I am a Constitutionalist but side with the Right more often than the left....especially since those in power in the Left don't practice what they preach and have decided to completely ignore the people. Not to mention socializing a Constitutional Republic is the fastest way to collapse it. Look at all the BS since 1920's-1930's since the turned our Govt into 2 corperations...It is pathetic that in the interest of preserving the heritages of those who come here, we have given up our own identity. What would ever posess someone to model systems after those of countries with failing policies and Govt's?
If we were still a Constitutional Republic pot would be legal since the Govt isn't supposed to legislate personal choices, only protect you from attack or assault foreign or domestic. Healthcare and food is not a right, but anyone who puts their mind to it can make it here....course if we didn't create a recipient class that wants the benefits without the responsibilities, everyone would pull their own weight....so ya, I acknowledge the Right has made their share of mistakes but currently it is in no comparrison to some of the irrepairable damage by the left.
We could start by scrapping all laws post 1870, then start over and only make laws out of neccessity, screw this sitting around making up ways to screw the taxpayer out of more of their money.....Ironically enough the left usually donates significantly less than the right when it comes to charity yet they want to take your money and give it to others who don't deserve it, so they don't practise what they preach, then a few years ago I did a comparative on red and blue states and the blue states piss money out of every crevice, whereas Red states seem to have better economies overall....I am proud to stand up for reality...and obviously the Constitution is relevant to the context in which it was written and is not subjective to the imorality we embrace as progress or the demoralization of America. There are many Supreme Court rulings specifically stating the Constitution is the Absolute base Law by which ALL LAW MUST CONFORM, if it were changing it would hold no protection as the corrupt would put people in power and change it to fit their bidding...so instead of doing it legally they claim re-interpretation? Give me a break....
So ya, I side with the right, I am for common sense and logic....and it is funny how the one's who claim to be so tollerant spew nothing but venom when you disagree with them, so doesn't that make you just as intollerant as you would claim I am? Anyway I just wanted to say "We're RIGHT, they're wrong, that's it!"
Evere wonder why their party symbol is the jackass? lol