Well-Known Member
anyone say Martha Stewart yet?
For causing mass suicides?
anyone say Martha Stewart yet?
Redivider, your take on genetics is opposite of reality. Hybrid vigor is a myth; inevitably, defects always get locked in. Your second statement can easily be refuted here: www.holocaustdenialvideos.com
Go there and watch the three short videos by David Cole. Something should sink in after watching it considering that not only does he lay the FACTS out (unlike you) but he's also a Jew (that should say something to you, even a Jew doesn't believe this tripe!).
I like to provide actual names of People and Places as well as dates and accountable statistics. You didn't do this however. You couldn't even be bothered to put up the name of the concentration camp that you went to.
And no, for anyone who's scratching their head in wonder, I don't actually think that I can change the opinions of the people that I am debating with. But then again I'm not doing this for them. I'm doing this for all of the people who aren't posting but are still reading and learning and discovering the truth from things that I've posted here.
PS. I'm not Jewish, I'm an atheist from California.
Im not somebody who reports posts but I made a exception for him lol.
Thats all he's been doing in threads is bitching about jews.Why a pot growing site to say that shit lol.This site is great but theres something about it that attracts crazy people.
This is the internet. A place of Freedom. Something that I'm sure you like, Freedom that is. This section is called "Toke N Talk". Talking should suffice eh? Not only that, but I wasn't the one who brought up the subject of Adolf Hitler. My intent was to defend a dead man against long standing egregious lies as well as my own Ethnic lineage and Cultural history. I'm so mean.
I'm sure you will disregard everything I say but deep down you know I'm right you are just a hateful person.
Here you go buddy, have a blast!
Just another example of how statistics can be used to prove any point no matter what it is. Any person who has a rational mind can find the problems with this statistic and how it is flawed.
Here is a picture that represents the statistics given, just so you can actually understand the numbers.
View attachment 1371843
I hope this makes it a little easier for you.
anyone know that after wwII the U.S. help a bunch of nazi doctors and sciencetist escape Europe and get into the U.S so the Nazis
could help them?
well i know who is NOT getting my vote!
That rat fink, Genghis Khan, that's who!
on the surface it's all pillage plunder rape and burn the country side.
all very good and well...but there were consequences..
Khan's wild murderous conquests killed so many people that huge swathes of cultivated land was able to return to forest and led to an empire that spanned 22 per cent of the Earth’s surface for 150 years. No one dared move back either allowing the newly revitalized forests to do what they do best...scrub carbon.
The deaths of 40 million people pales in the sudden realization ol Genghis the GREEN helped remove nearly 700million tons of carbon from the atmosphere and created the first ever recorded case of successful manmade global cooling.
I am outraged.
agreed 100%Barack Obama then.