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lol 420th post
You sound like another idiot, Joe Biden, when he said of Obamas New Deal "The economists say it will work".Not sure what history you are referring to here. Only a very small percentage of people believe that the New Deal programs and policies prolonged the Depression. Even most conservative economists no this to be untrue.
Trust-busting? You're joking, right?You sound like another idiot, Joe Biden, when he said of Obamas New Deal "The economists say it will work".
A little info for you on the Depression. Wages were set at a 25 percent higher rate for certain industries, prices rose 23 percent (for everyone) so now more people couldn't afford food so the food was plowed under. Monopolies were allowed.
The reason the US started to crawl out of the Depression was when the practice of price and wage fixing and Monopolies were discontinued.
The reason the US came out of the Depression in 1921 was because of no Federal Government intervention.
The tax cuts allowed the U.S. economy to grow rapidly during the mid- and late-1920s. Between 1922 and 1929, real gross national product grew at an annual average rate of 4.7 percent and the unemployment rate fell from 6.7 percent to 3.2 percent.
As tax rates were cut in the mid-1920s, total tax revenues initially fell. But as the economy responded and began growing quickly, revenues soared as incomes rose. By 1928, revenues had surpassed the 1920 level even though tax rates had been dramatically cut.
The tax cuts of the 1920s were the first federal experiment with supply-side income tax rate cuts. Data for the period show an initial decline in federal revenues as tax rates were cut, but revenues grew strongly during the subsequent economic expansion.
Federal spending was cut from $6.3 billion in 1920 to $5 billion in 1921 and $3.2 billion in 1922. Federal taxes were cut from $6.6 billion in 1920 to $5.5 billion in 1921 and $4 billion in 1922. Hardings policies started a trend. The low point for federal taxes was reached in 1924. For federal spending, in 1925. The federal government paid off debt, which had been $24.2 billion in 1920, and it continued to decline until 1930.
The number of unemployed fell to 2.8 million a reported 6.7% of the labor force in 1922 (11.7% in 1921). So, just a year and a half after Harding became president, the Roaring 20s were underway! The unemployment rate continued to decline, reaching a low of 1.8% in 1926 an extraordinary feat. Since then, the unemployment rate has been lower only once in wartime (1944), and never in peacetime.
LMAO That's what you got from my post? That I discovered it? Rather foolish statement.Trust-busting? You're joking, right?
Are you claiming that you've discovered the Holy Grail of modern economists: you've discovered the single reason for the economic expansion post-Great Depression?What about expansion due to gold inflows after the devaluation of the US dollar? What about the broad reaching reflation policies? Those two artifacts alone most definitely contributed more to the expansion than trust-busting.
Try again, brother.![]()
Yes, majority numbers makes things right or wrong in your world. Facts by popular opinion.Not sure what history you are referring to here. Only a very small percentage of people believe that the New Deal programs and policies prolonged the Depression. Even most conservative economists no this to be untrue.
Actually, the percentage of people that believe this is likely to fall in line with the percentage of people that believe that Obama is not an American citizen.
I don't really cater to arguments against the lowest common denominator.![]()
I call it like I see it.Im sick of people bitching about him already...
No seriously, its kinda fucked up how far out there some of the haters are. Im all for "the loyal opposition" but there is nothing loyal about the obama haters. I swear they want the country to fail just so they can say, "I told ya so!"
Yet again more claims from you that you can't back up? It's pretty standard ...I have no idea why I'm questioning it.Yes, majority numbers makes things right or wrong in your world. Facts by popular opinion.![]()
Roosevelts extension of misery is now accepted by most ECONOMISTS today. You may wish to believe the 6th grade drivel they fed you as a boy, and your granny might have loved the man, but if you actually crack a real book sometime, you might actually find out some economic FACTS about Roosevelt and the NEW DEAL. It was a FAILURE.
The current STIMULUS is a FAILURE. It DOA to the tune of a TRILLION dollars.It was never about fixing the guys are so easily easily.
....................LMAO That's what you got from my post? That I discovered it? Rather foolish statement.
It was a foolish statement to state that there was a singular point of failure that lead to the depression. It was just as foolish to suggest that there was a singular reason that we pulled out of it. It was much more foolish to suggest that trust-busting was that singular reason.
Read the article and educate yourself. Unless of course you follow Keynesian philosphy which means you head is up your ass.
I sure do adhere to Keynesian economics, as do most people of intellect. But I guess if your point of view is that "you head is up your ass" ...than you leave me with no room to argue.![]()
"The price of gold was increased from $20.67 to $35.00 per ounce, a 69% increase, but the domestic price level increased only 7% between 1933 and 1934, and over rest of the decade it hardly increased at all. FDR's devaluation provoked retaliation by other countries, further strangling international trade and throwing the world's economies further into depression."
Way to copy and paste a critique from the Austrian school of thought on the subject. It's an archaic and completely deprecated standpoint, but humorous nonetheless.
Anyone with original ideas or am I debating with a bunch of conservatives? Never mind. I answered my own question.![]()
Everything is highly relevant, you are just to ignorant and blinded by your ideology and idiotic rhetoric to see it........................
Med ... you continue to attempt to pass off this bull-shit as truth. Why? You've been challenged on this point many times here in the forum, and yet, you don't learn. Why are you so stone-blind to the truth?Now, if you can find mention of the last recession where the government did nothing, that'd be the 1920 - 1921 recession where the government's response was to lower taxes. The boom that ensued is remembered in history as the roaring 20s.
And just like the roaring '90's, the big bust came next with the lack of regulation and the inherent greed in the investor class. Hoover continued on with the do nothing agenda and it took Roosevelt to dig us back out with massive spending, sort of like Obama is now attempting. Geeze, talk about ignoramuses TBT, where is that damn mirror?
NO, this is the great nation of the United States, we still have freedom to vote.
Keynes predicted that, as a result of the Treaty, iron and steel production in Europe would decline. Instead, it rose. He predicted that German pre-war coal output could not be sustained. It was sustained. He predicted that Germany could not export coal. In fact, it did...I sure do adhere to Keynesian economics, as do most people of intellect. But I guess if your point of view is that "you head is up your ass" ...than you leave me with no room to argue.![]()