Who do you think is primarily to blame for the Trump administration?

Who do you think is primarily to blame for the Trump administration?

  • Total voters
Interesting.. You claim you trust mainstream media, then when presented with a source from a mainstream outlet that disagrees with you, "Nah, that's just circumstantial, guys!"...

You're implying that 9% of Democratic voters are racist

Can you explain how 8% of black people are racist for voting for Donald Trump?

way more than 9% of democrats are racist. way more than 8% of black people are racists too.
way more than 9% of democrats are racist.
What percentage of Democrats do you believe are racist?
way more than 8% of black people are racists too.
I agree, but not against black people... They're racist against white people. Although Trump has an unmistakable orange tint to him, he's still white. So again, why would 8% of black voters vote for him? You're claiming white racists voted for Trump because he espoused racist rhetoric against blacks and other minorities. So why then would 8% of the people on the receiving end of his rhetoric still vote for him?
I agree, but not against black people...

wanna bet?




and black people aren't the only people you can be racist against either. muslims, mexicans, gay people, you name it.
wanna bet?




and black people aren't the only people you can be racist against either. muslims, mexicans, gay people, you name it.
OK, then let me clarify. There are many, many more black people racist against white people than there are black people racist against other black people. Sowell, Carson, and Thomas are obvious exceptions. I didn't say there are no black people racist against other black people, my statement clearly implied where the majority of racism in the black community is directed.

Wanna bet?
OK, then let me clarify. There are many, many more black people racist against white people than there are black people racist against other black people. Sowell, Carson, and Thomas are obvious exceptions. I didn't say there are no black people racist against other black people, my statement clearly implied where the majority of racism in the black community is directed.

Wanna bet?
What percentage of racism do you suppose whites espouse on other whites?
White people's sense of entitlement ruined America.

I want a slave so I don't have to do shit.
Hey, get back here.
Hell no they aren't equal.
Hell no they can't vote.
Fuck no they can't drink out of the same water fountain.
They better not use the same restroom as me
Fuck,,, they're discriminating against us...my god those niggers are so racist.

That's what's been going threw the white man's head since 1916.
I'd direct that towards the conservative white base. Us progressives have been side by side with minorities of every group since the establishment of the country. It seems like conservatives (hence the moniker) are the only ones on the wrong side of history when it comes to civil rights.

My ancestors came from Europe, spent the first few generations in abject poverty (like most immigrants), and never owned a slave. Not saying you are, but many people have assigned responsibility of the north Atlantic slave trade to all white people, as a whole. That's an unfair and inaccurate assessment imo.