Who can admit marijuana makes you stop doing stuff ....


Well-Known Member
Okey guy's ive been a pretty bad kid, not school wise but " drug wise "

I allway's had the need to smoke my brains out every day, every daY !!!!!!!!!!

Its been 5 years now and i cant stop smoking this shit, i must say that from all these years i'd prob. be a proffesor if i didnt smoke this shit...

Why didnt i start later on with this stuff ? I could of been a Golf Pro ages ago :( I smoked every day, about 3 g's untill i didnt have any money and started growing my own stuff & grwng in all diffrent places.... friends houses ( mostly )

I never had a day when i was dry, i am so selffish ! I mean there are kiddies out there dieying and wanting to drink my munchies drink & food :neutral: :roll: :neutral:

I think i am gona stop smoking marijuana to become something of the greates i have the need to become something before i start again if ever again..

Now we all know tomorrow i will be lighting up that next joint ! WTF !


Now lets be 1000000 % Honest and lets say what marijuana realy did to us.......

My story's at the top..... and i think i've mad myself really a sad person, i dont have anything else to say that " I was a stoner ! " Wake up.... ???

Or dont ever wake up... ? and keep living this fake life.... I come up with fantastic idea's .... ( like making a store, so i think to myself im gona get taht stuff direct........... LOL not gona happen, u have to get a license and fucking loads of other shit... then u have to have money.... ) Stoner IDEA Cancled.

I've talked about quiting smoking marijuana and going freely to a rehabitation center.... ( but i know i'll get ina fight up there... like wtf, who are you to tell me what to do.... )

I guess i need some Input on how to smoke Marijuana and still live a succesfull life... I dont want to make illegal money ! I have Telant and i feel like im pissing it down the drain ( my dad's speech )


Guess I like not doing anything.......


Damn !


whats your opinion on this point.... truthly... I've said loads of time i can smoke loada n still live my life... But i was only living a movie :( :)

I got degree's for IT ( Webdesign ) ( Hardware ) but i still feel like i pissed something down the drain down the line... was i worth it ?

As i said before, there's kids out there dieying while im laughing my ass of at some poor kid doing a backflip on he's head !


Well-Known Member
hmm i dunno weed has always been my anti drug when i gotta come off something i have a real problem with i stay toasty and it helps


Well-Known Member
Aight then its just me :)

I dont even feel like going to practice when i am stoned... guess i dont have a caR !!!!!!!!

i need a car... right ?


Well-Known Member
i guess im used to doing everything high cuz i dont really notice i just do that same shit i always do course now that i think about it i guess i dont do that much other than skip school and get high and lay oput of work but i think its mroe from the other drugs i been doing lately and not the herb


Well-Known Member
I 1000000000000000000000% honestly could never say that marijuana has inhibited me from doing anything..... you can't blame substances for YOUR actions, or lack there-of.


Well-Known Member
As with every substance, it'll effect people differently. My suggestion DWR, give it up for a while... a few years. Get your life on track and then come back to it, you'll be much happier that way.


Well-Known Member
Ive been smoking 25 yrs , Ive had no problems . I'm happy where I am in life . Its never been a problem for me before , Plus i would not know life without it ...

Also why not have sex / make love 1st , Then get stoned .


Well-Known Member
By the same token, I was gonna go into how I've spent almost 40 years dabbling in the music business and how I spaced away any real success thru weed and alcohol, but I'm not high at the moment and can't make my point clear, or don't feel like it, cuz' I'm not stoned. Does that make any sense at all? Were I high, I'd attempt it.
You know, in my case, it's just a matter of more milky glands than amber. The right mix not only stimulates the mind, but also spurs these thoughts to action. You just have to stand up first, and that can be difficult if you're smoking couch.


Well-Known Member
As with every substance, it'll effect people differently. My suggestion DWR, give it up for a while... a few years. Get your life on track and then come back to it, you'll be much happier that way.

Thnx man, i think i might stop in June - August. So that i can get my life back on track.......

I, Myself shouldnt of started smoking marijuana untill later in they day's... would of been smarter..... would of had a car license by now and driving around...

I didnt think of the future.. i was only thinking of now ! I want ....

Guess, its time to put it down after 5 years evry day smoking...

Make some money on the side..... get my license & start doing things right !

After i have accomplish'd my goals I will start smoking again, and i think i will enjoy evry minute of marijuana then ;)


Well-Known Member
As with every substance, it'll effect people differently. My suggestion DWR, give it up for a while... a few years. Get your life on track and then come back to it, you'll be much happier that way.
Exactly........its kickin ur ass give it up man !!:roll:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If you want to stop, just stop. It's simple as that. If you want to do something with your life, Do it.Smoking weed isnt the cause of your problems, it's just the excuse you use. Know why I don't have a successful career as a musician? Because I'm fucking lazy and antisocial. In fact, I do better when I smoke weed because it kills the rage for a while.I have no real reason to feel rage...its just some fucked up chemical thing in my brain. But I am still the master of my own destiny, and if I get nowhere, thats my fault.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Pot is my anti-depressant. Im already a dirtball so i might as well be a stoned dirtball:-) Ask yourself this question...............Look what alcohol has done to peoples lives. And it's legal and advertised. Once again i get in a shitty mood.



Well-Known Member
You got to get up get out and get somethin you can't spend all your time trying to get high. Do you realize how many professionals are wake n bakers? You could try blaming weed for your problems or you could stop being a bitch and realize that you're the one who controls your life.


Well-Known Member
Haha honestly dude, weed MOTIVATES me to try more... i mean, sometimes yes i do feel lazy being high, but i don't let it stop my performing in anything(school, jobs, etc.) b/c i just don't want to become a stereotypical pothead..

You just need to get off of your ass and become active, i mean damn dude if you got degrees in IT you could be making some serious cash if you got a job and held it... just DO something and stop blaming weed for your actions, or stop smoking it, because honestly it's kind of sad that somebody is smoking weed reluctantly...

Basically, get off your ass, and get a life.