who are our REAL allies?

Easily the most Paranoid thread title i've read this year.

You had trump as Presadent for fks sake and have illegally invaded countries and committed war crimes and no one was convicted. Your also trying to destroy the worlds free press to make sure no future war crimes come to light. You nearly became a dictatorship, and you haven't even arrested the would be dictator.. You removed women's rights months ago and still haven't given them back.

I can see why your paranoid as i read that back...... Perhaps the issue is you and not others, stop being so narcissistic.
Easily the most Paranoid thread title i've read this year.

You had trump as Presadent for fks sake and have illegally invaded countries and committed war crimes and no one was convicted. Your also trying to destroy the worlds free press to make sure no future war crimes come to light. You nearly became a dictatorship, and you haven't even arrested the would be dictator.. You removed women's rights months ago and still haven't given them back.

I can see why your paranoid as i read that back...... Perhaps the issue is you and not others, stop being so narcissistic.
Perhaps a bit of narcissism is indicated when the world’s ignorant describe us as a collective. Some of us are fighting for the life of a republic here, despite your moaning.

By your logic, all y’all are doing much much more to destroy the world’s free press. Exhibit A: Rupert Murdoch.

So holster the sanctimony and embrace the idea that most of Americans look upon the ongoing erosion of civil rights with consternation. And none of us were consulted about our 21st-century military adventurism.

Rank ignorance mated to moral certainty is not a good look. You still have not laid out why you think Democrats are far right.
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Easily the most Paranoid thread title i've read this year.

You had trump as Presadent for fks sake and have illegally invaded countries and committed war crimes and no one was convicted. Your also trying to destroy the worlds free press to make sure no future war crimes come to light. You nearly became a dictatorship, and you haven't even arrested the would be dictator.. You removed women's rights months ago and still haven't given them back.

I can see why your paranoid as i read that back...... Perhaps the issue is you and not others, stop being so narcissistic.
well, if i gave a shit about your opinion, i might do something about the title, but i think i'll leave it just as it is, as it offends you...
i never had trump as president, a bunch of ignorant cocksucking morons had him as president, and i spent 4 years telling them how fucking stupid they were, while trump spent 4 years showing us how stupid they were.
the US has done some horrible shit, but so has just about every other government on the fucking planet, so start pointing fingers in more than one direction, and i might look when you point...now i just ignore you when you point, because you're always pointing at the same, already acknowledged problem...which IS slowly improving, whether you care to admit it or not.
who is trying to destroy the worlds free press? where do you come up with this shit? are you on some fucking Qtard auxiliary council?
why do we give a fuck if war crimes come to light? what has it cost us so far? not a fucking thing, because we don't cross a line into genocide...and the rest of the world realizes that if you try to play fair against cheaters, you fucking lose, no matter how pure you are...you're a pure loser.
why do you keep lumping us all together? even someone as politically ignorant as you seem to be should realize that at least half of us hate the motherfuckers more than you ever could pretend to...YOU did this YOU did that...i didn't do a single fucking thing you're accusing EVERYONE in the entire country of...did you personally oppress aboriginal people? did you participate in poaching that causes species to approach or reach extinction? did you personally participate in this shadow government scandal?
then why the fuck do you keep implying that every American is guilty of what our fucked up government does? we have about the same amount of control on our government as you have...very fucking little, and we're using what we have as hard as we can...and who is the fucking narcissist, telling an entire country what their problem is, from the back of your very fucking high horse? that is standing on dead aboriginal children...
well, if i gave a shit about your opinion, i might do something about the title, but i think i'll leave it just as it is, as it offends you...
i never had trump as president, a bunch of ignorant cocksucking morons had him as president, and i spent 4 years telling them how fucking stupid they were, while trump spent 4 years showing us how stupid they were.
the US has done some horrible shit, but so has just about every other government on the fucking planet, so start pointing fingers in more than one direction, and i might look when you point...now i just ignore you when you point, because you're always pointing at the same, already acknowledged problem...which IS slowly improving, whether you care to admit it or not.
who is trying to destroy the worlds free press? where do you come up with this shit? are you on some fucking Qtard auxiliary council?
why do we give a fuck if war crimes come to light? what has it cost us so far? not a fucking thing, because we don't cross a line into genocide...and the rest of the world realizes that if you try to play fair against cheaters, you fucking lose, no matter how pure you are...you're a pure loser.
why do you keep lumping us all together? even someone as politically ignorant as you seem to be should realize that at least half of us hate the motherfuckers more than you ever could pretend to...YOU did this YOU did that...i didn't do a single fucking thing you're accusing EVERYONE in the entire country of...did you personally oppress aboriginal people? did you participate in poaching that causes species to approach or reach extinction? did you personally participate in this shadow government scandal?
then why the fuck do you keep implying that every American is guilty of what our fucked up government does? we have about the same amount of control on our government as you have...very fucking little, and we're using what we have as hard as we can...and who is the fucking narcissist, telling an entire country what their problem is, from the back of your very fucking high horse? that is standing on dead aboriginal children...
The free press nonsense is based on his belief that Assange got a raw deal for the felony of publishing classified information. It is an idée fixe with him.
The free press nonsense is based on his belief that Assange got a raw deal for the felony of publishing classified information. It is an idée fixe with him.
yeah, just because he's fixated on it, doesn't make him right...
Asshole assange is a fucking criminal opportunist who got caught, and then attempted to justify his crimes by pointing at the crimes of others, real or imagined. fuck him, and everyone who supports him.
he's also an asshole, coincidentally....who treated the staff of the embassy offering him shelter like personal slaves, and smeared his own feces on the wall...i guess to protest how well they were treating him, when they had no legal obligation to do so, at all...
couldn't luke have picked a more palatable hero? like...a blood filled leech? the two are very similar, but i've never heard of a leech mistreating the staff of the establishment offering it sanctuary...
yeah, just because he's fixated on it, doesn't make him right...
Asshole assange is a fucking criminal opportunist who got caught, and then attempted to justify his crimes by pointing at the crimes of others, real or imagined. fuck him, and everyone who supports him.
he's also an asshole, coincidentally....who treated the staff of the embassy offering him shelter like personal slaves, and smeared his own feces on the wall...i guess to protest how well they were treating him, when they had no legal obligation to do so, at all...
couldn't luke have picked a more palatable hero? like...a blood filled leech? the two are very similar, but i've never heard of a leech mistreating the staff of the establishment offering it sanctuary...
Our Tasmanian has some odd politics. I think it is important to him to root for a generally-disliked underdog. It plausibly feeds the same wiring we see among the conspiracy consumers and the fascist base: the lizard-brain ego-reward of possessing (and bravely declaring) Special Truth in the face of perceived persecution.
Our Tasmanian has some odd politics. I think it is important to him to root for a generally-disliked underdog. It plausibly feeds the same wiring we see among the conspiracy consumers and the fascist base: the lizard-brain ego-reward of possessing (and bravely declaring) Special Truth in the face of perceived persecution.
Holding false conspiracy theories as a source of secret knowledge gives otherwise powerless people a sense of control and power. I'd prefer that they put the same energy into collecting and building HO train dioramas but maybe they don't have room or electrical power for their hobby. PJ and Luke could take up art or something more worthwhile than spreading BS on the internet but then again, that would take skill and effort to master it.

