who has the best chocolate strain?


Well-Known Member
i want chocolate myself! i just killed my choc beanz by accident so ill be grabbing more chocolope as well as cocoa puffs, head trip,and another im forgetting
sorry to hear that! i killed a blue dream seedling a few weeks ago...i was so bummed. first one i've killed because of neglect. i think she was three days old, forgot to water her, and it didn't take long for her to dry right up and die! luckily the kali mist did survive, but only because she was a few days older i think.

i've got chocolope kush going right now with sannie's chocolate rain by e$skob@r so i'm hoping that turns out well. good luck!


Well-Known Member
Had phenos of Bodhi Head Trip and White Lotus that were quite chocolatey
thanks for that info brek! i just turned down white lotus in lieu of prayer tower so i'll have to potentially add that to my bean collection and give it a try! both of them... :-)


Well-Known Member
Second the chocolope from dna, and would suggest at least a 5 pack to find the right pheno...she's also a sativa so can be finicky and lanky grower, good for a trellis grow where you can support her thin branching...unless you find a bomb pheno she's kinda spindly...but taste and smoke, and does finish in 8-9 weeks.