Who's To Blame?

I doubt anyone will ever dethrone Cheezy as the all time master of self defeat.

if you stick your fingers in enough pies, you might get burned once in a while.

but overall he has a record of debunking right wing talking points, otherwise he wouldn't bother you as much as he does.
Rand Paul would be the man for this job.

Eliminate Federal Drug Enforcement Agency, Federal Dept of Education, Federal Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Department of Energy. What do any of these places do anyway? The States are largely responsible for most of these things. State parks are patrolled by state environmental police, energy is regulated locally, education is always a local concern, local cops have a vice squad. Why are we wasting all this money for no reason?

And UB why do you like Chris Christie? Because he's a Democrat from New Jersey?

on the same day that christie was winning NJ by 20 points (even if he had to waste millions to keep booker off the ticket for that margin), rend pawl was challenging people to duels and telling people to leave him the hell alone.

christie will squash the poor fella now. there will be no game there. at least ted cruz has real grassroots support, no plagiarizing past, and no record of hiring and associating with white supremacists.

rend pawl is like his daddy, a fucking joke. a myth. just another politician, but one who happens to have a cult like following of devoted nimrods.

as far as why i like christie? he is not a racist, xenophobic asshole like some righties.

perhaps a bit of a homophobe.
if you stick your fingers in enough pies, you might get burned once in a while.

but overall he has a record of debunking right wing talking points, otherwise he wouldn't bother you as much as he does.

He doesn't bother me, I just find it very painful to read anything he thought up himself as most of it is chock full of contrary pseudofacts, contradictory ideas and outright poor poor research.

Other than that 90% of his posts are just Copy and Paste from some liberal news source or liberal blog. Poor cheezy doesn't have a single original thought in him and due to that he couldn't debunk the cookie monster from sesame street.
echelon1k1. you remind me of my little brother. i remember he used to follow me around and repeat things i would say to others. he thought he was the coolest thing ever. he didn't get laid until he was 17. poor fella.

So you waited until he was 17 before you made your move?
So you waited until he was 17 before you made your move?

the guns that are readily available or our failing health care system? Police: Son likely stabbed Va. state Sen. Creigh Deeds, shot himself The day before he apparently stabbed his father at the family’s home in rural Bath County, the son of Virginia state Sen. R. Creigh Deeds underwent a psychiatric evaluation but was not admitted to a hospital, because no bed was available. Deeds was listed in fair condition late Tuesday after his son, Austin, stabbed him in the face and chest, then shot himself in what investigators suspect was an attempted murder and suicide. The incident thrust the senator back into the spotlight after several years of quiet. Deeds (D) vaulted to the statewide political stage in 2009 as the Democratic nominee for governor, only to lose to Republican Robert F. McDonnell (R). After the defeat, Deeds went through a divorce and largely receded from public view, even though he stayed on in the Senate. The violence also culminated what appears to have been a downward spiral for Deeds’s son, Austin, 24, a banjo-playing former campaign volunteer for his father who dropped out of college last month and whose apparent psychiatric problems had prompted an examination Monday. The attack on the senator brought new scrutiny to Virginia’s mental-health system. Six years after the Virginia Tech massacre, which prompted an outpouring of attention and dollars for state mental-health care, advocates still say the system is starved for money and reform. Lawmakers, state officials and mental-health advocates expressed agreement Tuesday that a shortage of beds for patients in crisis is one significant problem. On Monday, a magistrate issued an emergency custody order for Austin Deeds, who was also known as Gus, after he had been evaluated by officials at the Rockbridge County Community Services Board, said Mary Ann Bergeron, the executive director of the Virginia Association of Community Services Boards. The boards oversee the local provision of mental-health services across Virginia. Dennis Cropper, who leads the Rockbridge County Community Services Board, also confirmed the younger Deeds’s psychiatric evaluation, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Rockbridge officials had called hospitals in the area looking for a spot but were unable to find one, Bergeron said. “I can tell you right now, it was multiple hospitals that they called,” she said. “That is a very rural area. The hospitals are few and far between.” Bergeron said local hospitals have been reducing and in some cases eliminating psychiatric wards, making it more difficult to find spots for people requiring involuntary detention, particularly in more rural parts of the state. “I wouldn’t say this happens every day, but it’s more common than we’d like for it to be,” Bergeron said.
You completely missed that he was STABBED. Why no "the knives that are readily available"? If there had been a bed available in a psychiatric care facility, this tragedy might have been prevented. Resources are limited. I suspect the ACA will exacerbate that.
No we got rid of our psychiatric hospital with Reagan..budget cuts
No, not budget cuts. It was the result of civil rights legislation (legislative) and lawsuits (judicial), activism. We turned thousands out of mental facilities because involuntary treatment was decreed a violation of their civil rights. Many became homeless. A few either starved or froze or died from other causes that a competent individual could easily avoid. If you are familiar with the homeless, you are aware of the high rate of mental illness among them.
First if you have firearms in your home they should be secured. It is almost impossible to buy a gun in America that does not come with a lock. If you have a child with mental health issues they should not have access to your firearms.
I own a few guns. None of them came with a lock. But I got free ones at a gun show from the local police department.
You completely missed that he was STABBED. Why no "the knives that are readily available"? If there had been a bed available in a psychiatric care facility, this tragedy might have been prevented. Resources are limited. I suspect the ACA will exacerbate that.

no i didn't..i'm perfectly well aware.
Again, let's be honest here NoDrama, when you say anyone with mental health problems, you really mean black people and Arabs. Man, you hold in a lot of hatred. You need to let it go.
^^^^^^^^^^^^That's racist^^^^^^^^^^^^^^