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Well-Known Member
ok mate..ill post some pics up tmoz of the plants in daylight an point out the leaf development..i now have a stem growing off a lower branch that is taller than the main stem lol god knows why,i no your going on experiance but i think im quite sure i dont have spidermite,i could be wrong tho.how much would you be watering them at the stage my plants are at,there just about a foot tall.cheers


Well-Known Member
ok mate..ill post some pics up tmoz of the plants in daylight an point out the leaf development..i now have a stem growing off a lower branch that is taller than the main stem lol god knows why,i no your going on experiance but i think im quite sure i dont have spidermite,i could be wrong tho.how much would you be watering them at the stage my plants are at,there just about a foot tall.cheers
You water when they WANT water, need to learn to read em, there is no such thing as a schedule to follow


Well-Known Member
ive just been giving them about half of litre a day when the light turns back on..i was watering from the bottom aswell as watering from the top but someone advised me not to do that because the water cant drain threw,also im only giving them half the strenght of nutes because there only a foot tall


Well-Known Member
600 watt HPS. 32 inches above seedlings
4x4 flood table w/ 40 gal reservoir
6 inch carbon filter
15 Lowryder #2 x AK47
6 inch rock wool
Flood table every 3 days once for 15 min.
PH 6
temp 87 to 88 degrees day
temp 72 to 74 at night
lights on 18/6
when i flood the table water at 69 degrees
no nutrients yet.

• may 1 sat - germinating
• may 2 sun - moved most to 1inch rockwool cubes under florescent / PH ing 6 inch rock wool buy soaking in correctly PH'd water.
• may 3 mon - roots coming out the bottom moved to big 6inch rockwool cubes under HPS
• may 4 tue - flooded table at 10 am. all sprouts under Hps but 1.
• may 5 wed – full day of light (looks great)
• may 6 thur – 4 leaves (looks great)
• may 7 fri – little droopy, rockwool still little most, took mylar covers off rockwool to evaperate some water. 9:30 pm Flooded table.

why are some of my seedlings a little droopy and others not?
One more question
what would you say is the perfect nutes for Veg, & Flower (High Grade Strains Such As: Short Rider, Lemon Skunk, White Rhino)
i heard 20-20-20 is good for veg and 10-30-20 is good for flower
but i heard of people using half to a quarter percentage of that? i just want to be sure that im not going to mess up these plants with too much nutes


Well-Known Member
One more question
what would you say is the perfect nutes for Veg, & Flower (High Grade Strains Such As: Short Rider, Lemon Skunk, White Rhino)
i heard 20-20-20 is good for veg and 10-30-20 is good for flower
but i heard of people using half to a quarter percentage of that? i just want to be sure that im not going to mess up these plants with too much nutes
To date there is no such thing as the perfect nutes, just knowing how to use them and if you know how to use em any nutes will work but some are better than others in terms of the chemicals used and the processes used

the NPK's you mentioned are the same as one of the nutes I use which is Jack's Classic and the 1/4 to 1/2 strength thing is because of how we feed to push the plant harder (which means we feed more often)

I totally explain my methods for feeding and watering in my sig link threads


They look to me, like they just need more food. Give them time and them rook wool look a tad dry! are thry moist ?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, could you give me any and all 'rules of thumb' you have heard regards to growing cannabis? I am both interested in how they might help me, and compiling them for proofing and future distribution. Here are some that I've already heard:

  • Water when top 2 inches of soil is dry

  • Water when pot feels as light in weight as it did before watering

  • 1 gallon of soil per expected foot of growth

  • No Nutes until after week 2 (above ground)

  • Start nutes with 1/4 of the bottle recommended dose

  • Put your hand above plants highest tip, if its too hot for you raise the light

  • Wait to LST/HST/TOP/etc until the 5th node appears

  • Flush once a month (or every 2 weeks?)

  • Dry weight will be 1/4 wet weight (.15% for dry weight after water cure)

  • Air dry 5-7 days

  • Transplant when plant is as tall as its container

  • Transplant into container that is twice as large
how do i upload a pic the right way? i cant figure it out. i have them on my desktop and photobucket and feel it'll be much easieer to diagnose them if there is a pic


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, could you give me any and all 'rules of thumb' you have heard regards to growing cannabis? I am both interested in how they might help me, and compiling them for proofing and future distribution. Here are some that I've already heard:

  • Water when top 2 inches of soil is dry I would say 3 to 4 inches, but for me this is when I feed

  • Water when pot feels as light in weight as it did before watering I never wiegh the pot I let the plant tell me when it is ready

  • 1 gallon of soil per expected foot of growth This is the rule but not always true

  • No Nutes until after week 2 (above ground) IMO this depends on the soil you are using

