Who do you think is primarily to blame for the Trump administration?

Who do you think is primarily to blame for the Trump administration?

  • Total voters
you tell me. you're the one whining like a baby about posts getting deleted.

I find it hilarious that my posts have to be deleted because ty got offended over me teasing him about his social life. Every time one of my posts get deleted it's because of "feelings". Why would I whine about that?
Chomsky says Sanders would have won;

The Democratic party was either badly out of touch with it's base, making so much money on the status quo it didn't care- or both.

America's was the first constitutional democracy in the modern age. I love my country, but we need a reboot. The last 240 years have shown some weaknesses in the original document that need addressed.

For instance, voting a first and second choice, that would be an improvement. Another would be term limits for Supreme Court justices- there's just no way the original framers could have expected the long life spans of today. And of course there's more.

Bernie is still out there, stumping for what he believes in. I applaud that. I will join the movement he's leading.

It's becoming quite clear to the average American that the current administration is NOT the change they were looking for.
Moving beyond who to blame for the current catastrophe in the Oval Orifice, what do we do to rectify the situation?
That's not what I got from reading the article. It contrasted racism with authoritarianism and concluded;

"Finally, the statistical tool of regression can tease apart which had more influence on the 2016 vote: authoritarianism or symbolic racism, after controlling for education, race, ideology, and age. Moving from the 50th to the 75th percentile in the authoritarian scale made someone about 3 percent more likely to vote for Trump. The same jump on the SRS scale made someone 20 percent more likely to vote for Trump.

Racial attitudes made a bigger difference in electing Trump than authoritarianism."

If 9% of Democrats voted for Trump because they're racist, why did they vote for Obama in the previous presidential election?

If 9% of Democrats voted for Trump because they're racist, why did they vote for Obama in the previous presidential election?

you keep asking this and it never stops being any less fucking stupid.

who is to say the 9% of democrats who voted for trump (MOE +/- 4%) are the same ones who voted for obama? there is absolutely no way to prove that in the slightest.


logic and facts. start there.
circumstantial at best. yawn.

logic and facts would be a good place to start.
Interesting.. You claim you trust mainstream media, then when presented with a source from a mainstream outlet that disagrees with you, "Nah, that's just circumstantial, guys!"...

You're implying that 9% of Democratic voters are racist

Can you explain how 8% of black people are racist for voting for Donald Trump?
