Who here is looking forward to getting baked and playing fallout 4

And like magic I bring up my pip boy and nothing appears, then the menu is gone, too...

Whoever put a curse on me, for having no issues yet, you suck. That said it was just a gfx glitch, and as yet a one off... :)
toggle your pip down, look towards something an press Q for your vats.
tab out of vats, re open pip should work now
and your gun should be appearing as well

Just spent three days on this load of bullcrap. Is this all they could do with a next-gen console? Moving along very quickly. I almost died of boredom.
I tried and tried, many times, to get into fall out 3, but every time i just ended up with the opinion that it was a buggy POS. Not got that high hopes for 4 alas.
Clunky, terrible game play. Glitchy yes. Graphics look 12 years out dated. I thought I would give Bethesda a go after they did such a magnificent job working with id soft on the Wolfenstein series. Damn. Didn't realise they just PUBLISHED id's work lol. Now I know, now I know...