Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Yeah... I'm pretty sure religion was here long before actual designated scientists were officially studying how humans were created.
I thought religion already knew how man was created?

Some magical guy did it all.

If I told you that I believed leprechauns existed, and that I pray to the king leprechaun every night... wouldn't you laugh? That's how I feel about people that believe in a god.

I'm not unsure, i KNOW there are no gods nor fairies nor leprechauns. I love my life, and can accept the TRUTH no matter how painful it is. So should you all.


Well-Known Member
I don't get why you guys think we believe in God b/c we're scared of the truth. What is the truth? That we just get thrown in the ground when we die. I'm not scared of death. This is an evil, fucked up world. I will be glad to leave it. It has nothing to do with fear of the unknown, at least not for me. No matter what happens when I die it can't be worse than this world.
edit- Oh yeah, unless I go to hell, of course. But, I try to be a good person so I'm not really afraid of that, either.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I'm pretty sure religion was here long before actual designated scientists were officially studying how humans were created.

Sorry donnie, but humans have been wondering where they came from as soon as they became conscious. Around the time religion was being created humans weren't intelligent enough to be the so called scientists we have today. So they they kinda made it all up as they went along. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
I am a deep atheist.

Here is some food for thought.

  • Why does most of the Old Testament teach that there is no afterlife (see Ecclesiastes 9:5-6, for example), while later Old Testament writings and the New Testament do?
  • How can God possibly be both omniscient and omnipotent?

    Omniscience means that He knows all that is, was or ever will be, and He knows how He is going to intervene in the future. But if He already knows how He is going to intervene, then He cannot change His mind, which means He is not omnipotent.
  • So God is real. OK. So what is the difference between God and Reality? Why not keep it simple and call it reality?
  • The Bible is clear on the age of the Earth - between 4,000 to 8,000 years old. Please explain this in view of the scientific evidence that dinosaurs' bones are many millions of years old?
  • Doesn't it scare you that we are reflective of God's image?
  • Why do you think God appreciates being worshiped?
  • What do you think that says about God's nature?
  • Laypeople and Theologians agree that God is beyond human comprehension, that we cannot know his nature. Then how come that a very long list of attributes is ascribed to him (like being a personal entity, male, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omni benevolent, being a 'trinity' etc)
  • If we can indeed know nothing of God (for those 'mystics' who think there is a God, but deny believing in any of the above things literally - basically those who believe in an unspecified 'higher power' and call it God), how can we say of something that it exists while not ascribing any attributes to it (it being unknowable)? I could say "Grzwgllk" exists... you would ask "What is that supposed to be", where upon I would say "As it is beyond my comprehension, I cannot ascribe any attributes to it". A claim of existence of a certain entity is meaningless without specifying precise attributes of that entity.
  • Why would a god who did not allow his own servants to touch the Ark of the Covenant (under penalty of death) allow himself to be ridiculed and crucified by enemies (Romans) of his own people?
  • Since God killed something like 2,700,000 people in the Bible, and Satan only killed 10... How do you know you're worshiping the right one? Because he's the scariest?
  • Almost all believers I know hate listening to the sermon; attending bible studies, practice for the choir, singing the never ending batteries of singspiration songs, etc. Many suffer these out of habit, out of fear of eternal condemnation or being ostracized. Why is it that they all want to go to heaven so they can do absolutely nothing else other than exactly these activities which they hate while on earth? I should attribute this question to Clemens though...
  • Jesus is considered both the son of God and God himself. We are referred to in the bible as God's children and also brides of Christ. Is jesus my father, my brother, my son or my husband?
  • If the bible is true, then in regard to Noah's ark, how did millions of species of plants and animals survive on a wooden boat at sea for a year? Consider the feeding and waste management problems without adequate sanitation, ventilation and refrigeration.
  • In this vein, how did plant life get re-established with such diversity and so quickly worldwide when a biblical flood would have destroyed all plant life from salinity, deep water pressure effects and prolonged immersion under the sea without sunlight?
  • How did the earth get repopulated with very habitat specific animals following Noah's ark? For example, how did Koala's find their way from the Middle East to Australia with intervening oceans and no eucalypt trees? How did penguins survive the tropical and equatorial heat to migrate thousands of kilometres (some of it across desert) to Antarctica?
  • How can you prove that Noah's ark is true and not merely a fable?
  • Given that many parts of the bible are patently false (as shown by modern science and historical studies), such as the 6000 year old earth made in 7 days, Adam and eve story, Noah's ark fable, and many contradictory and incorrect passages, how can you treat this book as the basis for having a faith system and leading your life according to it?
Fuck God, religion and all that brainwashing propaganda dogma!

