why all these germination techniques?


Well-Known Member
i just germinated 2 seeds by throwing them in a cup of water and put them in a dark place. it worked great, and in 3 days, they sprouted. but it got me thinking, why the hell is that necessary? just dropping a seed in some soil seems to work pretty good in nature. is it more efficient with these techniques?


Well-Known Member
1. These teks generally are more full proof as the conditions are perfect for sprouting
2. Not all seeds will sprout, and by germinating the seeds before they are in soil the grower is able to see which plants are going to grow and thus not waist pot space or soil.


Well-Known Member
yes you know there not duds before your sat watching a pot to sprout for weeks to no avail pregerminated seeds pop outa the dirt quicker too


Active Member
Yep. Im just learning that that is the reason why. I just planted a whole buncha bag seed about two weeks ago in some pots. Some sprouted and are already starting their growth. Some... I have not seen yet. So yeah... Germination in a tissue or what-not will definately spare you the trouble Im having. "Should I wait, Should I put another seed in? Should I scrap it an start over?" None of that'll happen. Hehe. :joint:


Well-Known Member
heat pad? what an overkill i take tissue fold it and seeds mist with water fold again and put in a baggie tap roots 12-36 hours