Who has gotten caught growing in there parents home?


Active Member
gotten caught twice now... once outside and another in my closet. kills me inside to check on em' and find them missing.:wall: fuckin parental units.:finger:


Well-Known Member
gotten caught twice now... once outside and another in my closet. kills me inside to check on em' and find them missing.:wall: fuckin parental units.:finger:
Are you serious. Fuckin people who fuckin feed your dumb ass. Where'd you get the money to buy the weed in the first place, your 'fuckin parental units'?

Rent your own fuckin place and grow weed then. Dumb fuck.


Well-Known Member
about a decade or so ago, I had a little grow in the garage, mom new and turned the other cheek until she got drunk one evening and paranoid and called the cops, or so she said and they confiscated everything accept the florescent bulbs??????

Now I think she just did it herself... lol


Well-Known Member
about a decade or so ago, I had a little grow in the garage, mom new and turned the other cheek until she got drunk one evening and paranoid and called the cops, or so she said and they confiscated everything accept the florescent bulbs??????

Now I think she just did it herself... lol
I bet she took that shit and was grew in your attic. You just had no idea.

Sorry to dig this thread up guys.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong, growing without perm in a parents house is very underhanded & wrong in my opinion.

If you live in a state with 0 tolerance, how would you feal if your family suddenly became homeless, due to the Gov/State needing $ so they seize your parents house, with no recourse for your fam???


New Member
Don't get me wrong, growing without perm in a parents house is very underhanded & wrong in my opinion.

If you live in a state with 0 tolerance, how would you feal if your family suddenly became homeless, due to the Gov/State needing $ so they seize your parents house, with no recourse for your fam???

hahahaha someone's mommy is homeless suckin dick for spare change and lil jpohnny is blazin up a fatty:lol:


Active Member
I had /have respect for my parents house . I would never even think about it
same here. it makes me sick when i hear about kids doing illegal activities on their parents property. these kids cant even respect their parents enough to grow somewhere else?

if their parents help them, awesome:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I have an interesting story. I'm 23 and I live in an apartment a few blocks away from my parent's home. I am also an AIDS patient as of this last year. Oh, and my parents are mormons. For those of you who don't know, mormons are usually very much against alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, premarital sex, cannabis, and really any kind of fun (though I find myself wishing I had listened as far as the premarital sex thing goes given my current medical situation).

I love my parents because they're my parents but as a kid they often called the police on me over EVERYTHING. Because I live so close to them and see them so often, when I began my current grow I was kinda paranoid about them finding out. More or less because of the lectures that would ensue (I can legally grow here under state law).

In the beginning of January my mother was visiting my apartment. I remember hearing a knock at the door and running to my bedroom to turn off the lights, shut and lock the closet door. I let my mother in and she proceeded to drop off some food (she frequently brings over leftovers) before telling me that she needed to use the bathroom. The only bathroom in my apartment is in my bedroom. After the toilet flushes, I hear her calling my name.
"What is the electrical cord going into the closet for," she asked with narrowed eyes.
She may be a mormon, but she sure isn't sheltered. After all, she had me for a son. I stood there searching frantically for a valid answer to her question for what seemed like hours (but was likely only about two minutes).
Finally I caved. Well, sort of.
"Ignorance is bliss. Trust me, you don't want to know," I told her with a sheepish grin on my face.
She came out and asked me directly. "Son, are you growing something in there?"
I haven't been able to lie to my mom in years and I was about to find out that this was no exception.
Before leaving she sat on my couch and cried, telling me how ashamed she was. BTW, thats not an easy thing to deal with coming from your parents. But, I digress. There is a happy ending to this story.

My parents were prohibitionists to the core and my mother was pretty upset for the next week. One day my mother rode with me to one of my doctor's appointments at the local RVD (retroviral disease) program. She has insisted on coming ever since she found out about my diagnosis. Anyway, I finally talked to her about it while I was driving. I discussed the medical benefits. Talked about common (and completely legal) substances that are far more dangerous. She still wasn't having it. Then I asked her, "Do you believe there is medical value for morphine?"
My mother looked at me like I was crazy.
"Of course," she muttered.
"Have you ever heard of anyone breaking into cars to steal stereos so they can score some more pot?"
She shook her head hesitantly.
"But the same cannot be said for moprhine, a much more addictive substance that has been directly attributed to the deaths of countless people."
She looked out her window without saying a word and I dropped the subject.

