It's time to retire that, it got old after the first hundred times you posted it. Originality, try it.
I'm doing both- saying what I think and feel on and off the internet and im dying and I respect your advice- you are correct as for people who only will say something on the internet, I am not a true racist as I don't like or dislike people based on their color or heritage although I am racist to some degree as I sometimes find myself making assumptions before I know the truth based on those factors, and I do believe that stereo types are true in many cases although their are always exceptions, I also believe that some degree of racism and seperation and segregation is good and would be beneficial to society on some level- I do not believe in forced integration and teaching that everyone is the same.
I will never be the best troll in this section ... there is a volume requirement. But imo the best troll jobs are ambiguous, at least at first. cnI can't decide if that's a double entendre or not....
I'm leaning towards yes.
It's time to retire that, it got old after the first hundred times you posted it. Originality, try it.
Only ignorant racist say the "N" word. Thank you for proving my point twice.
So I guess white people can't say {"nigger"}:, but all the other idiotic words are still okay? Like, faggot, dike, bitch, ... bitch kinda hurts more than the N word. But I support your claim, and good luck trying to erase that word from American Vocabulary. after all, the only big heads on the planet that have problems with angry black people are the Americans. I'm glad I'm black, that gives me superior basketball skills, dancing skills, and scary looking penis skills.
So I guess white people can't say {"nigger"}:, but all the other idiotic words are still okay? Like, faggot, dike, bitch, ... bitch kinda hurts more than the N word. But I support your claim, and good luck trying to erase that word from American Vocabulary. after all, the only big heads on the planet that have problems with angry black people are the Americans. I'm glad I'm black, that gives me superior basketball skills, dancing skills, and scary looking penis skills.
"Scary looking penis skills"? What are those? I'm actually half black I don't like it when anyone says the word. But "nigga" is totally different. Lot's of places have problems with black people. Go to South Africa or a socccer "football" match in England. Racism is everywhere.
i think OP should have called thread ''TROLLITUP''
i think OP is the winner after all
I like "Trolling on the DL" or, UnderCover Troll, or how about, Martin Luther Troll awards
best troll is one not obvious
Yea but now we are having the "Troll Idol" competition... time to lube upi dont troll i just tell it like it is to those that need it said to them
best troll is one not obvious