Who else is really confused where they are going in life?


Well-Known Member
I know what it's like to not to feel secure in life. It's a damn scary thing but you have to learn to go with the flow. Life is a garden Dig it:-)


Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
I am confused, man. I'm finally getting around to it and applying to colleges. It's difficult because I have no idea what to list as my major. On one side, there are all the lucrative scientific careers. I'd love to be a chemical engineer.

But then, there's my art. What I wouldn't give to play guitar for a living. Or be a filmmaker. Or a novelist. But then there's my worry: what if I don't succeed? What if my creative interest is only appreciated by my mother?

Know what? Fuck it. I'm gonna go to college, get a degree in chemical engineering or something and then play guitar to pay off my ridiculous college loans.

Oh, and congrats on being a successful stoner! Graduating with a degree in biomedical engineering isn't easy. Keep on rolling, man.

Willie North

Well-Known Member
once ya get outta College life hits ya !
you gotta pay for a house and all that stupid shit
come to Canada its cheaper here :D


Well-Known Member
Just cool it. Life is a breeze. Although some breezes are 160 mph:P But i hope you get what im saying.



Well-Known Member
I live in a family that didn't know where they were going in life.
I look at it this way, some people aren't meant to do just one thing. It's not uncommon these days for people to go to college and get degrees in several fields and work more than a few different jobs.

Look at it as more of an adventure I'd say. Then, you'll be gravy.


Well-Known Member
Men's hearts FAILING them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
I'm 23 years old and I still dont know what I wanna do for a living...

I've never really focused on that, thinking that far ahead scares me, I just let my skills chose what i do...

I'm a "for Hire" welder and a metal fabricator, auto mechanic, autobody tech, and pretty much anything else to do with 4 wheels and an engine...

its not what I thought I'd be doing... but it pays the bills, and my services are WELL appreciated... its all I've really ever asked out of life..

Just to be happy and find my lot in life...

I never graduated high school, or went to college...
because realistically, When the fuck was the last time any of us have used algebra??