Who belives in this American Ideology

Bobby Brown

Well-Known Member
i dont like illegal mexicans here on american soil
Most Mexicans are just 1 generation removed from being an illegal one. My people only come here to pick your fruits and work your low paying factory jobs that I bet your lazy ass wouldn't touch without exausting about 18 years worth of foodstamps first. So STFU!


Well-Known Member

Here you go guys. I hope this will teach you something about America.:clap:

Bobby Brown

Well-Known Member

The ignorance in this thread is palpable. Please Bobby Brown...speak to me. My grammar is proper, son. Which I assume makes me more intelligent on the internet.

If you come to this country on a car door, a boat, your feet, a car, underground, in a plane, or inside some animal....and you fail to let someone know....you are now an illegal. I don't care if you are black, brown, white, or shades in between...get the fuck out. I guess if you prefer to support 90% of the country with your income(if you have any)...then just keep rolling over like the bitch you are...but...

If you prefer to man up and kick out and keep out EVERY ONE that is here illegally...then cool. I prefer that. But stop making shit racial. Ya the mayans and aztecs killed themselves off and finding a mayan or aztec decendant is HARD to do. Mostly all are dead. Most Mexicans are Spanish. Unless your a native Indian then shut the fuck up. You racist bastard.
I am native Indian, so I guess I can keep talking. Thanks for your permission.


Well-Known Member
Most Mexicans are just 1 generation removed from being an illegal one. My people only come here to pick your fruits and work your low paying factory jobs that I bet your lazy ass wouldn't touch without exausting about 18 years worth of foodstamps first. So STFU!
The only reason we hire your ass is because YOU WILL WORK FOR CHEAP!!!!!! i've worked with many mexicans all being payed half that i am thats why your takeing our jobs we won't slave

The Knuck

Active Member
my wife is mexican lol for real i am dead serious...but she is born here in the US and speaks fluent spanish...she works at a medical clinic and tells me of the stories of how illegal immagrants complain about the free healthcare they are recieveing..the also abuse all our goverment programs by abusing it.,.its made for americans not leech sucking immagrants

i hope here parents were legal.....

if not she better pack her ass up back to mexico.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Most Mexicans are just 1 generation removed from being an illegal one. My people only come here to pick your fruits and work your low paying factory jobs that I bet your lazy ass wouldn't touch without exausting about 18 years worth of foodstamps first. So STFU!
yeah that's right, americans are incapable of harvesting fruit or working in a factory. Anything that makes you feel important I guess. The truth is your being used and the people who employ them should be imprisoned.

Bobby Brown

Well-Known Member
The only reason we hire your ass is because YOU WILL WORK FOR CHEAP!!!!!! i've worked with many mexicans all being payed half that i am thats why your takeing our jobs we won't slave
If you are competing with an illegal immigrant for a job, then you have made some bad choices in life my friend.


New Member
Most Mexicans are just 1 generation removed from being an illegal one. My people only come here to pick your fruits and work your low paying factory jobs that I bet your lazy ass wouldn't touch without exausting about 18 years worth of foodstamps first. So STFU!
First of all Bitch im not lazy ive worked harder and done more shit than 90 percent of any mexican..Ive worked with some illegals and they say they work hard..bullshit.they dont understand the phrase WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER..WORKING HARDER DOESNT MEAN THAT YOU A GOOD WORKER IT MEANS YOU DONT HAVE ANY DIRECTION....I worked in the fields for 4 months during the summer in the Central Valley of California....Im a combat vet...and was in the military for 8 years....and its the illegals that take up alll the food stamps.....using other peoples names "American Citizens" names...out of 5 guys 1 was illegal and i told he should try to become a citizen...he makes his money then takes it back to mexico..wtf is that bull shit...i always told him he should go back to mexico


New Member
If you are competing with an illegal immigrant for a job, then you have made some bad choices in life my friend.
No american should have to compete for a job with a mexican...Its the employer that searches for employees to work at a certain wage....mexican work for cheaper than minum wage.. so the jobs go to illegals inturn keeps the owner with more money in there pocket...cant wait untill this health care shit comes along...becuse any illegal trying to use it will get busted.

Bobby Brown

Well-Known Member
First of all Bitch im not lazy ive worked harder and done more shit than 90 percent of any mexican..Ive worked with some illegals and they say they work hard..bullshit.they dont understand the phrase WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER..WORKING HARDER DOESNT MEAN THAT YOU A GOOD WORKER IT MEANS YOU DONT HAVE ANY DIRECTION....I worked in the fields for 4 months during the summer in the Central Valley of California....Im a combat vet...and was in the military for 8 years....and its the illegals that take up alll the food stamps.....using other peoples names "American Citizens" names...out of 5 guys 1 was illegal and i told he should try to become a citizen...he makes his money then takes it back to mexico..wtf is that bull shit...i always told him he should go back to mexico
You got a Link?


Well-Known Member
If you are competing with an illegal immigrant for a job, then you have made some bad choices in life my friend.
I work underground its real work, not a fucking assembly line i make 28$ an hour other mexicans that work with me doing the same job get payed 14-18$ an hour We are not competing with anyone if you owned a company and was greedy would you hire someone who will work for a little bit of nothing or someone that won't?