Who belives in this American Ideology


New Member
Illegal immigration cons are numerous.

They are taking away jobs that are meant for Native Americans and legal immigrants.
Illegal immigrants utilize health, shelter and education benefits at the cost of taxes paid by Native Americans.
Illegal aliens have made crime scenario in the US worst ever. They are involved in most robberies, murder cases and all those hideous tasks that are unjustified both legally and morally.
Moreover, they never pay taxes.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Ok so kinda stupid a US citizen askin this, but what is it thats so hard about acquiring citizenship? Why are so many just jumpin the fences and dodgin the INS? Don't you just gotta take a written test or somethin?
i imagine that criminal history plays a part in some o them and than they couldn't go back to mexico whenever they wantedeither. It's also not cheap to become itizen you have to pay dues, it was going to cost this lady I met some 30,000$ or something to go be a canadian citizen.


New Member
That's the truth - they take advantage of illegals and leave real Americans unemployed. without immigrant labor how much would a job picking fruit or doing construction or land scaping pay? How much do you think your rent or mortgage would be?
it should be americans being payed at least 13 dollars an hour to do that shit..the can find a mexican that will do it for 8 bucks an hour..with no breaks....the company owner play a hugh part in it also..but i will get into that in a little bit...

Bobby Brown

Well-Known Member
Illegal immigration cons are numerous.

They are taking away jobs that are meant for Native Americans and legal immigrants.
Illegal immigrants utilize health, shelter and education benefits at the cost of taxes paid by Native Americans.
Illegal aliens have made crime scenario in the US worst ever. They are involved in most robberies, murder cases and all those hideous tasks that are unjustified both legally and morally.
Moreover, they never pay taxes.
Oh my god, and you were calling me dumb. You can say that with a straight face being half black? I am finished with this thread. I have Modelo to drink and kush to smoke.


New Member
For the welfare of illegal immigrants, the US government spends around $22 million each year. On food stamps, free lunches, WIC and other food related relief programs our government spends around $2.2 billion per year for the illegal immigrants. For proffering medical assistance to these illegal aliens each year $2.5 billion is spent. The cost for giving primary and secondary education to the children of illegal immigrants, around $12 billion dollars are washed out. If this isn’t enough, catch a glimpse of more expenses our government handles for nurturing these illegal infringers.


Well-Known Member
Oh my god, and you were calling me dumb. You can say that with a straight face being half black? I am finished with this thread. I have Modelo to drink and kush to smoke.[/QUOTE

LoL? im sorry man that had nothing 2 do with being Half black


New Member
Oh my god, and you were calling me dumb. You can say that with a straight face being half black? I am finished with this thread. I have Modelo to drink and kush to smoke.
this really show how dumb you are...i never attacked your race nor will i attack anyone for being a certain color..its funny how you like cyprus hill they are a culture of the black community..blacks started hip hop and please dont tell me the mexicans did


New Member
modelo is fucking nasty..all mexican beers are truly crap...thats my opinion...i think they should just stick to makeing tequila not beer


Well-Known Member
Then you should be mad at the company that hired illegals not the illegals themselves. People gotta eat.
Americans want to eat to- I know they had food in Mexico last time I was their, How about Mexicans can eat whatevers on the plate in Mexico go make a living in Mexico if your Mexican and Americans can make a living America. Your right about the message and not the messenger-if your a Mexican who came here illegally to get a job and earn a living and thats what your doing...I hold no ill will towards you ...i'm not mad at the Mexicans but I am mad at the Govt for allowing you to do this at my expense.