Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
"Biblical Age of Earth by David V. Bassett, M.S.
Beginning with the archeological landmark event of the fall of Jerusalem (which has now been corrected to 588 B.C., instead of 586-587 B.C.) and counting backwards the prophesied number of years between this event and the division of Solomon's kingdom (390 yrs. + 40 yrs., according to Ezekiel 4:4-7), brings us to 1018 B.C.
From the end of Solomon's 40-year reign to the start of the Temple in the 4th year of his reign takes us back another 37 years to 1055 B.C.
From the start of Solomon's Temple "in the 480th year" (1 Kings 6:1) back to the Exodus from Egypt (hence 479 years previous) brings us to near 1534 B.C.
From the Exodus out of Egypt to Abraham's entering Canaan from Haran was exactly 430 years to the day (Gen 12:10/ Exodus 12:40/ Gal 3:17), thus around 1964 B.C.
Since Abraham entered Canaan at age 75 (Gen 12:4), he was born approximately 2039 B.C.
From Abraham's birth to Noah's grandson (Shem's son), Arpachshad's birth, 2 years after the Flood started, was 290 years (Gen 11:11-26), this places the onset of the Flood at around 2331 B.C. [definitely 4,300-4,400 years ago].
The genealogy of Genesis 5:3-32 precludes any gaps due to its tight chronological structure and gives us 1,656 years between Creation and the Flood, thus bringing Creation Week back to near 3987 B.C. or approximately 4000 B.C.
Therefore, the biblical age of the Earth (using Scripture itself as a guide) is 6,000 years !! Mankind did not evolve 4 million years ago on an Earth which is 4.5 billion years old in a universe which was "big-banged" into existence 18-20 billion years in the distant past. Jesus Christ, the Creator Incarnate, said He made mankind male and female in the beginning (Mark 10:6), and that when the heavens and the earth were commanded into being (Gen 1:1), they "stood up together" (Isa 48:13) not billions of years apart !!"

You starting to see the "light"?
I asked for a biblical passage containing the age of the earth. Not mans interpertation of how old the earth is.....Yes I see the light. Sadly, you never will.


Well-Known Member
the muslims do believe in the same god as the christians. in fact, he is the same god as the jewish religion too. but they themselves do not realize it because they split along time ago.

but all three religions claim the same patriarchs: abraham, isaak & jacob. so how could it be?

simple. it happens today all the time. one religious leader in a small town gets very fundamental or very lax and calls his church a new name. at first the basic beliefs are the same, but give it hundreds of years and it looks like a completely different religion. some advocates moderation and the other advocates suicide bombings.

if ALL these people could somehow realize their roots and realize that we're ALL related and none of this religions means shit maybe we could achieve peace.
Yes. Very true. All religions are traced back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You get it now homegrown?


Well-Known Member
He uses the actual Bible to mathematically calculate the biblical age of the planet Earth, according to the Bible itself, delusionist!

Ha! If you want to play it that way then.

Would we still have the Twin Towers if we did not have religion?

Answer, Of Course!

I've read the Qu'ran, they do NOT believe in the same Judea-Christian God.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you've never read the bible. You have no idea wtf you are talking about. Anybody can use google and find evidence of anything they want. I bet you I could google a source that 'mathematicaly tells the biblical age of the planet according to the bible.'...That was one man's interpertation on the biblical age of the planet.... Like I said b4 get the fuck out my thread!!:evil:


Well-Known Member
Dude, you've never read the bible. You have no idea wtf you are talking about. Anybody can use google and find evidence of anything they want. I bet you I could google a source that 'mathematicaly tells the biblical age of the planet according to the bible.'...That was one man's interpertation on the biblical age of the planet.... Like I said b4 get the fuck out my thread!!:evil:
I'm sorry to say, but that is not 1 man's hypothesis of the age of the Earth.

It is scientifically proven that the Earth is Billions of years old. It is also proven by mathematical interpretation of the Biblical scriptures that the Old and New Testament believe planet Earth to be around 6,000 years old.

I was once a devout Christian, I have read the Bible, New and Old Testament, I have also read the Qu'ran/Koran. I am well educated on the topic of religion and God. I can tell you now that scientific evidence supports Darwinians' theory of evolution.

Don't be mad, when you die (God Forbid!) you'll realise I'm right :-D


Well-Known Member
Why should I have to prove God's existence to you?
Can you give me one piece of irrefutable evidence that proves God does not exist.


Well-Known Member
Why should I have to prove God's existence to you?
Can you give me one piece of irrefutable evidence that proves God does not exist.
There is no irrefutable evidence to suggest God does not exist or exist. However, there is much scientific evidence to suggest that he does not exist and much much much evidence to support Darwinians theory of evolution.

Obviously your dead set he exists and I am pretty much dead set he does not exist. One day however you will realise.


Well-Known Member
There is no irrefutable evidence to suggest God does not exist or exist. However, there is much scientific evidence to suggest that he does not exist and much much much evidence to support Darwinians theory of evolution.

