. Id have it closer than that. how often are you watering directly? I only water in bits but mist them much more frequently. Only thing i could think it might be if youv got the roots constantly wet the soil might not be oxygenated enough. If its not that then think you can count yourself unlucky bro


Well-Known Member
I'd be willing to bet it's just too damn humid and wet constantly. I've had 100% success rate with cloning without using a humidity dome or a heating pad. I just cut them, dip em in rooting solution, stick em in rockwool, then straight to the bubble cloner they go under some t5s or cfls. I've cloned maybe around 40 times and I've never had one die. Well... except for the one that fell through the netpot hole into the reservoir... but we won't talk about that.
I kinda thought the same thing but sum look like the just dry out and dye like the one in the pellet and that is the clone that's been in there the longest


Sector 5 Moderator
I was the absolute master of disaster when it came to cloning and I finally came up with a bullet proof solution and I've gotten 100% positive results ever since. I use Rapid Rooters and Clonex gel. I take the biggest clones I can and toss them into a pot of water. After taking all I want I get my pan like you have in the pix, the gel, and a scalpel all ready then I trim the ends at a 45 degree angle, dip them in the gel and stick them directly into the Rapid Rooter. My pan has holes in the bottom and I put that in another pan and add about 1/4 - 1/2 inch of water in that pan. I cut about half of the leaf off of most of the leaves. I also add a seed warming mat and a low powered light. A regular shop light, LED, or CFL will do. In less than a week there are white roots coming out everywhere. I realize this doesn't cure your plants but it's just a suggestion of what works for me. Gotta kill some plants to learn bro.


Well-Known Member
cant see anything wrong but could probably have the light closer. Id have it closer than that. how often are you watering directly? I only water in bits but mist them much more frequently. Only thing i could think it might be if youv got the roots constantly wet the soil might not be oxygenated enough. If its not that then think you can count yourself unlucky bro
Thanks dodgy dan I have another cfl I'll put on and put closer


Active Member
i litrally rest my t5 on top of the propegtor i have the light so close. Theirs no heat so get it as close as i can. Is their much heat from that lamp?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I fucking hate pellets lol. But yeah, I think a solid setup for cloning is bubble from underneath, allow airflow through canopy, foliar feed with t5s or cfls. The bubbling system and foliar feeding will keep it plenty humid enough. :3


Well-Known Member
I got a bubbler going now I made yesterday but I didn't use rock wool just left the stem hang in water


Active Member
I know the plants rely heavily on foliar feeding at that stage as the roots are still forming so plenty of light ( with a low power light not giving out many lumens as close as possible!) and mainly misting while keeping the roots warm. Go very light on watering the actual roots untill you have good root structure. Soon as the roots reach the bottom of the rock wool I transplant into clear party cups. I can see the root structure for myself then and judge when to transplant into the grow pots. Thats how i do it anyway, nice and simple! haha


Well-Known Member
Too much heat & humidity will turn clones to mush & retard the shit out of their growth , rockwool is not the best choice for anybody having trouble cloning , rockwool has too many built in negative issues for me , the shit has wild ph values & gets water logged easy as hell , i use sponge plugs called " Root Riot " & have nearly 100% success rates using a humidome without a heat mat & after the first 3 days in the dome i open the air windows on the dome .


Well-Known Member
I g
Too much heat & humidity will turn clones to mush & retard the shit out of their growth , rockwool is not the best choice for anybody having trouble cloning , rockwool has too many built in negative issues for me , the shit has wild ph values & gets water logged easy as hell , i use sponge plugs called " Root Riot " & have nearly 100% success rates using a humidome without a heat mat & after the first 3 days in the dome i open the air windows on the dome .
im taken out the heat pad now and opening the windows now