Who here is looking forward to getting baked and playing fallout 4

I'm thinking about getting xbox one because it comes with fallout 4 My 360s are broke:-(. I have borderlands and fallout 3 both are on the backward compatible list. Why wouldn't they add New Vegas, skyrim, oblivion, borderlands 2 or grand theft auto wtf? Should I ditch the xbox and get a ps4?
I'm thinking about getting xbox one because it comes with fallout 4 My 360s are broke:-(. I have borderlands and fallout 3 both are on the backward compatible list. Why wouldn't they add New Vegas, skyrim, oblivion, borderlands 2 or grand theft auto wtf? Should I ditch the xbox and get a ps4?
those are huge games, it takes alot of effort to port them over
probably why they chose to do some and not all.

honestly computers are better,but having both xbox and ps , i say i enjoy ps for gaming more and xbox for its functionality as an entertainment system as a whole.
both will be on sale during christmas, i suggest just looking them up and seeing whats best for you and your playstyle.
I played this game sober for around 5 mins. What a game, great start to the game. Will probably play it more once I've finished my mountain of games.
I'm about 20 hours in and find I'm enjoying establishing/setting up settlements more than I though I would.
i'll probably re-d/l fallout 3 on steam, mod the heck outta it, and just wait till fallout 4 is listed under the bargain sales~
from what i've seen on some of the pc sites, i hope they start patching the bugs-- but thats bethesda for you :-?
ya , i love bethesda dont get me wrong i expected glitches but not in like MAIN quest or something thats usable all the time like dialogue
ya , i love bethesda dont get me wrong i expected glitches but not in like MAIN quest or something thats usable all the time like dialogue

speaking of dialogue.. heard they revamped the system, is it true what you say doesn't affect the characters/actions around you?
speaking of dialogue.. heard they revamped the system, is it true what you say doesn't affect the characters/actions around you?
mmm..yes and no?
i dont wanna give away too much but things you say or actions you do can make your companions dislike you so much they actually leave you
i personally never choose sarcastic or mean dialogue as its just not me in general
uh lol either youre blind to it or it just doesnt bug you but there are issues, and just about everyone else has noticed them.
Either way, 30 hours is all I've played, and it hasn't affected me... I'm just playing and enjoying. There's been no single time when I've had trouble doing anything... If there's been a gfx glitch it hasn't been noticeable enough to cry 'bug.'

Most gamers overreact and jump on board with the hate.
Either way, 30 hours is all I've played, and it hasn't affected me... I'm just playing and enjoying. There's been no single time when I've had trouble doing anything... If there's been a gfx glitch it hasn't been noticeable enough to cry 'bug.'

Most gamers overreact and jump on board with the hate.
i never said i hated...i said i really enjoyed the game but that there were some bugs which effected the overall fluidity of a game

nothing hateful of that but a realistic expectation and well thought out point
i never said i hated...i said i really enjoyed the game but that there were some bugs which effected the overall fluidity of a game

nothing hateful of that but a realistic expectation and well thought out point

oh, It wasn't directed at you, I just meant in general you can't go by what gamers on forums are saying about a game. People tend to hear about a 'buggy' game and then play without issue, jumping on board the hate-train the second it doesn't run perfect.

Regardless, I haven't noticed so whatever fatal bugs are there haven't come in to my game yet
oh, It wasn't directed at you, I just meant in general you can't go by what gamers on forums are saying about a game. People tend to hear about a 'buggy' game and then play without issue, jumping on board the hate-train the second it doesn't run perfect.

Regardless, I haven't noticed so whatever fatal bugs are there haven't come in to my game yet
im going to assume youve come across bugs and just ignored it mentally which is totes fine.

ive played almost every single bethesda game and they always have numerous bugs in them. I expect bugs.
i dont have a problem with glitches or bugs until it effects my main story game play

piper for instance is very buggy as a companion , in my opinion lol and it can be slightly annoying .
Yeah, maybe, but if something doesn't affect me or distract from the game than its not much of a bug at all. I've played all their games, and video games in general 30 years or so... Maybe I am just blind to them :)

As I said I'm only 30 hours in and haven't been following just the story, so I haven't come across anything like that yet. I just wanted to point out there are people playing this game with no issues to speak of

And like magic I bring up my pip boy and nothing appears, then the menu is gone, too...

Whoever put a curse on me, for having no issues yet, you suck. That said it was just a gfx glitch, and as yet a one off... :)
It's pretty damn buggy on pc :lol:. The fps directly impacts how fast you do things in game, like when you're running around at 120fps you'll be moving twice as fast as if you were running around at 60fps and causes some pretty annoying game breaking bugs when you play at a higher fps. You even load through loading screens twice as fast, it's pretty weird never seen it before in a game.