Who Is The King Of Indoor??????


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well I do ok inside but cant do outside to save my life but I think Al B and widow have had some of the most impressive indoor setups shown.I got some some pics of a new bunch of (gulp) soil expirements I can show as new stuff.I found a nice 4x4 tent maker that makes these vinyl 4x4 tents like hydro huts for under $50 (sorry cant spill the beans on them yet) just had to make the pvc frame and got a 4x4 grow room for under $60 even has 2 vent screens and I tossed in a 3x3 foot table with 6 inch pots and gonna toss some BB in there so I will have that grow to show if we do a how to Ill post the tent/room build.These are some clones in soil at 2 1/2 weeks now under the cheap commercial T8 shop light I showed how to wire to a cord instead of hardwiring...Raised it some for the picture.Also some sorry back up mom donors in the background for safe keeping and some new clones of BB and sweet purp getting rooted for fun later.

