Who's going to win the World Series?

that still doesn't take away from what the pitchers are doing either. and if you wanna talk about taking hits, what about batters who risk getting hit by 90+ mph pitches? or what about catchers that are making the play at home and risk getting hit by the runner (blindsided, similar to qb's)? or what about when the ss/2b is turning a double play and risks getting cleated by metal?

baseball deserves just as much of respect at a sport as any other.
they dont risk near as much as any person on the football feild
or on a hokey rink
or even a baketball court
and getting hit with a 90 mph fast ball sure that hurts
for a day
then its a bruise and only hurts when ever u touch it
they dont risk near as much as any person on the football feild
or on a hokey rink
or even a baketball court
and getting hit with a 90 mph fast ball sure that hurts
for a day
then its a bruise and only hurts when ever u touch it

drobro, you're not getting the point. i never said football players, hockey players, or basketball players are not putting themselves at risk for injury. i just said that baseball players put themselves at risk too. and since when did the amount of injury possible become the criteria to classify a sport? i thought sports were considered sports because they require athletic ability, such as hitting a home run 400+ feet, or turning a double play and still throwing with enough accuracy to get the guy at first out.

second, learn to spell, i'd like to be talking to someone who can make a legitimate arguement while sounding coherent, not like a 10 year-old is bashing the keyboard trying to make a sentence. step your game up.
it is either my cubs versus anaheim or tampa ... and carlos quentin went down today for season so rip white sox :>}
it is either my cubs versus anaheim or tampa ... and carlos quentin went down today for season so rip white sox :>}

yea I don't see any of that happening the cubs prob won't make it to the WS. Sucks about quentin though he was killing it.
drobro, you're not getting the point. i never said football players, hockey players, or basketball players are not putting themselves at risk for injury. i just said that baseball players put themselves at risk too. and since when did the amount of injury possible become the criteria to classify a sport? i thought sports were considered sports because they require athletic ability, such as hitting a home run 400+ feet, or turning a double play and still throwing with enough accuracy to get the guy at first out.

second, learn to spell, i'd like to be talking to someone who can make a legitimate arguement while sounding coherent, not like a 10 year-old is bashing the keyboard trying to make a sentence. step your game up.
wow dude i spelled 2 words wrong but u spelled one wrong too

is actually argument...
i never said it wasn't a sport
i said fuck baseball
man i give Baseball players mad props .... it's hard enough to hit a 65mph ball at the cage ... let alone tying to hit a fast ball at 90+ mph... sliders,breaking balls..ect... shit is hard... jus try to hit a ball off Fransico Rodriguez or josh beckket ......all shit aside them cubies aint gon do chit!! angels Baby!!!
and getting hit with a 90 mph fast ball sure that hurts
for a day
then its a bruise and only hurts when ever u touch it

That's probably the most uneducated statement I've ever heard in regards to baseball. Please do some research before you post such misinformation on the web.

Season Ending Hit by Pitch w/ Broken fingers:
Lee is hit by a pitch and injures his finger - Video | astros.com: Multimedia

First Base Coach killed by line drive:
ESPN - Coolbaugh, 35, dies after being struck by ball - Minor Leagues
it is either my cubs versus anaheim or tampa ... and carlos quentin went down today for season so rip white sox :>}

There is so much wrong with that statement I hurt with laughter. I know, I know, the hype of Chicago winning it on their 100th year DROUGHT has brought the cubs to a new level. They're playing behind a world series hungry fan base that knows and respects the game of baseball, thus they're playing harder and actually leading the NL central. They have a shot no doubt, but my Astros aren't going to stop. After sweeping St. Louis we went out to sacred Wrigley Field and brought out the brooms for the home team for the first time since June of 2007. My Astros are making their September run at the playoffs like we always do. Milwaukee just got done being swept by the Mets and the Astros are only 6 back from their wildcard slot. We've won 8 in a row and are about to sweep Colorado. Brewers are about to collapse and St. Louis is going into a series with the NL West leading Arizona while Philadelphia's going to get their asses handed to them by the Mets. Astros are going to slip into the wildcard... and it's going to be a dogfight from there. As for the AL, I don't watch all to much of you and your not making your pitchers hit and contribute OFFENSIVELY AND DEFENSIVELY like the rest of the team does. It's just not real baseball... Ha if I were going to give my opinion on the matter though, the Ray's are looking good despite Boston moving to only 3.5 games back. That series in a couple weeks is gonna be a good one. Oh and you Yankee fans out there... HA! HAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! No but seriously you have the highest payroll in baseball and the owner of your team announced publicly over 2 weeks ago that he was "Looking forward to next season". The ASTROS were further from the wildcard than the Yanks were in their division when that comment was made and now we're only 6 back. I would be so disappointed in my owner if he wrote my team off like that. Let's keep this thread going... I love this game.

