Who has gotten caught growing in there parents home?


Well-Known Member
I was home on leave from the Army, visiting my foster parents. They'd taken in another foster kid, a teenager from Colombia (South America). Well, he showed me some small plants he had growing in his bedroom (which was once my old bedroom). I gave him some pot of my own, about a quarter ounce I guess. Well, he got busted with that quarter by my foster parents, and immediately fingered me. And my foster parents kicked me out of the house and I spent the rest of my leave in a hotel.

Well, I was pretty pissed off, that this dude would finger me for pot after I GAVE it to him out of kindness, didn't ask for a dime. So, on the way out of the house, I told my foster mother, "Hey, you might wanna take a gander on the other side of your new kid's bed." I'm no nark, but narking on me after I was NICE, well, I figured he deserved it. And he was kicked out the next day himself, except he went to juvie, not a hotel.


Active Member
Awesome =]

I just got my CFL operation busted by my dad, it didn't last long. Right after it sprouted, he said "Take all of that stupid shit out of your closet" so I was like "alright".

He told me were moving soon, and an apartment isn't the place because it can get inspected anytime by the landlord and such, but when we get a house it'll be cool =]


Active Member
My mom knows I grow, hell I got a grow box in my room with a clone in it, a bud dryer in my room and I got 5-6 footers outside that she knows about. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I was home on leave from the Army, visiting my foster parents. They'd taken in another foster kid, a teenager from Colombia (South America). Well, he showed me some small plants he had growing in his bedroom (which was once my old bedroom). I gave him some pot of my own, about a quarter ounce I guess. Well, he got busted with that quarter by my foster parents, and immediately fingered me. And my foster parents kicked me out of the house and I spent the rest of my leave in a hotel.

Well, I was pretty pissed off, that this dude would finger me for pot after I GAVE it to him out of kindness, didn't ask for a dime. So, on the way out of the house, I told my foster mother, "Hey, you might wanna take a gander on the other side of your new kid's bed." I'm no nark, but narking on me after I was NICE, well, I figured he deserved it. And he was kicked out the next day himself, except he went to juvie, not a hotel.
hahaha wat i stupid kid u should have said that he must of got the weed from his plants in the closet lol they probably wouldn't know the difference.


Well-Known Member
Heh. Back when I was thirteen (I'm 22 now) my mom found a little flat in my closet with a few seedlings and a cfl hanging up there.... She poured bleach on them and didnt say a word.

Now, she has her medical card, and I help her grow her limit every year. :D
WHERE R U FROM SIR...CALI BUD IS GOOD :weed::weed::weed:


Active Member
my mom popped me when i was 13 or so(now 25)
i was dumb about it. i tried to grow in the shed out back. boy was she pissed. would have been better if she had found it. but her boyfriend(asshole) found it. him and i got into a lil bit of a fistfight about it. i always thought it was strange because he never had any reason for going in there. any way my mom ended up telling me that an apartment was no place to grow weed, and that buying it may be a little more expencive but at least i wouldnt get caught...my mom is strange

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
i got caught with some sprouts by my mom she asked what was and i said "tomatoes" she pulled the plants out ofthe dirt and said "well we ill have to get them from the store now"


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well i dad was supcious and ask me and since i have a good relationship i was honest and told him yea he looked said ok just dont tell anyone and that was that he didnt care he even watered them when i went to ny for a week was so worried i call every sigal day he was supposed to water to make sure but could have been bad


Well-Known Member
when i was 16 i had a 6 footer in a closet in my basement. I was just vegging it through the winter so i could have a massive plant by the end of september. Well my mother walked in on me watering the plant and she was shocked. Her exact words were " Holy hell im impressed" i laughed. I asked to keep it a few more weeks and then i would put it outside. She said it would be fine with me and atleast i know your good at something. haha. In the end the plant ended up getting destroyed by a deer when there was only 3 weeks left to go.


