Who do you think is primarily to blame for the Trump administration?

Who do you think is primarily to blame for the Trump administration?

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Well-Known Member
You categorically stated you wouldn't hire black people based on their name and here you are condemning tribalism...

Could you literally be any more stupid/hypocritical?
No I didn't. I was discussing an HBO documentary. You have selective memory like most men.


Well-Known Member
No I didn't. I was discussing an HBO documentary. You have selective memory like most men.
Bullshit, everyone knows that's bullshit.

Just own your mistakes, say it was stupid and move forward just not saying stupid racist shit.


No, I've just got a highly tuned bullshit alarm.


Well-Known Member
Yall take it easy on @UncleBuck ........he was raised a racist in a racist town and sees racism in every action everywhere. Its called over compensation, like when you have a bum shoulder and you blow out the other one by using it more.

He's just a delicate snowflake let's not try to lick him please.
do you think it was a good idea to outlaw racist segregation?

answer: no. it'll just make you "hate'em more now".

i bet your neo-nazi buddies with the heil hitler tattoos that you befriended for years agree with you on that one.


Well-Known Member
"trump donates first paycheck to national parks"

wow what a wholesome man, good christain man, everybody agrees. when micheal makes his runs in judgement he see trump and says wow what a good christain man. cmon into heaven you good man


Well-Known Member
fuck if i know. i just saw it on cnn and was like wow i really dont give a shit what kind of money you donate at this point. you're still a racist slab of meat


Well-Known Member
Bullshit, everyone knows that's bullshit.

Just own your mistakes, say it was stupid and move forward just not saying stupid racist shit.


No, I've just got a highly tuned bullshit alarm.
That's her MO. She talks all this racist and bigoted bullshit and when you call her on it she screams misogyny and plays fucking victim


Well-Known Member
The main reason Trump was elected was because grassroots America got tired of being ridiculed for their traditional beliefs.

The Obama administration moved this country further left in an 8-year period than had ever happened before. He fought the NRA, sided with criminals over police, and lit up the White House in LGBT colors. Then ridiculed anyone who disagreed with these things.

I think the LGBT coloring of the White House was particularly over the top. It was a victory dance and spiking of the football by Obama. He didn't have to do that, but he did. He chose to. He just had to rub it in. And IMHO, that along with other Obama slights against conservatives galvanized them against the democratic party.

Then, the best the democrats could do was Hillary? Hell, my dog could have run against her and won. This is how bad she was/is: she couldn't even beat Donald Trump. Enough said.


Well-Known Member
The main reason Trump was elected was because grassroots America got tired of being ridiculed for their traditional beliefs.

The Obama administration moved this country further left in an 8-year period than had ever happened before. He fought the NRA, sided with criminals over police, and lit up the White House in LGBT colors. Then ridiculed anyone who disagreed with these things.

I think the LGBT coloring of the White House was particularly over the top. It was a victory dance and spiking of the football by Obama. He didn't have to do that, but he did. He chose to. He just had to rub it in. And IMHO, that along with other Obama slights against conservatives galvanized them against the democratic party.

Then, the best the democrats could do was Hillary? Hell, my dog could have run against her and won. This is how bad she was/is: she couldn't even beat Donald Trump. Enough said.
I don't remember seeing news of any victory dance and spiking the football by LGBT. What specifically are you referring to that was so objectionable?