Who's To Blame?

Job well done. Republicans have managed to do what they set out to do, and along the way they dragged the country down with them. Good luck in 2016.

What exactly have the Republicans managed to do? Everything that has happened in the country in the last five years has been engineered by the Democrats, and its turning out to be a complete disaster.
What exactly have the Republicans managed to do? Everything that has happened in the country in the last five years has been engineered by the Democrats, and its turning out to be a complete disaster.

Besides do absolutely nothing, including admitting to never agree on anything, filibuster as much as possible and set out to only try and ruin this presidency? You mean that?
What exactly have the Republicans managed to do?

here's something they didn't manage to do, try as they might, nation be damned.


Everything that has happened in the country in the last five years has been engineered by the Democrats, and its turning out to be a complete disaster.

and everything that HASN'T happened in the last five years has been engineered by the republicans, and the disaster they engineered is working like a charm.

their goal was to break government to prove that it's broken, and they have succeeded wildly, even if they had to give a big FUCK YOU to the american people and their own legislative goals along the way.

people are stupid, and blame the most proximate figurehead: obama.

they don't hold the republicans responsible for what they have done, things like fighting tooth and nail against health care for the 9/11 first responders or getting rid of the payroll tax cut that was saving people $1,000 a year. that all is forgotten by most people.

what people do see is a massivle dysfunctional government of the republicans creation with obama at the helm. so obama gets the blame.

they've been at this game for years and it is only now starting to work.
Besides do absolutely nothing, including admitting to never agree on anything, filibuster as much as possible and set out to only try and ruin this presidency? You mean that?
So they did nothing. And the Democrats did everything that got us here.

So they did nothing. And the Democrats did everything that got us here.


Imagine the possibilities if the Republicans actually decided to work together rather than spend all OUR tax dollars on trying to ruin this presidency and drive the country downward.

C'mon bro; think.
I didn't forget. And it was the.......

Obama Administration Not Sticking Up For Payroll Tax Cut (Huffington Post)

so you blame obama when boehner proposed to get rid of the payroll tax cut?

boehner stalled forever before even letting a vote on the payroll tax cut in the first place. it was the only tax cut they ever disliked.

do you think everyone is as forgetful and ignorant of history as you are?

Imagine the possibilities if the Republicans actually decided to work together rather than spend all OUR tax dollars on trying to ruin this presidency and drive the country downward.

C'mon bro; think.

I hear this all the time. Its complete nonsense, because the Republicans have no agenda and have largely stood back rather than fight anything the Dems have done. "Let Obamacare fail by itself," they keep saying. That's why libertarians/conservatives like Cruz and Paul are trying to kick out the old farts like McConnell, McCain and Graham who get nothing done and just want to be progressives like the Democrats.
who is unclebuck?

echelon1k1. you remind me of my little brother. i remember he used to follow me around and repeat things i would say to others. he thought he was the coolest thing ever. he didn't get laid until he was 17. poor fella.
I hear this all the time. Its complete nonsense, because the Republicans have no agenda and have largely stood back rather than fight anything the Dems have done. "Let Obamacare fail by itself," they keep saying. That's why libertarians/conservatives like Cruz and Paul are trying to kick out the old farts like McConnell, McCain and Graham who get nothing done and just want to be progressives like the Democrats.

No. Their agenda was to purposely do nothing, and try their hardest to not let anything happen. Like UB says, stop being disingenuous.
echelon1k1. you remind me of my little brother. i remember he used to follow me around and repeat things i would say to others. he thought he was the coolest thing ever. he didn't get laid until he was 17. poor fella.

so basically you heard "ya mom" all day long?

At 17 I was making $28K a year... Go figure...
I hear this all the time. Its complete nonsense, because the Republicans have no agenda and have largely stood back rather than fight anything the Dems have done. "Let Obamacare fail by itself," they keep saying. That's why libertarians/conservatives like Cruz and Paul are trying to kick out the old farts like McConnell, McCain and Graham who get nothing done and just want to be progressives like the Democrats.

that is just massively retarded.

are we at 48 or 49 times that the GOP has voted to repeal obamacare rather than letting it fail by itself?

rawn pawl is cooked, done, and gone. first a racist who hires racists, coordinates with A3PO (the white supremacy group), and now he is plagiarizing.

ted cruz will be the most entertaining foil ever. chris christie will cook that guy alive and eat him for lunch before the primaries get to florida.

you're politically very dumb if i have to be honest.
I remember how it happened. Republicans said keep the tax cuts going the way they were for 10 years, and Obama only wanted to keep certain tax cuts for certain groups. So the tax cut reached its sunset.

you're confusing the bush tax cuts with the payroll tax cut now.

you are not very sharp and will not last long here.

and if you do stick around for a while, you will be a running joke like echelon who we all just wish would go away.
their goal was to break government to prove that it's broken, and they have succeeded wildly, even if they had to give a big FUCK YOU to the american people and their own legislative goals along the way.

If government was actually broken, then there would not have been all the recent MMJ busts.

I would actually enjoy a broken federal government, one which could not affect many laws nor do anything other than the most basic of functions. That is what the founders intended and is why they set up the 3 branches in the way they did. They made one fool choice though, they forgot that putting a single man as a leader would require a moral and righteous person in order to lead us to success. Over the years we the people have become so dumbed down, ambivalent to our representatives decisions, and apathetic to the ever shittier quality of life that we are unable to discern a quality leader from a scoundrel. We reap what we sow and we have been on that path for more than 2 generations now.
If government was actually broken, then there would not have been all the recent MMJ busts.

I would actually enjoy a broken federal government, one which could not affect many laws nor do anything other than the most basic of functions. That is what the founders intended and is why they set up the 3 branches in the way they did. They made one fool choice though, they forgot that putting a single man as a leader would require a moral and righteous person in order to lead us to success. Over the years we the people have become so dumbed down, ambivalent to our representatives decisions, and apathetic to the ever shittier quality of life that we are unable to discern a quality leader from a scoundrel. We reap what we sow and we have been on that path for more than 2 generations now.

Rand Paul would be the man for this job.

Eliminate Federal Drug Enforcement Agency, Federal Dept of Education, Federal Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Department of Energy. What do any of these places do anyway? The States are largely responsible for most of these things. State parks are patrolled by state environmental police, energy is regulated locally, education is always a local concern, local cops have a vice squad. Why are we wasting all this money for no reason?

And UB why do you like Chris Christie? Because he's a Democrat from New Jersey?