who are our REAL allies?

To be an ally of the USA , the governing body (not the people) is to embrace murder for money. Don't do it!!! :)
To late really. We signed up decades ago. Australian and Britain should really be looking towards France in the future, the three have a lot in common and don't try to meddle in world affairs in the modern era.They are not as conservative nor as religious, but America is such a militant country (you even employ mercenaries..lol..god i shouldn't laugh..) and has so much $ being invested in the military (stock market) that unless you go full retard we would be silly to piss you off to much.. Hence why i try to educate others on social media on where their Gov is heading.
Most just say i'd be speaking Japanese or German if it wasn't for them, which is a rather sad indication of the education system.

Funnily enough when Trump was running against Hillary the Trump supporters said the same thing that Biden supporters say today to me. lmao You don't live here! You are miles away and an idiot! MAGA! Stupid aussie!. Its not a war against free press its China/ Russia/emails/laptop!
Its kinda funny.
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To late really. We signed up decades ago.

Sort of my point, YOU didn't sign up though, the people that claim to be able to speak for you (actually their political predecessors) signed up as an ally of the USA. war machine.

You, as an individual can and should disavow and not go along with it. There is no amount of money or any threat of punishment that would make me blindly obey orders to put on a military costume and go kill people who I don't even know and who aren't trying to kill me.
Sort of my point, YOU didn't sign up though, the people that claim to be able to speak for you (actually their political predecessors) signed up as an ally of the USA. war machine.

You, as an individual can and should disavow and not go along with it. There is no amount of money or any threat of punishment that would make me blindly obey orders to put on a military costume and go kill people who I don't even know and who aren't trying to kill me.
I'm Australian. We did sign up.
If America keeps drifting to the right and alienating allies then i really do think that France, Australia and the United Kingdom and It's Commonwealth will exit stage left but i think that America will adjust its voting system before that happens. At least i hope so.

Me either. I get on well with the majority of people. I don't want to live with the thought i killed anyone. Bad karma and against the Ten.
I'm Australian. We did sign up.

So hypothetically speaking, do you feel obligated to put on a military costume and kill people you don't know and aren't your personal enemy deserving of death if you were ordered to ?

Would you obey that shit?
Those are merely examples of allies that have been in Trump’s crosshairs and doesn’t suggest those allies changed their position. Trump did fuel Macron’s desire for a European army but that was more about possibly not being able to count on the US with Trump at the wheel and carrying more themselves. Becoming a more organized stronger ally doesn’t mean less of an ally. I’m just saying I don’t think any allies quit after an impeached fuck up. Maybe 3 terms of Trump would do that but just as America voted Trump in, they voted him out.

lol right

No, I never believed the majority of the US condones, outright supports every of Trump’s statements. It’s why I never replied to your reply where you explained to me the attributes of a certain subset and a certain member in the US are not representative for the entire set - it’s implied for me, but your response implied an inserted “all”. Maybe they have some messed up electoral system where the winner doesn’t necessarily represent the majority‘s choice. Maybe a low turnout in a multiparty system and only 30% of eligible voters and 20% of population voted for him. Maybe he just happens to be the leader of a major party a lot of people voted for because that’s what their parents and friends do. Maybe they have some backward southern states with to much influence. In S.Korea I don’t know, in the US I happen to, somewhat, but I’m also aware many do not and would say about the US what you just said, verbatim.

No, sins of the some members including leadership of the set are not automatically the sins nor the responsibility of every member. No, being a Russian does not mean you have a responsibility for whatever messed up shit Putin decides or should risk your life. Nah. There‘s not even fair elections in Russia. This “they they they” is just completely missing the point of my posts. Who is they? Russians? Cause they are born within Russian borders they are now all bad people and responsible for the crimes of everyone else born within those same borders? Nah.