Oh and to those of you who hate on the sport of baseball... My response to you is that it is a game of strategy and ability. There are few sports in the world that capture the ability of an individual as well as baseball does. Learn the game to it's fullest and I promise you will fall in love with it too.
As for the AL, I don't watch all to much of you and your not making your pitchers hit and contribute OFFENSIVELY AND DEFENSIVELY like the rest of the team does. It's just not real baseball...

Oh and to those of you who hate on the sport of baseball... My response to you is that it is a game of strategy and ability. There are few sports in the world that capture the ability of an individual as well as baseball does. Learn the game to it's fullest and I promise you will fall in love with it too.

I couldnt agree more with what you are saying. I hate the DH. Why should the pitchers not hit? Come on, thats half the game and half the strategy when to pinch hit/double switch. A 7 year old can manage a AL team and still win if their team is decent enough. Good luck with Houston making the wildcard. Roy Oswalt is really coming around like he should be.
give me 10 mil a year for throwin a ball as hard as i can and i wouldnt give a shit what happens to my arm.

Tallanasty, I dont even know where to start with you. First of all, you have to get to the major leagues by being the best in the country, which means pitching your whole life without being paid ANYTHING. And only then, (your arm would be torn up before you even got there) can you start to make any money at all. Who makes 10 million??? like probably 1/10 of the mlb. The only players that get paid 10 mil are 1 in a 1,000,000 in this world. So before making stupid statements on a sport that obviously you know nothing about, realize what they do to their bodies to make that money. Theres a reason they are out there competing and making money and you are just an ignorant wannabe fanboy.
Redsox wildcard maybe? They aren't even out of the question as to being AL East winners. 3.5 games is nothing especially when they play Tampa 6 more times and Tampa is starting a 9 game road trip today to play toronto who on fire all of a sudden while the bosox are headed to Texas who are 0-7 against the sox this year. By Sunday it could be a 1/2 game lead for Tampa who's at Fenway Monday where they haven't won all year.

True True... just trying to give a little edge to the rays..:lol:
Like I said watch out 2 1/2 games back and rolling. Everybody is about to come off the DL for the sox so watch out here comes the defending world champs (let's not forget about that now).
lol i never figured there were real baseball fans on this site 2 funny!! my cubs are in great shape despite recent skid harden and z need lil rest be fine ...astros always finish strong so we will see... as far as the al i agree 100 % if u want to bat u play feild dh is is for sissies not real baseball.... u are born with major league talent it has nothing 2 do with throwing a ball..try locating a slider and curveball if u hang it guy hits it 400 feet.. and anyone can hit a fastball if it dont have late movement on it much much more to pitching than just throwing a baseball, not to mention the torque they put on arms/shoulders and most power comes from legs.... my picks nl cy = lincecum mvp = pujols
al cy = lee al mvp = morneau
when the indians were just one game from the world series and then after a slow start they had a fire sale including back to back (he will win for milwakee) cy young winner c.c sabathia let me say that BASEBALL IS DEAD until they have a salary cap and make it fair for all teams like football and kinda basketball
"BASEBALL IS DEAD until they have a salary cap"

So Florida winning the World Series in 1997 and in 2003 with the lowest team salary in baseball & the Yankees being on an 8 year drought with the highest payroll in baseball justifies your statement completely.
lol i never figured there were real baseball fans on this site 2 funny!! my cubs are in great shape despite recent skid harden and z need lil rest be fine ...astros always finish strong so we will see... as far as the al i agree 100 % if u want to bat u play feild dh is is for sissies not real baseball.... u are born with major league talent it has nothing 2 do with throwing a ball..try locating a slider and curveball if u hang it guy hits it 400 feet.. and anyone can hit a fastball if it dont have late movement on it much much more to pitching than just throwing a baseball, not to mention the torque they put on arms/shoulders and most power comes from legs.... my picks nl cy = lincecum mvp = pujols
al cy = lee al mvp = morneau
your nuts if you think morneau is out producing dustin predroia andespecially not on defense that little dude can hit al cy def goes to lee he's just nasty this yr
I hope that the Mets don't blow it like they always do. I love baseball and that is my favorite team, I have had awesome times going to Mets games.
I've only gone to Fenway twice but I drive down to tampa for a redsox rays series at least twice a season if not all of them. Been a redsox fan all of my life not a bandwagon hopper like most Yankee fans. Went 19 years of my life to see a WS title and now have seen 2 if the sox don't win it then Im going for the cubs I feel their pain
tampa rays are maybe favorites to win al and salary is nothin.... indians just spent poorly if u develope farm system u dont need 150 million to compete look at twins and rays and marlins 2 world series in 10 years with no payroll... i fear the dbacks in nl only with webb haren and randy johnson tough 1-3 in short series