  • Start nutes with 1/4 of the bottle recommended dose This depends on how you are feeding

  • Put your hand above plants highest tip, if its too hot for you raise the light This is total crap, a serious grower should have a light meter and give the plant what it needs

  • Wait to LST/HST/TOP/etc until the 5th node appears I would change this to when it matures, but a lot do mature by the 5th or 6th node

  • Flush once a month (or every 2 weeks?) I flush everytime I water, watering, flushing, leeching is very misunderstood

  • Dry weight will be 1/4 wet weight (.15% for dry weight after water cure) This is true

  • Air dry 5-7 days This is true

  • Transplant when plant is as tall as its container not always the case would depend on plant vigor

  • Transplant into container that is twice as large This would depend on your planned intent
Not hatin just trying to spread the facts, a lot of this stuff is based on partially true myths


Well-Known Member
how do i upload a pic the right way? i cant figure it out. i have them on my desktop and photobucket and feel it'll be much easieer to diagnose them if there is a pic

hit the go advanced button and then the manage attachments button, follow instructions once opened


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, could you give me any and all 'rules of thumb' you have heard regards to growing cannabis? I am both interested in how they might help me, and compiling them for proofing and future distribution. Here are some that I've already heard:

  • Water when top 2 inches of soil is dry

  • Water when pot feels as light in weight as it did before watering

  • 1 gallon of soil per expected foot of growth

  • No Nutes until after week 2 (above ground)

  • Start nutes with 1/4 of the bottle recommended dose

  • Put your hand above plants highest tip, if its too hot for you raise the light

  • Wait to LST/HST/TOP/etc until the 5th node appears

  • Flush once a month (or every 2 weeks?)

  • Dry weight will be 1/4 wet weight (.15% for dry weight after water cure)

  • Air dry 5-7 days

  • Transplant when plant is as tall as its container

  • Transplant into container that is twice as large
Have you grown before ?????????
Hey Riddle Me,

that was some interesting Reading Bro! No way am I gonna read the whole thread just yet, lol, but I read the posts about Sun and Shade leaves and about Silica, very Interesting indeed.

One last Question :idea:

Lets say my Sativa Dominant Plant completely grew out of Control and Sprouted fresh leaves everywhere, I'll leave them because its benefiting my lovely Buds, BUT, if the leaves grew TOO much and I absolutely positively HAD to cut them, lol, should I only cut the smaller Sun Leaves and leave the larger Shade leaves intact? Or doesn't it make a difference when unavoidable Pruning is required? Also, should I consider what type of leaves I for take for Clones? Does it matter if they are Sun/Shade? Or is the leaf type Irrelevant?

You've started a Good thread over there, I'll have to read the rest :clap: but knowing I should keep all of my Leaves is good to know! Even the ones that stay in the Shade. Good Read.

Thanks Again!


Well-Known Member
Hey Riddle Me,

that was some interesting Reading Bro! No way am I gonna read the whole thread just yet, lol, but I read the posts about Sun and Shade leaves and about Silica, very Interesting indeed.

One last Question :idea:

Lets say my Sativa Dominant Plant completely grew out of Control and Sprouted fresh leaves everywhere, I'll leave them because its benefiting my lovely Buds, BUT, if the leaves grew TOO much and I absolutely positively HAD to cut them, lol, should I only cut the smaller Sun Leaves and leave the larger Shade leaves intact? Or doesn't it make a difference when unavoidable Pruning is required? Also, should I consider what type of leaves I for take for Clones? Does it matter if they are Sun/Shade? Or is the leaf type Irrelevant?

You've started a Good thread over there, I'll have to read the rest :clap: but knowing I should keep all of my Leaves is good to know! Even the ones that stay in the Shade. Good Read.

Thanks Again!
As I already said,,,,I cut no leaves, I believe in having a garden that is adjustable to accommodate plant growth

and know that if you HAVE to that the plant will adjust to it by regrowing them in some fashion which stunts other wanted processes

also for your reading pleasure I have put most of my research threads into post in my new blog (Ridleme's Nuggets sig link) makes easier to read and find
okay, im worried about my plants. the leaves are a dark green and a few of the bottom ones are a really light green with brown tips and white spots. temp 77-83, i water twice a day cause it seems to evaporate relatively quick, and i use tap water. got any ideas or remedys??


Well-Known Member
okay, im worried about my plants. the leaves are a dark green and a few of the bottom ones are a really light green with brown tips and white spots. temp 77-83, i water twice a day cause it seems to evaporate relatively quick, and i use tap water. got any ideas or remedys??
Are those clay pots they are in???

and what are you feeding em???

I just asked in your other thread


Well-Known Member
how do you flush 6 inch rock wool? and if my seedlings are in 6 inch rock wool can i cut them out and put them in soil?