Well-Known Member
On the other hand, for DIY, the COBs are easier to use and probably cheaper too in the end.
Imagine soldering hundreds of 3W or 5W leds or only wire up five 100W COBs (all run at half or even less of max power)
Commercial horticulture fixtures from the bigger corporate sellers go for 3 to 5 times the cost of the parts. If not more. You see China burples rebadged and sold for thousands (dollars or euro's) when they can be bought direct from China for hundreds.
Either way we can use high quality parts and still come out cheaper. Commercial fixtures would prices themselves completely out of the market if they used quality parts.
Your point only stands if you put zero cost on your own time and labor. And dont say it only take x hours to assemble a light. if someone is choosing between a commercial fixture and a diy cob build, the cob route requires hours and hours of research. Those hours must be added to the cost of the cob.
Most people from a purely economic efficiency should be paying an expert 200 dollar for 2 or 3 hours work rather than spend 100 hours of their own fumbling about. For some the idea of build a light is as attractive as building an electric kettle.
If you're a nerd who likes building things then go ahead, if its not the light it'll be some other nerdy project anyway.
And what he quouted was close to gibberish,