• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Who's on the right VS who's on the left

Who is right and who is left

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Republicans aren't even conservative i'd like to point out. They are big money corporate statists, like many democrats.

Oh, and republicans hate weed smokers and especially growers.


Well-Known Member
The way the poll is worded is classic.

When are people going to wake up and understand that there are three ways of thinking.

A) People on both the Right and the Left who are just intellectual followers of what their perceived group tells them.

B) People who come up with all kinds of hair brained, radical beliefs about everything.

C) Level headed people who do not buy into conspiracy theories or wild, pie in the sky ideas. They understand that things for the most part are the way they are for a reason and that in reality things are mostly as they seem.

For the most part, the Leftists on this board (and in general) are firmly in groups A and B. They formulate all their opinions based on the belief that everything in society is the product of evil white men and that everything has a nefarious basis and other hogwash.

The rest of us are in group C although many would like to believe we are in group A. It is because the the thinking of the Left is so radical that they perceive anyone who doesn't think like them as far Right. I can't think of a single person that would identify with the Religious Right on this board.

Drop the Left and Right nonsense and instead think in terms of wise vs foolish. A wise man understands that things are for the most part as they seem, that there are no conspiracies, that there is no "power elite" that keeps you down, that the bad guys and good guys are easy to identify without all this underlying oppression crap and that our traditions and social etiquette is there for a reason whether you get it or not and you ought to respect this fact, etc.

Understand that all this anti-government, conspiracy theory, power structure, oppression, keep the other guy down, nefarious white man, side with the underdog crap is just that. It is crap that childish fools day dream about instead of pulling their head out of their ass and learning to separate reality from their foolish pie in the sky, fantasy world.


Politics is fundamentally about economics. "Social issues" (immigration, gay marriage, growing weed) are a huge distraction from the slave economy we participate in. If you are making less than 35 000 a year and paying income taxes of more than 1-2%, your getting screwed. Like I mentioned before the top tax rate in America has fallen from 90% to 36% and bankrupted the middle class. We need more government control of the economy, and no government control whatsoever over social issues.


Well-Known Member
Politics is fundamentally about economics. "Social issues" (immigration, gay marriage, growing weed) are a huge distraction from the slave economy we participate in. If you are making less than 35 000 a year and paying income taxes of more than 1-2%, your getting screwed. Like I mentioned before the top tax rate in America has fallen from 90% to 36% and bankrupted the middle class. We need more government control of the economy, and no government control whatsoever over social issues.
You are way wrong. The current tax structure is pretty fair all in all. Your comment about "slave economy" just shows that you are not a level headed person but a radical. And we definitely need government control of social issues. People who abuse their children need to be put in jail. But see, this is where you lack wisdom.

All in all, things are pretty close to how they ought to remain. I would like to see more rights for children and I would like to see 4th generation welfare recipients forced to get a job, or assigned one. What killed the middle class was women flooding into the work force and doubling down with high wage earning men. This is obvious, it's just that political correctness bars anyone from saying it.


Sooo....two income households made the middle class poor? When I say "slave economy" i mean that the majority of people now work in service and retail, you know, tertiary industries. Because the richest segment of society has been able to consolidate economic enterprises (Walmart, McDonalds) and moved manufacturing jobs overseas. You need to make something real to make real money.

The reason you need a high top tax rate is not truly connected to this though I suppose. You need high top tax rates to maintain public utilities properly. I'm thinking health care, which ought to be classed as a utility. There are already public emergency rooms anyways, just cut out the fucking insurance companies and people can have visits to the g.p paid for, instead of flooding the (more expensive) emerg every winter.

People who abuse their children are on the same level as murderers, rapists etc...just general assholes. I wasn't saying that there shouldn't be a justice system, it should just be based on a thought out morality and not randomly generated distractions. For instance, gay marriage? Distraction. High street crime? Justice issue.


Well-Known Member
The way the poll is worded is classic.

When are people going to wake up and understand that there are three ways of thinking.

A) People on both the Right and the Left who are just intellectual followers of what their perceived group tells them.

B) People who come up with all kinds of hair brained, radical beliefs about everything.

C) Level headed people who do not buy into conspiracy theories or wild, pie in the sky ideas. They understand that things for the most part are the way they are for a reason and that in reality things are mostly as they seem.

For the most part, the Leftists on this board (and in general) are firmly in groups A and B. They formulate all their opinions based on the belief that everything in society is the product of evil white men and that everything has a nefarious basis and other hogwash.

The rest of us are in group C although many would like to believe we are in group A. It is because the the thinking of the Left is so radical that they perceive anyone who doesn't think like them as far Right. I can't think of a single person that would identify with the Religious Right on this board.

Drop the Left and Right nonsense and instead think in terms of wise vs foolish. A wise man understands that things are for the most part as they seem, that there are no conspiracies, that there is no "power elite" that keeps you down, that the bad guys and good guys are easy to identify without all this underlying oppression crap and that our traditions and social etiquette is there for a reason whether you get it or not and you ought to respect this fact, etc.

Understand that all this anti-government, conspiracy theory, power structure, oppression, keep the other guy down, nefarious white man, side with the underdog crap is just that. It is crap that childish fools day dream about instead of pulling their head out of their ass and learning to separate reality from their foolish pie in the sky, fantasy world.


Active Member
Yes, by posting a non funny image your ripped off google, you failed Padawanbater.
+1 , indeed

RW, what you said has a lot of truth to it. Sadly conspiracy and radical thinking spread like wildfire on this forum, sometimes getting to the point where I have to take a step back and give myself a reality check haha.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Me too..................BTW, I think they would be for universal health care.
A universal health care plan that isn't a power grab and has nothing to do with eugenics and control over the population. I would be all for that, but what we have now is just the opposite sadly. Fining people $1k or whatever a year for not buying insurance isn't humane, that's stealing. So is taxing us now, for a program that hasn't even begun yet.

