Who Has Had Sex With A Prostitute, Where, And How?

I fucked a hooker in Amsterdam last year when I was destroyed drunk.
She was prob the sexyist bitch id ever seen.
It was very uncomfortable tho. I wouldnt go back, but it was an experience.
Dude, you gots to be prepared to be uncomfortable in a brothel. If it were me, I wouldn't give a fuck once I was in there..
LOL, it should be a fetish, I don't see any women doing dishes anymore lol. That would be a fetish, once they finish get a handjob from them after they're hands are all wrinkly, kinda like a old chick. LOL ahh i'v had a few too many beers this mornin'
ROFL @ the wrinkly hands.. damn i thought i was twisted :lol:
y. in cozumel, mx.

She was easily a 8/10. $120 delivered to my hotel room door.

Worth it just for the experience. :)
When I was in Canada, They have slutty strip joints and regular ones,,,one chick grabbed me pulled me in this red room,,I was fucked up. She whipped out a condom and I was like what the fuck? 60$ for a blow job, and 120 for a fuck, HA HA,,,told her I had twenty American dollars,,needless to say the only thing I did was get the fuck outta there...Than ate breakfast at a topless resturant truck stop! WTF! Smoked crack with a whore though lol!!!
dude you get ripped off in mexico $100 to $200 damn

go to mexico!!!! go to the strip clubs not trashy ones but nice ones!!! and you can fuck the girls there or in your hotel room for 1 or 200 bucks and there beautiful, but as far as getting one off the street thats a little to much for me
the herb in cozumel though was a 4/10. :(

but in all fairness...it was easy to come by. Turned out the jewelry vendor in front of the hotel dabbled in EVERYTHING. ;P

Seriously he named every drug I've ever heard of...and a few I hadn't. He had me pegged as a coke d00d though as it took 5 different times/occasions of me saying "no"
to coke before he believed me.

But hey...he had some good poota hook-up. She really was fine.
We got legal brothels here so fucking a hooker is not really cool. It's about $500-$1000 and they make you wear a rubber thicker than a pair of latex gloves!

We got the Bunny Ranch, Love Ranch, Sage Ranch, Kit Kat, etc. It takes all the mystery out of it if you live around it.:cry:
Philly Right down town I won't name the place in case it is still there but they treated you like a king!!! First the cab driver that took me there got paid $20. Then an old Asian lady (Mammason) poured me a glass of warm Saki and lined up about 20 hot lil Asian girls. She picked the cutes one and asked me if I approved. I did. She took me up to a room with a big padded table in the middle under rain fall shower head. She undressed me and got me on the table. She washed every nook and cranny for about 30 min. After that she dried me off gave me a towel and put me in the steam room for about 10 min while she got the room ready. the room was about 10 by 15 and had a platform in the middle about 18 inches high about the size of a double bed. I got a wonderful massage for about 45 min. After that she leaned in and in a whisper asked me what ells she could do to make me happy. At this point I was only $40 in to the program and very happy. $100 latter and we did the nasty. It was awesome. after she took me to another room that I could shower in and she dried me off powdered me up and helped me get dresses even tying my tie in a double Windsor knot. I was out the door for $140 plus a $40 dollar tip. It was by far the most pleasurable experience with a pro I have ever had. I was in the Army and then I worked on the fishing boats for a while so I have been with a few pro's around the world. I ended up going back to my hotel getting my friend and taking him back for another round on me. I saw the same girl and got her Pager Number. I saw her a few more times before I left Philly but didn't pay her just took her to the movies and she really liked bowling.
I saw the same girl and got her Pager Number. I saw her a few more times before I left Philly but didn't pay her just took her to the movies and she really liked bowling.

LOL! I fucking laughed hard. That's hilarious, "she really liked bowling.." awesome!
I'm not sure if they have bowling alleys where she came from. China somewhere. I miss that place. I can't tell you how many times I have gone out and spent more than 180 bucks and gone home and rubbed one out thinking about grudge fucking the skank i spent all my money on. Some times you just need the services of a pro. Plus they don't take half your shit when they leave.
like Jane's Addiction says " I love those whores they never judge you, after all what can you say when your a whore"
I can't tell you how many times I have gone out and spent more than 180 bucks and gone home and rubbed one out thinking about grudge fucking the skank i spent all my money on. Some times you just need the services of a pro. Plus they don't take half your shit when they leave.
like Jane's Addiction says " I love those whores they never judge you, after all what can you say when your a whore"
funny shit bro:hump:
i have never been with an escort but some of my friends who worked in the cities used to order escorts to their room for 100-150 an hour. hot girls too..if you dont like who they send u can request someone different, or order whatever ethnicity u want. also some cheap hotels charge by the hour lol....they called em whore huts. i do not endorse or condone sex with prostitutes if my wife reads this.:mrgreen:
keenly you have no idea trust me and there strippers first whores second lol, trust me i been many times and before then never paid for a sex or had to but they were fuckin hot so i figured why not
Haha funny thread...What are you looking for tips or encouragement? Good Luck On Your Hooker Fucking Buddy!!!!!!!!!!!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
I'll admit I fucked a couple hookers in the Philippines. But, It's different over there. I didn't actually go looking for whores. I went to the strip club with my uncle. The stripper's there are 100 times hotter than the ones here. So when I found out you got to fuck them, I couldn't say no:bigjoint:. I then went back two more times by myself b4 we left lol.:-P