The Ideal spectrum.

So what conclusions came out of the discussion about the "Ideal Spectrum"? What results were objectified in the field research to amend the generell spectrum with penetrating green, orange, farred, or UV & IR? Is the cost of hardware or electricity to high to being able to imitate the sun? Or are having this the MH & HPS combo growers for free and the LED only stumbles like a child...

But with regards to plant physiology and absorptions spectra of pigments, photoreceptors & leaf surface material we can identify a number of individual wavelength which seems important and highly effective in the growth of cannabis:
- 280nm
- 365nm
- 385nm
- 400nm
- 425nm
- 440nm
- 460nm
- 490nm
- 550nm
- 630nm
- 660nm
- 680nm
- 730nm
(- 850nm)
(- 940nm)

We know that all of these wavelengths have different effects on the buildpattern, hormone level, photosynthesis done, metabolism, or other environmental factors and can be elligible to increase either quality or quantity.

Recently, our agents have acquired a secret blueprint of an experimental artificial sunspectrum:
View attachment 4664303
We also gained precise hardware knowledge about the UVC/UVB-complex, but reports of the remaining wavelengths are still missings...

We must conduct more field research into infrared & leaf surface temps, penetrating spectrum color addition such as green, orange, more & equal blue stimulation. A spectrum that is designed to not exert full PS thrust at the first topleave but instead at the first 1-5 leaves and therefore this spectrum could be run at a higher photon flux density - just like the sun has more than 1700 umols.

do you have any ideal how expensive and inefficient some of those diodes are? using 3000k white leds may te a better way to cover the 550nm-660nmrange
you have any ideal how expensive and inefficient some of those diodes are?
yes I payed 23€ for a damn single 310nm UVB diode... then the green monos only give out 1/4th umol out as the lm301b and thus are no option... still looking but it seems like most fancy LEDs have just nightmareish conversion factors....

using 3000k white leds may te a better way to cover the 550nm-660nmrange
yes, but at the same time it'll also increase the amount of blue and red, so the penetrating green/orange wavelength will never rise over the ones which are absorbed almost directly. But if the topleaves are already fully saturated and wont do more photosynthesis then this addition wouldnt only be pointless/ineffective as well, it may actually cause lightbleaching...

keep in mind some of the future expansions of spectrum will be more and more into the UV/blue direction - wavelengths which also dont penetrate... only green/orange & FR do this... and therefore additionally exert force strictly at the top leaves and at that, mostly in the initial 30% of plantmatter.

I can have more than 1000umols coming from a HPS onto topleaves and it may display some heatstress or foxtails but no bleaching occurs, yet LED radiation begins to bleach at 700umols and less without apparent heat stress... the diodes narrow waveband distribution is the culprit causing this.
Perhaps even mechanisms that lead to the loss of stomatal function and swifter CO2 cap - the so-called "red light syndrome"?
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Some of the white 3000-3500k chips arent really that bad in terms of green as the red seems to spike at 630 but... still Id like to increase that amount over anything else in ratios of (525nm-630nm + 700nm-750nm)umols should equal or surpass the output all the remaining wavebands (UV, blue & red) combined.

I have some sidelight-racks, baring the blue/UV bands to not affect leaf-phototropism - thus the light can enter the canopy better (also less danger of near-leaf burn...)
2*550nm + 1*630nm + 1*660nm + 1*730nm would be cool (something along that line...) but the 550nm is so weak one would need 8 pieces instead to come close into senseful relative output.... an LED pipedream...

this sulfur plasma lamp has a tremendous green output but not monochromatic and just overkill for my uses...

Certain wavelenghts like those on the green zone penetrate deeper into canopy also far red . That is a scientific fact well know since time ago
By the way , your nick comes from Philip K.dick novels?

Sure they do, but how much? Green penetrates a leaf further than the oothers and that is a good thing, but I'm not sure enough green penetrates canopy to spend too much money and electricity to produce the photons. Better canopy management will allow light deeper in to the plant. I mean look into a canopy and how much light is there? Very little. Stick a meter in and compare to the top.

Intercanopy lighting will also give you penetration.

and yes, it is :)
Sure they do, but how much? Green penetrates a leaf further than the oothers and that is a good thing, but I'm not sure enough green penetrates canopy to spend too much money and electricity to produce the photons. Better canopy management will allow light deeper in to the plant. I mean look into a canopy and how much light is there? Very little. Stick a meter in and compare to the top.

Intercanopy lighting will also give you penetration.

and yes, it is :)
You are right that a dense canopy will not let too very much green pass through, but still some of it still passes..I have an spectrometer and I have measure PPFD at diferent levels and I know what are you talking about. I also agree that canopy management is important specially considering that we are not using moving lights (like the sun). Of course side or intracopy will help a lot.. I usually use this strategy. What I now am doing to allow more light into and to reduce humidity is cut leaves in a half (lot of work) cause I do not like big defoliation... and as you said ..canopy management..placing branches and colas in correct places etc...
If I remember that name appears in VALIS or the Divine Invasion novels..I read them in my language , spanish...and was Amacaballo (Horselover).... I like a lot those books

You make a good point anyway...after 50 cms of dense canopy only 100-50 ppfd is measured...thats a low level..and there is so much room to improve regarding this issue in our gardens, specially in tents like in my situation...
You are right that a dense canopy will not let too very much green pass through, but still some of it still passes..I have an spectrometer and I have measure PPFD at diferent levels and I know what are you talking about. I also agree that canopy management is important specially considering that we are not using moving lights (like the sun). Of course side or intracopy will help a lot.. I usually use this strategy. What I now am doing to allow more light into and to reduce humidity is cut leaves in a half (lot of work) cause I do not like big defoliation... and as you said ..canopy management..placing branches and colas in correct places etc...
If I remember that name appears in VALIS or the Divine Invasion novels..I read them in my language , spanish...and was Amacaballo (Horselover).... I like a lot those books

You make a good point anyway...after 50 cms of dense canopy only 100-50 ppfd is measured...thats a low level..and there is so much room to improve regarding this issue in our gardens, specially in tents like in my situation...

Yup. I love how a lot of new information is coming up. I think it could be beneficial having more green in our spectrum. I read a paper saying that in high level of white light additional green drives photosynthesis more than additional blue or red. Then again Bugbee didn't find a difference in yield between blurple and white. I'm glad cannabis is getting proper research now.

PKD used the pseudonym in valis and perhaps other novels. I read my first book by him when I was 15. It was Martian timeslip and I was hooked.
Yup. I love how a lot of new information is coming up. I think it could be beneficial having more green in our spectrum. I read a paper saying that in high level of white light additional green drives photosynthesis more than additional blue or red. Then again Bugbee didn't find a difference in yield between blurple and white. I'm glad cannabis is getting proper research now.

PKD used the pseudonym in valis and perhaps other novels. I read my first book by him when I was 15. It was Martian timeslip and I was hooked.
I know that famous paper about green light :) Think it was from that man called Chandra... I like the Bugbee videos...but I not agree with all things he said. At the end..he is selling apogee sensors and stuff... I dont remember exactly what I was not agreeing with him..but I remember a conversation with other grower about Bugbee videos...and we agree about he is wrong in some of his statements... But anyway as we say in spanish...opinions are like the ass..everyone has one LOL!

Yes I also read PKD books since young....first one was UBIK and also VALIS when I was a young the early favourite sci writer.. along with Jack Vance....Have to read again those last books of PKD...I know much more about gnosticism now than when young..