I'm all for programs to help people, just as long as the people at the top running the programs don't have their own interests in mind and help themselves instead.
I am a Constitutionalist but side with the Right more often than the left....especially since those in power in the Left don't practice what they preach and have decided to completely ignore the people. Not to mention socializing a Constitutional Republic is the fastest way to collapse it. Look at all the BS since 1920's-1930's since the turned our Govt into 2 corperations...It is pathetic that in the interest of preserving the heritages of those who come here, we have given up our own identity. What would ever posess someone to model systems after those of countries with failing policies and Govt's?

If we were still a Constitutional Republic pot would be legal since the Govt isn't supposed to legislate personal choices, only protect you from attack or assault foreign or domestic. Healthcare and food is not a right, but anyone who puts their mind to it can make it here....course if we didn't create a recipient class that wants the benefits without the responsibilities, everyone would pull their own weight....so ya, I acknowledge the Right has made their share of mistakes but currently it is in no comparrison to some of the irrepairable damage by the left.

We could start by scrapping all laws post 1870, then start over and only make laws out of neccessity, screw this sitting around making up ways to screw the taxpayer out of more of their money.....Ironically enough the left usually donates significantly less than the right when it comes to charity yet they want to take your money and give it to others who don't deserve it, so they don't practise what they preach, then a few years ago I did a comparative on red and blue states and the blue states piss money out of every crevice, whereas Red states seem to have better economies overall....I am proud to stand up for reality...and obviously the Constitution is relevant to the context in which it was written and is not subjective to the imorality we embrace as progress or the demoralization of America. There are many Supreme Court rulings specifically stating the Constitution is the Absolute base Law by which ALL LAW MUST CONFORM, if it were changing it would hold no protection as the corrupt would put people in power and change it to fit their bidding...so instead of doing it legally they claim re-interpretation? Give me a break....

So ya, I side with the right, I am for common sense and logic....and it is funny how the one's who claim to be so tollerant spew nothing but venom when you disagree with them, so doesn't that make you just as intollerant as you would claim I am? Anyway I just wanted to say "We're RIGHT, they're wrong, that's it!"

Evere wonder why their party symbol is the jackass? lol
Universal HC is a joke...all the idiots who were for it wont be able to afford the payment the Govt says they can pay, as always and then you will get a $700 fine every year, though the 1st few yrs is will start low and work its way up but by then I am sure they will raise it...not to mention you wont get the same quality of care. I was on masshealth and they are framing it the same way and it is like pre-1800'S healthcare....no pain meds and minimal anesthesia, which is why I still have my wisdom teeth...so it is Karmic that those who didn't investigate and just wanted free shit without earning it just fuct themself pretty hard, poetic justice IMO, especially since my paid rates will go up too...and how in a free country would we consider saying you have to do anything or else you will go to jail, that isn't free...we need change but not from liberal cowards, we need patriots who understand the Constitution in the context it was written. Screw party politics...vote Constitutional Candidates and then the country will grow back to the prosperous nation it once was before we let socialist ideology, that once was treason become everyday ideology...


New Member
You are way wrong...you are not a level headed person but a radical....see, this is where you lack wisdom.

What killed the middle class was women flooding into the work force and doubling down with high wage earning men. This is obvious, it's just that political correctness bars anyone from saying it.
Damn those women, wanting to gain independence and equal rights!

And you call yourself 'level-headed'.

Why don't you start a cult? You already seem to have 3 simple, easy, and convenient ways of labeling folks to separate the believers from the non-believers.

By the way, if that avatar is bud you grew yourself, it looks super fluffy. You might need to get a more powerful light or wait another 3 weeks to harvest it.

Women destroyed the middle class, you heard it here first folks.



Well-Known Member
Damn those women, wanting to gain independence and equal rights!

And you call yourself 'level-headed'.

Why don't you start a cult? You already seem to have 3 simple, easy, and convenient ways of labeling folks to separate the believers from the non-believers.

By the way, if that avatar is bud you grew yourself, it looks super fluffy. You might need to get a more powerful light or wait another 3 weeks to harvest it.

Women destroyed the middle class, you heard it here first folks.

Attacking a man's bud? That's just wrong duke!:cuss: Let's leave the weed out of this. It didn't do anything to you. Maybe it's a sativa and that's why it's a little fluffy. Maybe he's using a Metal Halide. bongsmilie


New Member
That was solid advice, no attacks. Def needs to harden out a bit. Who says it is even his? It does have a pretty color to it though


Well-Known Member
That was solid advice, no attacks. Def needs to harden out a bit. Who says it is even his? It does have a pretty color to it though
Oh come on duke. You know you were taking a shot at his growing skills. All I'm saying is it may be the genetics. You're correct as well. It may not even be his.:peace:

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I'm wondering. Do you righties have the balls to fess up, and how about you lefties. I'm guessing the lefties have no Balls since everything posted on this site screams right wing idiocy. Don't try and tell me it makes no difference, it is a world of difference. Just admit it, this site has been taken over by a bunch of right wing extremists.
What a stupid poll. You should have put more options, such as "I am a free thinking American, and i'll make up my own damn mind, issue by issue." I don't label myself either one, and they each have their own good and bad points.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
have those on the right in RIU ever taken the time to really think about how far under the bus (or how deep in prison) they would be thrown if their right wing brethern find out they smoke The Evil Weed?