Who Has Had Sex With A Prostitute, Where, And How?

ive had sex with a woman who wouldnt put out unless i spent mad loot on her, does that make her a prostitute? i think so

i also had a conversation with this woman at my school and after talking for 20mins she asked if i wanted a $20 blow job, i told her i only had a little money, she said i was cute and shed give me a discount. i said by little money i only had bus money, but i was uncomfortable about the whole situation
brah, you dont need a hooker, bars are just as good for finding girls that put out and theres a smaller chance shes got some herp or syph
go to mexico!!!! go to the strip clubs not trashy ones but nice ones!!! and you can fuck the girls there or in your hotel room for 1 or 200 bucks and there beautiful, but as far as getting one off the street thats a little to much for me
dude seriously there was a thread here about sites for people who just want to hook up for free there are tons of girls who just want dick dont care about much else search 4 it
I have an old guy i work with that fucks escorts. He's a 51 year old dude, told me for his birthday last yet he got him 2 and tried to make a sandwhich, ended up hurting his back rofl and couldn't really do much so he paid for them to do nothing for a few hours. I told him i woulda had them clean my house. I know thats kinda of topic but whatever.

Wow fdd I want that filapina one lol.
that would be hella funny. call an escort and have her wash your dishes. just jack off while she does it and call it a fetish. lol
LOL, it should be a fetish, I don't see any women doing dishes anymore lol. That would be a fetish, once they finish get a handjob from them after they're hands are all wrinkly, kinda like a old chick. LOL ahh i'v had a few too many beers this mornin'