Obviously your dead set he exists and I am pretty much dead set he does not exist. One day however you will realise.
Your too stuck up on the science of it all......According to science we shouldn't exist....The big bang theory that an atom appeared out of thin air and exploded creating the universe and everything we see today? I thought energy cannot be created or destroyed...Is the idea of a God really more far-fetched than the big bang theory?


Well-Known Member
One day however you will realise.
I'm afraid that quote applies to you not me. If I'm wrong I will never know it because I'll be dead in the ground. If your wrong you will realise it because you will burn in the pits of hell for all eternity. (Not trying to offend. Atheists might get into heaven too. I don't know how God works but I would hope as long as they're good people)


Well-Known Member
We could go around in circles here mate. But to answer your question, yes it is alot more far fetched.

According to Science we do exist and should exist, I've never read anything to the contrary.

And yes, I do believe in the scientific reasoning of it all. It's called being a Realist, Humanist, Rationalist.

But hey, fuck it. Let's have a toke. :-D


Well-Known Member
We could go around in circles here mate. But to answer your question, yes it is alot more far fetched.

According to Science we do exist and should exist, I've never read anything to the contrary.

And yes, I do believe in the scientific reasoning of it all. It's called being a Realist, Humanist, Rationalist.

But hey, fuck it. Let's have a toke. :-D
Sounds good to me...I got to take off anyways. Been nice talking to ya tho...Stop by anytime, I would love to dive deeper into this subject.

But here's some food for thought I'll leave you with. According to science energy cannot be created...Well then where did the energy from the big bang come from?...Either this is all a dream.... or a being more powerful than ourselves played a part.


Well-Known Member
I didn't read any of the rest of the posts on this thread. But if you're celebrating Christmas this year and don't believe in God; you're a damn hypocrite. So if you don't believe him make sure you aren't celebrating his birthday. It'd be like the Jews celebrating Christmas. Doesn't happen. And I guarantee at least 2/3 people posting on this thread are going to celebrate tonight or tomorrow with presents and such. Just send them back to the store.


Well-Known Member
I didn't read any of the rest of the posts on this thread. But if you're celebrating Christmas this year and don't believe in God; you're a damn hypocrite. So if you don't believe him make sure you aren't celebrating his birthday. It'd be like the Jews celebrating Christmas. Doesn't happen. And I guarantee at least 2/3 people posting on this thread are going to celebrate tonight or tomorrow with presents and such. Just send them back to the store.
Everyone's lost the traditional meaning of Christmas anyway!

I do not celebrate it, however I do celebrate a drink and a good feed!



Well-Known Member
Who celebrates christmas these days for the purpose of god, surely that would entail giving money away to charity and making your money situation more even to the poor and not going out and spending huge amounts of cash on material items for your nearest and dearest in an effort to show you love them enough by the amount you spent.


Well-Known Member
Yes, not many people follow the original traditions of Christmas but those who believe in God do at least remember and recognize the true meaning of Christmas. I'm not a rich man at all, but I'd say I give at least $70-100 to the charity people on the streets throughout each holiday season as I'm walking by. I'm not saying that giving people presents is the true meaning of Christmas but it stemmed from it. And if you're celebrating with your family in any way tonight or tomorrow; sorry you're indirectly celebrating Jesus's birthday. Merry CHRISTmas.


Well-Known Member
Yes, not many people follow the original traditions of Christmas but those who believe in God do at least remember and recognize the true meaning of Christmas. I'm not a rich man at all, but I'd say I give at least $70-100 to the charity people on the streets throughout each holiday season as I'm walking by. I'm not saying that giving people presents is the true meaning of Christmas but it stemmed from it. And if you're celebrating with your family in any way tonight or tomorrow; sorry you're indirectly celebrating Jesus's birthday. Merry CHRISTmas.
I disagree, non religious people are not celebrating it religiously because they don't believe it happened, maybe in your eyes they are.

If your non religious your celebrating the family time and the present giving and thats all its about.

For me christmas has no religious baring the only purpose of christmas is the children to let them believe that the world is a good place and make their eyes light up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but there's a certain amount of that necessary to actually live and not just bitch about things all the time. I'm not saying anyone does, but man...faith is important. You can't understand everything, so sometimes you just have to not try. And when you're ready you will understand. Some people want to wait until this life is over, some don't. And that's fine. It just matters when you, as an individual, will be ready.

Do you have answers to your own questions?? I'm curious...

Having faith means you don't have to think critically about the things that need critical thought the most.

Where do we come from?

Invisible being in the sky did it.

What is the meaning of life?

To be nice to people so I can go to Heaven for all eternity.

Why is there evil in the world?

God lets little kids get raped and murdered for His own reasons which are beyond our comprehension. So just keep the faith, or you'll go to Hell. And even though little kids are raped and murdered, if you survive a car crash, God saved you for a reason so be sure to thank Him but don't ask why he allowed the little kids to be tortured for so long before finally being put out of their misery. We don't know how He works exactly, so don't pray and ask Him why he let the little kids be raped and murdered, that isn't for you to know. And he is really busy so doesn't have a very good record of answering prayers, anyway. But if you ever ask Him to make your life better in some way, like to mend a fault in your marriage, and that happens, praise Him. If your spouse dies shortly after in a car crash, just know it was their time. God works in mysterious ways.