A week later I was out for my weekly dinner with my parents and brothers and sisters at a local restaurant we frequent when out of the blue my mother pipes up and says "Hey son, so the family has talked about it and we all think it's ok for you to be smoking the pot." I hadn't even finished sitting and I just kinda fell over the rest of the way. Did I really just change the mind of a prohibitionist? If it wasn't my mother would she have changed her mind? I'm not sure. I'd like to believe that there is hope for the legalization front if we can still bring the prohibitionists over to our side of thinking.

In any case, the experience is still very meaningful for me. I can't remember EVER being able to get my mother to change her mind about anything. Now she comes over and looks at my plants every time she visits. When she smelled them for the first time she looked at me in disbelief. "That's what it smells like? I used to eat plants that smelled like that all the time when I was a kid. We thought they were mint leaves"

ITT we learn my mormon mom does pot. Fucking hilarious. I still can't believe I got busted by my parents in my own fucking apartment though. I should have at least had a more impressive HID or even CFL setup (this tube experiment looks like it might be a failure. Might yield 2 ounces tops)


Well-Known Member
hah, well I started growing this past summer at my parents house since me and my friends had some bagseed and I figured I would try it out. Just got a red solo cup, filled it with my moms soil, and then placed it in the window sill of my room. Thankfully for me I had a great cover story to my grow. Out of nowhere the week I was going to start I went to church on Sunday, and my pastor hands out mustard seeds for part of the sermon and tells us to grow them. So once I started growing I just told my parents it was the mustard seeds from church. Since I only got 1 seed at church it was difficult to explain how I had 3 plants growing, but I managed to BS my way through it making stuff up lol.

But then one day I go to the bathroom to take a shit and right on the counter was my lone plant that remained (i had taken the other 2 outside and animals ate them :( ). Right next to the plant were pictures of mustard plants and marijuana plants. Needless to say they look NOTHING alike and it was kind of funny.

No real big talk about it, my parents are really cool, and just kind of punished me when I went back down to college this year and didn't let me bring my car for the first semester (which I assume was because of this). Now I have my own place and the grow is doing a lot better than my windowsill hah.


Active Member
When I still lived with my parents, I got a 20 bag from a friend. On the drive home from my friends house I confronted my dad asking him if he smoked MJ.

He looked at me kinda funny with that "Dear in the headlights look". God it was priceless :)

Long story short, he admitted to smoking ocassionally, but he had to be a dick and tell my mom...

There goes my twenty bucks... He probably fucking smoked it all too... lol.

Now that I don't live at home, he supplied me with seeds to grow :D

But he can keep his mouth shut now so my mom doesn't know.


Well-Known Member
My mom just let me frame an 8x4 room in my garage for my grow.. bahaha :D

Moms are the shit.


Well-Known Member
My mom just let me frame an 8x4 room in my garage for my grow.. bahaha :D

Moms are the shit.
haha yeah. Well I just got caught today
Well im 20 and still living with my parentals (decided to attend local community college after high school, finally getting out of here now though!), whom I greatly respect.

I have been growing since I was 17 years of age. I always grow outside up in the mountains behind my house as to respect my parentals property. But when I have to dry and cure, I have no choice but to bring em home and dry them.

So I was drying this batch ( my last batch probably to be dried here before I move off to calI) in the guest rooms closet, where NOBODY GOES, EVER!! or so I thought. On the second day of drying, you can imagine the dank smell by the way. My dad walks in there looking for a clothes hanger. I mean wtf a clothes hanger is the only thing that was in that guesty bedroom except a bed and some dressers. He just HAPPENED to need a clothes hanger.

So I see him walk in there im like fuck im screwed. I walk in and im horrified to see him looking in the closet at all my awesome cheeba drying up in there. He asks "whats this you got in here" and im like " oh you know some herbs from the garden and stuff......... He totally knew I was BSing.

Then I hear him talking to my mother 5 minutes later... " It smells like weed in that room, I think he's growing weed in there..."

So Im like fuck. And my mom was a total pothead back in here days, she just said " I dont care if you smoke pot, you can just tell me." I was like " hahah thats ridiculous mom! I would never smoke weed, dad just thought that basil I was drying in there was pot! hahahaha!"

She didnt really believe me.