Well it’s definitely not an easy situation but that’s exactly what needs to be done, not some sort of reverse nationalism where each individual is bad cause he or she belongs to a set we labelled Russians. Several countries in the east as in close to Russia reject them, saying avoiding civil duty / draft is not a legal reason to get asylum. Germany, NL, Norway and others in the west are like anyone who wants to get away from war is welcome to go through the proper channels. Which is probably a bit naïve but seems humane.
people have a responsibility for what their leaders do...which leaves us holding a big bag of shit. but responsibility is responsibility...
we pick them, we should have a pretty good idea of what their plans are before we vote for them, but the vast majority of people in the US don't know fuck all but what they hear on social media and what their friends are doing, who are all pretty much ignorant asses, pretending to know what the fuck they're about...i can't help but think the rest of the world will be fairly similar...people so stupid they shouldn't be allowed to have a voice in any important decisions, making important decisions, badly, and leaving those of us who aren't fucking morons to clean up the mess they just made...again...and again...ad motherfucking infinitum...
until we find a way to let them feel like they're participating, but they only get to participate in minor decisions...like which toothpaste to buy, not who gets to run the country...
ok, bad example, as most of the people i'm talking about don't have any teeth...but you get the point.
are the russians fleeing their country responsible for putins choices now? no...but they did pick him, they did sit on their hands while ethnic minorities were being sent to die, which they were aware of, and seemingly approved of. there were no demonstrations when those people were essentially drafted, or offered enough to lift them out of the poverty russian policies keep them in, to go and fight, on the off chance they'll survive to collect.
there were no demonstrations in russia protesting putin's use of cluster bombs on civilian targets...no protests when russians stole thousands of tons of Ukraine's wheat, which they are now selling, saying they had a bumper crop this year...this year of floods, droughts, and scorching heat.
there were no protests about the fake referendums people were just forced to participate in..with plainly visible ballots in glass walled boxes...
the only protests i've seen are for themselves, now that they are facing the same deaths they were glad to ignore just days ago, because they weren't the ones dying...
no fucking sympathy for russia or russians...
So hypothetically speaking, do you feel obligated to put on a military costume and kill people you don't know and aren't your personal enemy deserving of death if you were ordered to ?

Would you obey that shit?
No i don't. I'm not joining the military and we don't have forced sign up like America seems to so it's not a scenario that would present itself.
But id rather gaol than going to kill a fellow pawn for the sake of a few rich dudes.
people have a responsibility for what their leaders do...which leaves us holding a big bag of shit. but responsibility is responsibility...
we pick them, we should have a pretty good idea of what their plans are before we vote for them, but the vast majority of people in the US don't know fuck all but what they hear on social media and what their friends are doing, who are all pretty much ignorant asses, pretending to know what the fuck they're about...i can't help but think the rest of the world will be fairly similar...people so stupid they shouldn't be allowed to have a voice in any important decisions, making important decisions, badly, and leaving those of us who aren't fucking morons to clean up the mess they just made...again...and again...ad motherfucking infinitum...
until we find a way to let them feel like they're participating, but they only get to participate in minor decisions...like which toothpaste to buy, not who gets to run the country...
ok, bad example, as most of the people i'm talking about don't have any teeth...but you get the point.
are the russians fleeing their country responsible for putins choices now? no...but they did pick him, they did sit on their hands while ethnic minorities were being sent to die, which they were aware of, and seemingly approved of. there were no demonstrations when those people were essentially drafted, or offered enough to lift them out of the poverty russian policies keep them in, to go and fight, on the off chance they'll survive to collect.
there were no demonstrations in russia protesting putin's use of cluster bombs on civilian targets...no protests when russians stole thousands of tons of Ukraine's wheat, which they are now selling, saying they had a bumper crop this year...this year of floods, droughts, and scorching heat.
there were no protests about the fake referendums people were just forced to participate in..with plainly visible ballots in glass walled boxes...
the only protests i've seen are for themselves, now that they are facing the same deaths they were glad to ignore just days ago, because they weren't the ones dying...
no fucking sympathy for russia or russians...
You really are the typical American aren't you?
Nuke em all! Wave a Flag! Bring God to the masses! Censorship everything!
You don't even know that the people didn't elect Putin.. Putin doesn't conduct fair elections and makes the rules up as he goes along. How could you not know that?

Bet ya you were not marching in Protest of Iraq or Afghanistan. Bet you wouldn't of against Vietnam either.
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That's ridiculous. If Trump banged a dolphin at Disney world in full view of the public, you share the shame and responsibility ?

