Who keeps a mother plant and if so why?


Well-Known Member
lol this is kinda like asking why you would want to have a potato peeler other than peeling potatoes or something along those lines. a "mother" plant is there to "give birth" to "babies" or in this case clones.
Right. Well I guess my whole question was is there any benefit of keeping a mother plant (better quality, healthier plant, etc)? If you take clones prior to flowering then you do not have to worry about the upkeep of having a mother plant. It just seemed like it would be less work not to have a mother plant.


Well-Known Member
The important aspect of cloning is that you retain the genotype of the plant, since mitois is involved in cell division the genotype is never lost from plant to clone, phenotype can change as environmental factor change. Only mutation of a gene in a vegetative cell that then divides and passes on the mutated gene will permanently affect the genotype of the clone. If this mutated portion is cloned or reproduced sexually, the mutant genotype will be further replicated. Mutations in clones usually affect dominance relations and are therefore noticed immediately.
clone selection and over cuttage of the mother plant can be a concern poor selection in clone sites will result in poor clones. With several clones grown together disease and pest affect all the clones since all the clone share the same genotype.
with all the seeds banks, the old school days of keeping mothers is coming to a close. Why keep a big mother plant when you can buy seeds with a guarantee of a stable genotype for several hundered strains.


Well-Known Member
Right. Well I guess my whole question was is there any benefit of keeping a mother plant (better quality, healthier plant, etc)? If you take clones prior to flowering then you do not have to worry about the upkeep of having a mother plant. It just seemed like it would be less work not to have a mother plant.
i prune plants before flower for shape. if i have to take clones, it is tougher to get the plant into the best shape possible for flowering.


Active Member
The important aspect of cloning is that you retain the genotype of the plant, since mitois is involved in cell division the genotype is never lost from plant to clone, phenotype can change as environmental factor change. Only mutation of a gene in a vegetative cell that then divides and passes on the mutated gene will permanently affect the genotype of the clone. If this mutated portion is cloned or reproduced sexually, the mutant genotype will be further replicated. Mutations in clones usually affect dominance relations and are therefore noticed immediately.
clone selection and over cuttage of the mother plant can be a concern poor selection in clone sites will result in poor clones. With several clones grown together disease and pest affect all the clones since all the clone share the same genotype.
with all the seeds banks, the old school days of keeping mothers is coming to a close. Why keep a big mother plant when you can buy seeds with a guarantee of a stable genotype for several hundered strains.
So you don't have to keep buying seeds and a clone is quicker to finish?


Well-Known Member
So you don't have to keep buying seeds and a clone is quicker to finish?
If your growing legally, and you can only have (x) amount of plants. Than a mother is nothing more than a plant your not gonna bud. Finishing, all depends if your gonna clone and throw it in flower right away. If your taking a clone to veg for 8-10 weeks @3' than I'd have to say your gonna have a close finish. (I just sow to dirt, 3-4 day sprout time)
buying seeds- have you bought seeds? There dirt cheap. For what you spend in a seed, and what you get your ahead of the game after the first gram of weed you get off that plant.


Well-Known Member
If your growing legally, and you can only have (x) amount of plants. Than a mother is nothing more than a plant your not gonna bud. Finishing, all depends if your gonna clone and throw it in flower right away. If your taking a clone to veg for 8-10 weeks @3' than I'd have to say your gonna have a close finish. (I just sow to dirt, 3-4 day sprout time)
buying seeds- have you bought seeds? There dirt cheap. For what you spend in a seed, and what you get your ahead of the game after the first gram of weed you get off that plant.
i flower mothers all the time.*


Active Member
If your growing legally, and you can only have (x) amount of plants. Than a mother is nothing more than a plant your not gonna bud. Finishing, all depends if your gonna clone and throw it in flower right away. If your taking a clone to veg for 8-10 weeks @3' than I'd have to say your gonna have a close finish. (I just sow to dirt, 3-4 day sprout time)
buying seeds- have you bought seeds? There dirt cheap. For what you spend in a seed, and what you get your ahead of the game after the first gram of weed you get off that plant.
I have bought seeds but just to hunt for moms, all these beautiful clone only strains were found the same way (hunting for moms).


Well-Known Member
like I said if you can only grow so many plants your not going to want 4-5 mother plants sitting in the veg the next 3 years.
I have bought seeds but just to hunt for moms, all these beautiful clone only strains were found the same way (hunting for moms).
i only buy feminized seeds. Your right if you have something you can't get from seed than yes I would keep a mother for a little while. I would give cutting to all my friends and when I wanted that strain again after I flowered it, I'd get a cutting from a friend.