The people I've met who are hooked on that kind of thing drive shitty cars, in poor health and have bad teeth. I'm probably being unfair but then again, after Jan 6, I'm not feeling kindly to people who blindly accept internet lies.
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The US has been strengthened by our stance against Russian and Chinese aggression.

Regarding S Korea, Yes, the sentiment toward the US remains strong. Judging S Korean alliance with the US using the actions of this right winger would be as if we judged the US's support for NATO through Trump's statements.

The UN sided with the US, Europe and Ukraine. 141 to 5. The vote was a condemnation against Russia. The dictators are on the back foot. Our place in the world is not what it was and I'm glad for that. Our new role has strengthened us.

Thebiden Doctrine appears to support liberal democracies
South Korea has been an ally since the end of WW2...They were defended by a UN coalition when North Korea attacked them in 1950, and have been strong allies ever since. But, are they really strong allies? If this is the attitude of their president, can we really rely upon them if things get tough?
What do the rest of our "allies" think about us in candid moments when they think no one can hear them? Do we even deserve to defend ourselves against their opinions, if we allow the republicans to run rough shod over our democracy? Do we deserve their respect if we allow elected representatives to behave disgracefully, with little to no consequences?
What do we have to do to regain the respect of our allies? Will some of them ever be happy with our behavior?

South Korea is plagued by corruption in their government. That clown is no different. The South Korean people are 100% pro-American but the leaders are just self serving pieces of garbage looking out for themselves the same way it is in most countries including to some extent the United States.

I wouldn't equate that fools comment with much of anything. They need us more than we need them. As for respect.

This is all one needs to see to say they don't deserve ours.

Perhaps a bit of narcissism is indicated when the world’s ignorant describe us as a collective. Some of us are fighting for the life of a republic here, despite your moaning.

By your logic, all y’all are doing much much more to destroy the world’s free press. Exhibit A: Rupert Murdoch.

So holster the sanctimony and embrace the idea that most of Americans look upon the ongoing erosion of civil rights with consternation. And none of us were consulted about our 21st-century military adventurism.

Rank ignorance mated to moral certainty is not a good look. You still have not laid out why you think Democrats are far right.
It would be like us saying all Aussies are drunken, ignorant fools just because the only Aussie we know, is.
America's war on free press is based on the world's belief that Assange is getting a raw deal for publishing War crimes. It is an idée fixe with him.


There’s the intellectual dishonesty right on cue. Good morning.
Dishonesty would be saying i said the Democrats were a far right party..

I partially retract. You did say they are right-wing. In US the entire right wing has drunk the fascist kool-aid; even so I’ll take the words out of your mouth. But I maintain that, as of now, the Republicans are the ball game right of center (they own the conservative brand) and with too few exceptions that matter, they are far right.

I take exception to your “fify”. The real war on free press is allowing the fake news organizations to operate imo.

You do realize that we actually don't have a major political party as far right as the Democrats?
We are introducing laws to protect whistle-blower's.
We didn't take guns off everybody.
We value a Free press.
Our women have rights.
We have universal healthcare.
We are not like America. You guys are so, so, so conservative and slave like to the gov.

No, that meme is America and Americans. You guys invented Fake news and alternative facts- which Hannimal seems to be a huge believer of.

I watched the Beau video. I read it as a joint indictment of how the US handles government whistleblowers, and that we need a mechanism by which damning classified info can be judicially reviewed —and of what Assange did. But that is not the case, and the salient fact is that Assange published classified information which, regardless of content, is correctly a felony.