Who can admit marijuana makes you stop doing stuff ....


Well-Known Member
Weed has made me a better person that others can actually stand to be around.I was lazy before weed so I can't blame it for that,I was poor before weed can't blame weed there either.Keeps my arthritis in check very well especially after a night of walking a hard ass floor and curbs my need to tell 95% of the people I deal with in a day to go f*uck themselves.Can't say it has ever done anything negative for me.:-?


Active Member
Ihave been smokin for 35 years since i was 15 it has not hurt me i did 9 years in the army (never smoked on duty) then spent the next18 years in the building trade and now i am 51 and just lay back and tend my little weed garden while most of my friends have turned into alcoholics or heroin addicts the weed is fine its your state of mind that fucks you up so just keep smokin


Well-Known Member
:neutral: hmm go and fuck yourself who ever put those tags in my thread.. :hump:

Thnx for some of the positive support.. saying maybe i shouldnt smoke in the morning and afternoon. make it evening only...

That way i wont feel stoned during they day while the sun is shining on me...
You see i work in the sun..... And when you'r stoned those 2 thing just dont go down well.. specialy if you'r walking 8 kilometers with 30kg's on your back each day.......

I put those tags on there and you're still a pussy boy. You needed people to tell you not to smoke during the day? You couldn't figure that out yourself? Pussyboy.:dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:


Well-Known Member
LMAO i just remembered that it does stop me from doing something;) it stops me from having anxiety and cramps does that count:)


Well-Known Member
It helps me accept where I'm at in life, puts things in perspective. I used to be one of those keepin' up with the Jones's young suburbanite types. My wife and I got burnt out on that shit a few years ago. Now, instead of that boring shit, we pop the top on the Jeep, put the dogs in the back, and go camping, all the while with a couple a' joints in tow. My wife loves me, I love her, our dogs are happy, and we don't give a fuck anymore. Can't say I would want much more in life.


Well-Known Member
Okey guy's ive been a pretty bad kid, not school wise but " drug wise "

I allway's had the need to smoke my brains out every day, every daY !!!!!!!!!!

Its been 5 years now and i cant stop smoking this shit, i must say that from all these years i'd prob. be a proffesor if i didnt smoke this shit...

Why didnt i start later on with this stuff ? I could of been a Golf Pro ages ago :( I smoked every day, about 3 g's untill i didnt have any money and started growing my own stuff & grwng in all diffrent places.... friends houses ( mostly )

I never had a day when i was dry, i am so selffish ! I mean there are kiddies out there dieying and wanting to drink my munchies drink & food :neutral: :roll: :neutral:

I think i am gona stop smoking marijuana to become something of the greates i have the need to become something before i start again if ever again..

Now we all know tomorrow i will be lighting up that next joint ! WTF !


Now lets be 1000000 % Honest and lets say what marijuana realy did to us.......

My story's at the top..... and i think i've mad myself really a sad person, i dont have anything else to say that " I was a stoner ! " Wake up.... ???

Or dont ever wake up... ? and keep living this fake life.... I come up with fantastic idea's .... ( like making a store, so i think to myself im gona get taht stuff direct........... LOL not gona happen, u have to get a license and fucking loads of other shit... then u have to have money.... ) Stoner IDEA Cancled.

I've talked about quiting smoking marijuana and going freely to a rehabitation center.... ( but i know i'll get ina fight up there... like wtf, who are you to tell me what to do.... )

I guess i need some Input on how to smoke Marijuana and still live a succesfull life... I dont want to make illegal money ! I have Telant and i feel like im pissing it down the drain ( my dad's speech )


Guess I like not doing anything.......


Damn !


whats your opinion on this point.... truthly... I've said loads of time i can smoke loada n still live my life... But i was only living a movie :( :)

I got degree's for IT ( Webdesign ) ( Hardware ) but i still feel like i pissed something down the drain down the line... was i worth it ?

As i said before, there's kids out there dieying while im laughing my ass of at some poor kid doing a backflip on he's head !
dude,your stoned


Well-Known Member
yeah, but he's got a point. I was at that point once in my life, and I decided I had to do the only surefire way I knew to get off, and that was the navy. Now I'm a little older and have a good job. Weed to me and the wife isn't much more than drinking is to "regular" people. We have a nice ass ROOR bong, a cool chill out room with a 50" LCD and XBOX360 on full HD with surround, good friends to toke with. He will have to make a drastic change like that to regain control, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
just leave this topic... I will allway's be a stoner... just was drunk yesterday.

and for the pussyboy comment made me laugh... glad i've got so far in my life that i can laugh about idiots.... :hump:

hehehe :roll:


Well-Known Member
it's not the pot. you're just lazy. quit and i bet you don't become successful. i'm not trying to dis on you, really. i think you are listening to too many anti-drug ads. YouTube - freaky anti-drug commercial

yeah i'd prob. just get sad and wouldnt play as good as i am now ;)

I will never stop.... I was drunk and had a little down..... all were saying you can be better without it... well today morning at 5.35 my alarm goes off, and i get up to a nice half smoked spliff... still about 20 cm's long.. smoke it till 6 am watch a south park ep. then i go wash & get dress'd - Then i hoover'd till half 6. Empty the cans around the corner from my house...

7:30 am still had a litte Spliff left smoke'd it... smelling of weed. get in my dad's car... he looks at me and just shakes hes head..

Then he drops me off ....... Drives off..

9:02 am - Tee off - 15:30pm about - we finito.....

And i must say i play'd a great Round...... I was so chill'd ...... :hump:

If i was drunk non-stop i think i would be dead by now....


But i still say marijuana makes you stop doing stuff, homework sometimes..... cant be bother'd to do stuff.... And i know that you guy's are the same... I KNOW IT

Dont have to even reply if you'r gona say no, you'r only telling porky pies ^^


peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
DWR, i totally see where ur coming from, me personally i have a really bad temper and get angry very easily, if im not baked, i flip, start arguin wit friends, gf, parents etc, so i jus stay baked 24/7 and nothing goes wrong. i know thats fukin messed up but hey it works?


Well-Known Member
just leave this topic... I will allway's be a stoner... just was drunk yesterday.

and for the pussyboy comment made me laugh... glad i've got so far in my life that i can laugh about idiots.... :hump:

hehehe :roll:

now you're blaming the alcohol.... pussyboy.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I never once said marijuana made me do it that was my own damn fault.

stfu noob.... press alt + f4 and get lost.... lol who posts an avatar of that and thinks there cool... lol that was 10 years ago dude ! 10 years ago !


Well-Known Member
DWR, i totally see where ur coming from, me personally i have a really bad temper and get angry very easily, if im not baked, i flip, start arguin wit friends, gf, parents etc, so i jus stay baked 24/7 and nothing goes wrong. i know thats fukin messed up but hey it works?

true true, but you have to live life...... its not just weed ^^ :hump:


Well-Known Member
Philosophically, the (dis)connection between mind and body is salient.

That is, one makes connections between the mental (choice) and the physical (substance).

Abstract the situation, make a concerted effort to enjoy ganja and be functional, most puffers do. Puff smaller amounts - if you are going through a hyper sensitive biorhythm, Tiny little one puff joints are a magic pick me up when a big joint doffs you out, and in the inverse biorhythm, the opposite applies. Paradoxically.
