whats good guys, im getin rdy to start my first grow. its outdoors, in a small clearing in the woods. that gets lots of sunlight from about 8am till 530 pm. i alrdy set up a fence and everything. I dont have any hands on exp. with growing. Ive read plenty of growers guides and some advice from people who have grown before. Iet me just say that before you guys try and help me out that im on a super tight budget. I lost my job bak in November and only have rent money for my mom. So nothin pricy if possible. I got 10 seeds that im gona start germinatin this friday. I got 2 21 Liter bags of Miracle Grow - Organic Compound. my buddy gave the seeds from his grow and his buds pretty good, no idea wat strain it is. Anyway, once the seeds sprout little roots im gona fill up 10 party cups with the MG and have holes from drainage, Now once i got them in party cups, do i just make sure they get plenty of water and sunlight? Ill save transplanting to the permanet soil for later.