Merry Christmas fuckers... hehehe.


New Member
I don't get why you guys think we believe in God b/c we're scared of the truth. What is the truth? That we just get thrown in the ground when we die.
Yes... just like the insects you so easily crush beneath your boots, our lives have exactly the same value. Do ants go to heaven? What about chimpanzees?


Well-Known Member
Yes... just like the insects you so easily crush beneath your boots, our lives have exactly the same value. Do ants go to heaven? What about chimpanzees?
You have to have a soul to go to an afterlife. I doubt ants do, maybe chimpanzees. But, you missed the point... Ppl think God was invented b/c ppl are scared of death. I'm not scared of that. It would be just like taking a long ass nap you don't wake up from. Doesn't sound too bad to me...And I don't care how the Earth or universe was created. This is not what causes me to believe...I believe for many of my own personal reasons that I would not be able to explain here.


Well-Known Member
God was invented because no one could explain how the earth was created.

People STILL believe in god for comfort. If there is no god what happens to them? Alot of other people "believe" in-case there is a god, they don't want to go to hell.

People also believe in God because of personal "miracles". Little do they know is that there is probably some scientific evidence to support the fact that it was not a miracle.

As I said, God and religion is nothing but a Dogma. If you read the points I stated in my last post it should be clear to you that there is serious doubt as to the existence of God.

Also, many religious people look down on atheists. The fact is, most religious people are 99.9% atheists themselves. What if you are a Christian, you die and you find out that there is no such thing as the Christian God. Only the Muslim God Allah, your still going to hell!

Out of all the invented God's, how do you know that YOUR god is the REAL god? eh?


Well-Known Member
The muslims believe in the same God as Christians. There is only one true God. Everyone who believes in God, no matter their faith, will not go to hell.


Well-Known Member
LOL! Tell a Muslim that! Christians are infidels. Have you not read the Qu'ran?

This goes to show how educated you are on the topic of "God".


Well-Known Member
A minority of muslims think Christians are infidels. And yes they believe in the same God as Christians. What are you retarded?


Well-Known Member
Please stay out of my thread Homegrown. The title of the thread is do you believe in God. Not 'tell me everything you find wrong with God'.


Well-Known Member
Are you fucking retarded?

The Qu'ran states that Christians are infidels!

"Who does Islam consider an "infidel"? The answer is found in the Qur'an, Surah 5:72 and 73. "Infidels now are they who say, 'God is the Messiah, Son of Mary.' … They surely are Infidels who say, 'God is the third of three.'" You are classified as an "infidel" if you believe that Jesus is God incarnated, that he is the son of Mary and if you believe in the Trinity.
___· How are "infidels" to be treated? Qur'an, Surah 47:4: "When ye encounter the Infidels, strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them and the rest make fast the fetters."
___· Is Islam a "sister faith"? Qur'an. Surah 5:51a: "O ye who believe take not the Jews or the Christians for your friends or protectors. They are but friends and protectors of each other."
___ ·
Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God but by different names? Definitely not! One of the many differences is seen in how these gods instruct their followers to treat those with whom they differ."

Source - COMMENTARY: Take a broader look at Islam and the Qu'ran


Well-Known Member
Please stay out of my thread Homegrown. The title of the thread is do you believe in God. Not 'tell me everything you find wrong with God'.
I do not believe in God.

Everything I find wrong about God is God himself. There is no such thing.

The truth shall set you free.

Show me 1 scientific evidential fact that God exists.


Well-Known Member
I don't give a fuck what you say. Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in the same God...................................God cannot be proved by science. You must have faith which you have none.

Humans are spirtual and scientific beings. What's wrong with ppl like you is you never explore your spirtual side.


Well-Known Member
Your quoting a fallacious book that has no scientific evidential backing?

Good one!