Why do you call them "leaders" ?
we have responsibility for their actions because we picked them...you being a completely irresponsible libertarian lunatic doesn't mean shit to the rest of us.
we call them leaders because that's what they're supposed to do...i won't argue with you that many don't deserve the title
You really are the typical American aren't you?
Nuke em all! Wave a Flag! Bring God to the masses! Censorship everything!
You don't even know that the people didn't elect Putin.. Putin doesn't conduct fair elections and makes the rules up as he goes along. How could you not know that?

Bet ya you were not marching in Protest of Iraq or Afghanistan. Bet you wouldn't of against Vietnam either.
no, i'm pretty far from what you describe, you want to paint me that way because it makes your fucked up ridiculous narritive slightly easier to sell to morons...
how could i know that? because i read the news, from real news sites, and not ignorant horseshit Qanon bullshit sites like you apparently use.
i know putin rigs the elections...i also know the russians know it, and let him...trump tried that shit, and you see where it's gotten him.
the russians could all get together and do the same fucking thing...but they don't.
i don't want to nuke anyone, i'm just not happy about being held hostage by a fucking psychotic russian dwarf with a god complex and a stockpile of antique nukes... i don't own a flag, and don't want one....i'm an agnostic, and haven't stepped foot in a church since i was 17...
and i don't censor anything, which is why i get periodic warning letters from the devs...
you really suck at trying to understand what other people are about.
now you and the furry fuck are going back on ignore...till i get bored enough to look at your horseshit again.
we have responsibility for their actions because we picked them...you being a completely irresponsible libertarian lunatic doesn't mean shit to the rest of us.
we call them leaders because that's what they're supposed to do...i won't argue with you that many don't deserve the title

If you don't have any choice in having a "leader" or "leaders" imposed on you by other persons wishes, how could you say "we" picked them, if only some people did ?

Also many of those people who voted didn't really want the choice they voted for, they just voted for the one they thought was less evil or less douchy.

I'm glad you at least recognize they aren't really leaders. A person(s) you can't escape and is imposed on you without your consent, is more like a master.
no, i'm pretty far from what you describe, you want to paint me that way because it makes your fucked up ridiculous narritive slightly easier to sell to morons...
how could i know that? because i read the news, from real news sites, and not ignorant horseshit Qanon bullshit sites like you apparently use.
i know putin rigs the elections...i also know the russians know it, and let him...trump tried that shit, and you see where it's gotten him.
the russians could all get together and do the same fucking thing...but they don't.
i don't want to nuke anyone, i'm just not happy about being held hostage by a fucking psychotic russian dwarf with a god complex and a stockpile of antique nukes... i don't own a flag, and don't want one....i'm an agnostic, and haven't stepped foot in a church since i was 17...
and i don't censor anything, which is why i get periodic warning letters from the devs...
you really suck at trying to understand what other people are about.
now you and the furry fuck are going back on ignore...till i get bored enough to look at your horseshit again.
Why are you being held hostage? How? I thought you lived in America. You are so paranoid and dramatic. You live in the richest country on earth and all you do is complain. Live life, have some fun, get out and about and enjoy your hugely wealthy society.

And you obviously didn't know that Putin rigs elections in Russia as you said he was picked by the Russian people.

Its also very hypocritical complaining about another country influencing elections..America has been doing this for a very, very long time. Invading, destabilizing countries and instating puppet leaders. Why didn't you and all the other Americans get together and stop all that like they did the Vietnam war? Why won't America charge its leaders with war crimes but will gladly charge other countries leaders?

Pffht your always saying you are putting people on ignore. It must be close to double figures to me..lol. I love how you even think people care lol.
You sound like the sad angry kid who takes his bat and ball and goes home because the other kids won't let him win.
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If you don't have any choice in having a "leader" or "leaders" imposed on you by other persons wishes, how could you say "we" picked them, if only some people did ?

Also many of those people who voted didn't really want the choice they voted for, they just voted for the one they thought was less evil or less douchy.

I'm glad you at least recognize they aren't really leaders. A person(s) you can't escape and is imposed on you without your consent, is more like a master.
And he only gets a choice of two out of a Billion people. Conservative A and more Conservative B, and he seems happy with that? Imagine going to a restaurant and they only had a choice of two dishes and they were both chicken?