actualy after contacting certain people around i found something out..... where that shit actualy comes from

Subcool is the person who stabalized it.... but this strain has been 25+ years in the making.....
the origional strain was
{Trainwreck X Trinity} X Jack herer and it came from the Chicago seed bank..... but like most clone only strains that hold their own it got known very fast.
there are a few breeders that wanted to get a strain like that for seeds...... so different people bred it with different strains and no one was truly sucessful...... untill subcool came along. subcool realized that Jack the Ripper has mainlined genetics based in Jack Herer.... that was the key.
Subcool took the
{Trainwreck X Trinity} ideaand crossed it with a stable Jack the Ripper Male, then took the new
{Trainwreck X trinity} x Jack the ripper and crossed it back to the first, original gene pool to stablize the genetics.
THUS subcool Stabilized Chernobyl for breeding purposes....... heres a little blurb.... but he doesn;t actualy specify where he gets the base genetics from..... just the journey.