who's supplementing with uv lights?


Well-Known Member
I was doing research on supplemental lighting and found an older thread about UV reptile lights as supplements. Is it still considered true that UVB adds to trichome production? Who here supplements for uva/uvb?


Well-Known Member
I think the short version is only certain bulbs will get you any added trichome production and that the T8/T5s will only effect the quality of the THC, if at all. I use 2 x 32 watt Reptisun 48" T8 10.0s and like what it does in the grow room for my plants. People have really enjoyed the Black Widow I've grown lately and must say the last two phenos I grew came out so well I can't believe I rejected them as a keeper. I've got a few more strains coming down the pike that I'm more familiar with. If their, how shall we say, profile is any different than what I'm used to, then I think something really might be going on. Still the only way to tell is for me to find a lab and actually have some plants tested, but for now, since they don't cost too much to run, I'll stick with hippie science and see what happens.

Oh and look for posts from Kite High and Cannawizard for more current and meaty info on UVB supplementing.


Well-Known Member
I tried UVB fluoros a few years back. The only difference I noticed is that the trichs turned amber, which I don't prefer so I scrapped them. They added wiring and complexity to an already cramped grow room and the fluoros are not very good in terms of efficiency so it is adding heat as well.

That said, when comparing the same clones I do see a difference between HPS bud and LED bud. I assume it is because of the extra blue or lower canopy temps (less infrared). Some speculate that the 450nm blue fools the plant to think it is getting UV. Whatever the reason, I get more trichs, more terpenes and more potency on varieties that stink plenty under cheapo HPS.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the feedback - I'll keep rolling it around in my head. I think I could squeeze two of the 25W 10.0 CFLs in my cab without too much hassle.