Why are there so many Trump supporters on RIU?

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Crack whore

funny does Javier sound like a white name you pussified cunt.
Lol I don’t own or have any direct ties to big lous just my ole watering hole you dumb fuck, like I said come see me now!

how do i know, you probably got a mexican daddy.... he named you javier padron. a white dude with a beard and 4 wheel drive pieces of shit rock crawlers. you ain't him?

you sure look Screenshot-2018-5-21 Javier Padron texas - Google Search.png white to me. name = javier, check. you want me to post more pictures so you can make sure?

Crack whore

funny does Javier sound like a white name you pussified cunt.
Lol I don’t own or have any direct ties to big lous just my ole watering hole you dumb fuck, like I said come see me now!
I am here. The table right behind mine just got a big ass Texas pizza brought to their table. I am wearing a "Morons Are Governing America" hat and buff colored liederhosen.

I see nobody that looks like an inbred cracker wearing a black shirt.
Crack whore

funny does Javier sound like a white name you pussified cunt.
Lol I don’t own or have any direct ties to big lous just my ole watering hole you dumb fuck, like I said come see me now!
Javier, you sound like a sexually repressed white guy. I'd like to help you break your sexual repressed chains. I'm in the bar, I'm the guy sitting under the jackalope . Just call out "soooey pig" and I'll be right over. Be ready for a good time big guy.