Just because all of the aforementioned Republican Douchebag Presidents weren't FULLBLOWN socialists doesn't mean they didn't adopt some forms of socialism now does it?
That just depends on how broad your definition of socialism is. You guys seem to believe that the government doing ANYTHING is a form of socialism. Should we not have fire departments or roads because they fall into you're extremist definition of socialism?
America since 1980 has turned into one of the furthest right wing capitalistic nations to ever exist in the history of the world, and you really want to claim that the political party driving them to that extreme are actually some sort of closet socialists? Come on now. Get a grip.
The fact is that we have a capitalism based mixed economy. So yes, there will be elements of socialism involved in that. You know why? It works. Does that mean we should adopt Soviet style socialism/communism? No. Because that doesn't work. Do you know what works? Borrowing aspects of government and economic systems that are successful. That means we sometimes employ capitalism, some times socialism, or what ever else is most effective. The idea that the United States has some obligation to pure free market capitalism is a load of crap. Free market capitalism comes with just as much tyranny as autocratic communism. Both are incredibly flawed systems that have never produced a positive result in reality. That's why we just use what works regardless of it you want to call it capitalism or socialism. That's what America is, that's what it's always been, and that's what it always will be if we want to be successful as a nation.
But back to the point, if you think forcing people to buy a product from a private company is socialism, you're profoundly ignorant.
Guess that leads some credence to the fact that there ain't bucket of piss difference between most politicians that want to run your life.
Nor is there a "bucket of piss" difference between politicians who want to run your life and politicians who want to eliminate all the rules that protect us from having corporations run our lives. In fact given the choice between having a democratically elected government running my life and having multinational corporations run my life, I choose government. At least they are somewhat accountable to the people. Just having who ever makes the most money making the rules is a far worse fate. And that would be the practical result of electing a politician who wants to remove all the regulations that protect us from the corporations.
Obama has much in common with Republican AND Democrat presidents in that regard.
That's because Obama is a centrist.