Who Is Voting Yes On PROP 19, Support Your Rights.


Well-Known Member
Okay, simple I just want to know what marijuana supporters will be going to the polls. Don't sit on your ass, VOTE. Vote for your presidents, vote for your Gov's, and town Mayors and everything you are entitled to vote for. Voting is important. This thread is about PROP 19, but it is also about voting. Do not hide in your peaceful marijuana cloud. Show your support for prop 19, or if you are not informed/a profiteer show your support as well.


New Member
I don't live in Ca, but I'd vote yes. I've already voted in Nv., early voting, but they don't have anything close to prop 19 on the ballot. They tried a couple a years ago, went down 48-52, gettin closer all the time. They tried a few years back, went down something like 39-61. This election cycle, the conservatives are taking over, wouldn't be a good time to have it on the ballot.


Well-Known Member
Prop 19 i do not know what you are in support of. Med man, washington state has a prop coming or it may be already on the ballot to legalize the sale of it in the government run liquor stores. Yes rep will be against its support but thankfully it only takes the people support and signatures to put a bill on the ballot. I do not know what the requirments are for each state but.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a hater. I'm on your side go prop 19.
I just stated a fact that is all.

and how can you say I never have anything positive to say? you have been on this site a fraction of the time I have, if I truly was a hater with nothing positive to say ever, don't you think I would have been banned?


New Member
Prop 19 i do not know what you are in support of. Med man, washington state has a prop coming or it may be already on the ballot to legalize the sale of it in the government run liquor stores. Yes rep will be against its support but thankfully it only takes the people support and signatures to put a bill on the ballot. I do not know what the requirments are for each state but.
Obviously, I am in support of legalizing pot, and If I may, all drugs for adults. Caveat: let the buyer beware.