Who do you think is primarily to blame for the Trump administration?

Who do you think is primarily to blame for the Trump administration?

  • Total voters
no. they've done focus groups.

you dumb racists got sick and tired of being called dumb racists even though you dumb racists are dumb racists.

Yeah baby, keep saying shit like that, keep ridiculing us, keep calling us names, keep taking selfies with smiling liberal Hollywood assholes, and we'll elect Trump again in 2020. Guaranteed.

And he'll have 4-5 Supreme Court appointments.
Yeah baby, keep saying shit like that, keep ridiculing us, keep calling us names, keep taking selfies with smiling liberal Hollywood assholes, and we'll elect Trump again in 2020. Guaranteed.

And he'll have 4-5 Supreme Court appointments.
You actually believe he's going to make it for four years?
Not even blacks, but "Southern black Democrats". And I'm glad that clown answered, because it highlights another reason Trump won: The ultra-liberal, politically correct, easily triggered, safe-space epidemic that has emerged these past few years.
Did people vote against their interests because they were offended by ultra-liberal, politically correct, easily triggered, safe-space epidemic that has emerged these past few years?

By this I'm asking: do you think they voted for the following with the belief that Trump would do them and it would hurt their interests or those in their communty?
  • Muslim ban
  • Higher federal debt
  • Recessionary policies regarding trade with Mexico, China and the rest of the world
  • Recessionary policies regarding deporting illegal immigrants
  • 24 million without healthcare due to repeal of ACA
  • Cuts in SNAP, elimination of meals on wheels other federal programs
  • Privatizing medicaid, cutting medicaid budget without regard to effect of seniors in nursing homes
I don't disagree with you that the rural right were offended by snobby liberals. What I question is that the rural right knowingly voted for an administration who would do them or those close to them harm because they were rubbed the wrong way.
And North Korea is next. Obama was too much of a fucking "No Boots on the Ground" pussy to do anything about North Korea...but Trump isn't.
Either Trump or Pence. What the fuck's the difference? The agenda is the same.
Like Trump, Pence is an asshole to be sure, but unlike Trump, Pence is not batshit crazy. That's a pretty big fucking difference. Do you actually believe the Republican party will not be damaged by nominating a man who is about to be outed for treason? No matter what happens at this point, it's all over for you dickheads for a while.
Here is what I was referring to. It was way over the top:

And so, the celebration of a supreme court decision to enable vows and legal status of gay couples as marriage under the law turned the election. To be honest, I have a very different reaction to that photo but it is what it is.

Not wage stagnation
Not economic decay in the industrial heartland or rural america.
Not the closure of plants that leaves hundreds if not thousands out of work where there is no other work to be had at anything near the wages lost.

But gay marriage and
Black Lives Matter and
saying something needed to be done about mass murder using firearms caused Hillary to lose the election.

Skeptical but listening.
Anyway, back to the Trump election quandry.

As a conservative who did not vote for either Hillary or Trump, let me ask this of the many liberal members of this web site: why does it have to be a race between two diametrically opposed candidates like Hillary and Trump? Why the hell can't we be presented with more centrist candidates? The only reason Trump won was because Hillary was such a weak candidate. And I hear talk of her running again in 2020? Oh yes, please. We conservatives would love that.

But not many of us are proud of Trump. He's as repulsive to us as he is to you. But Hillary was even more repulsive to us. Couldn't yall have done better than Hillary? Obviously not, with Joe Biden's respectful decline to run.

So is there someone who could appeal to mid-stream dems and repubs in 2020?