"The Bible is clear on the age of the Earth - between 4,000 to 8,000 years old. Please explain this in view of the scientific evidence that dinosaurs' bones are many millions of years old!"

I have no faith because faith has no merit.

I don't give a fuck what you say. Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in the same God" - Your so wrong it's not even funny!

Why don't you actually read the Bible, understand the book and religion and then actually post here with some understanding of it cos right now you are sounding like an uneducated fool who believes in God without any understanding of the correct meaning of God.

Humans don't have a spiritual side, what's there to explore? We are made of of genes, molecules..not spirits!


New Member
If this does not make sense to you, then let me ask you this...

Is a CHAIR real?
What is a CHAIR?

A "chair" is a concept.. a made up term to signify somewhere you park your ass.



DO you understand that CONCEPTs are not real? GOD is not real... GOD is a concept..

SO, GOD is WHAT? GOD is something that the mind can not understand... The mind can only understand concepts..

I hope this helps


When ONE experiences GOD, ONE begins to LOVE everything.. BECAUSE, GOD is everything, and EVERYTHING LOVES itself..

it is tough to argue with any of these posts GK. they makes sense and are deep and yet simple. it must be nice in your hed. it looks like you have a lot of love. :-)


Well-Known Member
Your quoting a fallacious book that has no scientific evidential backing?

Good one!

"The Bible is clear on the age of the Earth - between 4,000 to 8,000 years old. Please explain this in view of the scientific evidence that dinosaurs' bones are many millions of years old!"
Your just proving your ignorance further. You obviously do not study spirtual matters, so why are you here? No where in the bible does it state the age of the earth or when God created it....Show me one bible passage that says the Earth is between 4,000 and 8,000 years old.


New Member
the muslims do believe in the same god as the christians. in fact, he is the same god as the jewish religion too. but they themselves do not realize it because they split along time ago.

but all three religions claim the same patriarchs: abraham, isaak & jacob. so how could it be?

simple. it happens today all the time. one religious leader in a small town gets very fundamental or very lax and calls his church a new name. at first the basic beliefs are the same, but give it hundreds of years and it looks like a completely different religion. some advocates moderation and the other advocates suicide bombings.

if ALL these people could somehow realize their roots and realize that we're ALL related and none of this religions means shit maybe we could achieve peace.


Well-Known Member
"Biblical Age of Earth by David V. Bassett, M.S.
Beginning with the archeological landmark event of the fall of Jerusalem (which has now been corrected to 588 B.C., instead of 586-587 B.C.) and counting backwards the prophesied number of years between this event and the division of Solomon's kingdom (390 yrs. + 40 yrs., according to Ezekiel 4:4-7), brings us to 1018 B.C.
From the end of Solomon's 40-year reign to the start of the Temple in the 4th year of his reign takes us back another 37 years to 1055 B.C.
From the start of Solomon's Temple "in the 480th year" (1 Kings 6:1) back to the Exodus from Egypt (hence 479 years previous) brings us to near 1534 B.C.
From the Exodus out of Egypt to Abraham's entering Canaan from Haran was exactly 430 years to the day (Gen 12:10/ Exodus 12:40/ Gal 3:17), thus around 1964 B.C.
Since Abraham entered Canaan at age 75 (Gen 12:4), he was born approximately 2039 B.C.
From Abraham's birth to Noah's grandson (Shem's son), Arpachshad's birth, 2 years after the Flood started, was 290 years (Gen 11:11-26), this places the onset of the Flood at around 2331 B.C. [definitely 4,300-4,400 years ago].
The genealogy of Genesis 5:3-32 precludes any gaps due to its tight chronological structure and gives us 1,656 years between Creation and the Flood, thus bringing Creation Week back to near 3987 B.C. or approximately 4000 B.C.
Therefore, the biblical age of the Earth (using Scripture itself as a guide) is 6,000 years !! Mankind did not evolve 4 million years ago on an Earth which is 4.5 billion years old in a universe which was "big-banged" into existence 18-20 billion years in the distant past. Jesus Christ, the Creator Incarnate, said He made mankind male and female in the beginning (Mark 10:6), and that when the heavens and the earth were commanded into being (Gen 1:1), they "stood up together" (Isa 48:13) not billions of years apart !!"

You starting to see the "light"?