Its my understanding that a true mother plant comes from a seed. Therfore a clone can't be a mother.
Ya kinda like the Chicken/Egg thingy. All starts with a seed but I have clone stock that is many generations old if you will by taking cuttings from clones which are cuttings unless and only if they came from the original seed started mother. So is she a mother or is she just a clone? Me thinks maybe I should roll one up and think on it a bit. lol


like I said if you can only grow so many plants your not going to want 4-5 mother plants sitting in the veg the next 3 years.

i only buy feminized seeds. Your right if you have something you can't get from seed than yes I would keep a mother for a little while. I would give cutting to all my friends and when I wanted that strain again after I flowered it, I'd get a cutting from a friend.
Any issues when dealing with only fem seeds? Seems I read from some of the breeders saying things like reduced performance from fem seeds. Any experience with this or other neg. traits?

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
Haha losing it all sux. Stripped my mom for as many clones and was gonna flower. Clones being ravaged by root aphids. Sad to watch yo clones die and your mom, trimmed and ready to flower :((
Oh well...jus popped 18 bagseed. Time fo a new mom or 2 ;)
Oh and moms are good for gettting huge while you SOG the clones and then flower your fatty mom and start a new clone mom.

Sir KK


Well-Known Member
i flower mothers all the time.*
Any issues when dealing with only fem seeds? Seems I read from some of the breeders saying things like reduced performance from fem seeds. Any experience with this or other neg. traits?
yes, one with a femanized auto flower. White widow auto, the genotype was horrible. Didn't have the phenotype it should of had. And one instance if hermaphroditism on one branch of a Critical+, it was summer time I believe it was caused by heat stress. (5) seeds from that plant there all in flower right now. With no occurances of hermaphroditism. Some seed banks are better than others. Dinafem has allways been good to me. Nirvana seeds I believe is where I got the auto from. Idk about them.

don't get me wrong I like clones and mother plants, they do serve a purpose, but someone has to plant devils advocate :)


Active Member
Ya kinda like the Chicken/Egg thingy. All starts with a seed but I have clone stock that is many generations old if you will by taking cuttings from clones which are cuttings unless and only if they came from the original seed started mother. So is she a mother or is she just a clone? Me thinks maybe I should roll one up and think on it a bit. lol
It is like the chicken/egg thing.

Eggs came first and mothers should be from a seed not a clone.


Active Member
Before anybody argues, eggs did come first. The animal that evolved into a chicken layed eggs before it was what we know as a chicken today.


Well-Known Member
i kept mums at first. then bonzi mums then i just started taking cuts just before flipping into flower.

i've been doing this a long time and i just haven't found a need for them. yet!


Its my understanding that a true mother plant comes from a seed. Therfore a clone can't be a mother.
yes it can, grew couple plants from seed, took cuttings off the best looking one, flowerd those plants, clones grew bigger, took one of them and sat it aside, after the first plants were done, the clones were next to flower, then when those were done i flowered the clone i sat aside, now a 4 foot bonzai plant, i flowerd that one but not before i took cuttings off of it, and could make one of them the next bonzai mom, this could go on forever,


Well-Known Member
ive got good genetics...the original 1980 s exodus cheese, there is also an exodus psychosis cheese aka psycho from the same period which I have and another lesser known clone only called livers/blues......these are legends that u don't wanna loose so I make sure I have established veggers b4 any mother gets flowered......a mother doesn't need to come from seed although the original mother would have to have been for obvious reasons.........its not worth keeping mothers of anything unless it is outstanding cos clones yield less and are different to work with than seedlings imo


Well-Known Member
i normally always kept mother plants so that i can take cuttings as and when i need them
although i have been experimenting recently with keeping rooted clones long term in a suspended state
by keeping them cold and depriving them of light so they keep tiny and do not outgrow the propagator/dome until i need them
its seems to be working out ok , taking cuttings during the early stages of flower when just a few pistils are showing
also helps with the time factor for me

keeping mother plants has its benefits but also the downside of needing to keep plants in another room on a different light schedule with at least 125w cfl
or keeping them in the same room and dealing with light proofing so they do not disrupt the flowing plants
i played around with the bonsai mother thing but i got sick of cutting them back all the time