Well-Known Member
hahahahha pwnddd

i almost got caught today by my apartment managers, barely passed inspection
hope the neighbors arent super dicks and call the 5-0


Well-Known Member
I planted some seeds in my mom's rubber tree plant pot. She noticed the seedlings coming up and asked what they were. I told her it was pot and she said, "You can't grow that crap in here, just wait until spring time and do it outside. There's not enough light coming in the window to grow good pot." She was right. That was in 1966. I'm 59 now but often think how cool my mom was. She never minded that I preferred pot over booze, in fact she encouraged it. Too bad that parents of this era have been brainwashed by our screwed up govm't!!


Well-Known Member
my mom walked in on me just after haven sex we were relaxing and the lights were off in my room and when she walked in the heavenly like light poyured through my closet. i told her i was just testin it out and it didnt work (just planted seeds) then i gutted out my dresser and i grow in there now (grow journal starting soon)


Well-Known Member
Here's a story for ya. It was 1994 and I have been smoking weed for 4 years and me and my buddies had a big stash of seeds we collected from the last ounce we bought. My friends decided one day to throw them in the ground in his back yard, mind you his father was really strict. A couple of weeks later I went to his house to hang out and he tells me to come outside in the backyard. We go back there and he has 65 sprouts where he planted the seeds. Well, he was scared that his father will find them and get thrown out of the house. So he tells me that I have to take them and that I cannot say no. I decided to keep the best looking ones and threw the rest out. I ended up growing them in my Mom's house for 5 months. My mother was so into flowers at the time that I told her that it was a flower also to keep her from getting mad, she never knew the truth, one day I went out there to check on them and my mother is watering my plants for me, first instinct was that I cried cuz it was a beautiful site to see your mom taking care of your plants for you. A week went by and a friend of ours got busted with some meth and she was scared out of her mind looking at 7-10 years in prison she decided to tell the cops about my plants and my other friends that were selling. We all got raided within a 24 hour period, I was on the porch with a buddy of mine smoking some that I harvested and was doing a burn test to see if they were done, the cops pull up in undercover cars and arrested me for cultavation, I ended up getting probation. YAY !! thats my story.


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How many people in this thread used to watch nickleodean 2 years ago ? or still have jammies in their drawer ?


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haha my first plant about 6 years ago i was 14, i took our ladder, and put the pots on the roof and i had em for a good 2 months up theyre, and one day i was really stoned and didnt put tha ladder away when i was done watering them, and my dad needed the ladder for some reason and saw it leading to the back of the house, lol i remember coming home and we had a little "gathering", and eventually he allowed me to grow a few plants as long as i was "quiet" about it.


Well-Known Member
(i am now 18) at the beginning of this year a friend let me grow in there shed i had about 25 plants in there, i vegged for about a month and half then started flowering, about a month or so into the grow alot of the plants had buds all over them about 10 where female so i was down to around 15 maybe a few more, anyway my friend came down in the night to find someone trying to break in the shed, so she shouted out he ran off knowing they would be coming back, anyway i was at work in the evening about 10pm had to leave work with a mate to go and pick the babies up we put them all in black bags and put them all in my car (golf), every plant was over a metre in height, it was like a forest in there i could just about drive couldnt see a thing, so was also really worried about driving past old bill, anyway took all the back roads about a 10 min drive to my house and wired up my dads garage so i could have the lights and plants up in the roof of the garage, anyway managed to get them all up there not much damage to them all survived, a couple of days later i was due to go on holiday with a few friends, i gave a key to my friend so he could water them while i was away, parents were going away the night after i went, so i went on holiday soon as i got there my dad tx me saying he has found all me plants cut them all down smashed the lights through it all away, turns out the lights came on the night i left while he was fitting a new lock on the door because he couldnt find the key to the lock we had on there (i gave it to my friend lol), r.i.p to my well over 20 ounces of bud


Well-Known Member
got caught like 2 weeks ago and my dad knew about it and didnt care and said dont tell mom well she found them and was kinda pissed but she didnt want me to kill them cuz "they are pretty!"