Who Is The King Of Indoor??????


Active Member
My vote has to go out to Widow Maker. When I first read his how-to on marijuana growing it was amazing, not only for his information, but his pictures. Some of the pictures he posted were king worthy in my opinion. If you haven't already, check out his How to Grow Marijuana how-to under Newbie Central. You won't be disappointed. Hope he doesn't get mad at me for recommending him. Thanks Widow Maker, and everyone else, for all you have done. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
looks like your the only one in for the runnin so far abud!! how bout nongreenthumb, he seems like he's got a lot of indoor knowledge..?? or skunkushybrid

NO no no not every grower can openly submit. and as far as being KING lol , i am not here to be king just to shoot the shit!
in about 2 months ten let me gloat. right now i am struggling to rebuild all this !

get seeds and time just need water food and co2 now
we are expecting over 600 dollars worth of new genetics this week


Well-Known Member
NO no no not every grower can openly submit. and as far as being KING lol , i am not here to be king just to shoot the shit!
in about 2 months ten let me gloat. right now i am struggling to rebuild all this !

get seeds and time just need water food and co2 now
we are expecting over 600 dollars worth of new genetics this week

nice collection. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
all of use indoor growers should get together with are bud and find out. telling whos the best from post,pics or what thay use mean nothing. we have to smoke to find out. i think.


Well-Known Member
great idea,
if you can put it together w\safe enviorment. I will go.
but until then we have to rely on everyones honesty that they are showing pics that are there's.
You can tell the quality of a grower just through conversation, Dont you think.
Just remember, The sign of greatness is the ability to teach.
And this is the medium we have so here we go,.


Well-Known Member
if you get killer smoke you did good no matter how long youve been growing good bud is good bud. and that looks like good bud.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, would you let a chic enter? Check out the buds I just harvested yesterday do I qualify or even come close yet? Just kidding, I am no where near you guys yet just thought I would share these. :mrgreen::peace:

it tried to eat your light. :mrgreen:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I have a few more nominees, these guys/gals have helped me huge in my growing experiences. Just reading their posts and threads and seeing their pics. Truly inspired me. If not for RIU and these guys, I would not have gotten to where I am today. Fdd2blk of course of all his knowledge and great sense of humour. Kindprincess, Lacy, Major Nuggz (he helped me huge in my first grow), Abudsmoker, Nongreenthumb, Johnny Blunt, Hole, Kant and so many more I cant even think of that are great indoor growers here. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I don't think what you got growing or the number or the size of your operation is important, what is important is does the dude know his shit.

Both abudsmoker and al b fuct are both good candidates,