whites who work: tell me about your cultural isolation

i work with a guy who is white so i can't possibly be racist against the whites. he told me that the only way to fix his painful cultural isolation was to vote for a new york city conman who brags about sexually assaulting women and the says they are too ugly for him to rape. he says he got fired from his last three jobs for fucking his anime pillow in the break room and it was the rapist drug dealing mexicans who reported him. they went running to the black in HR (clearly an affirmative action hire) with their calves as big as cantaloupes to report him. his cultural isolation sounds hellish.
i put a "WHITES ONLY" sign up to notify everyone, that is polite and reasonable according to our resident racial segregationist.

I know, man. Just yanking your chain.

I'm white. I've worked with just about everybody; Asians, Spanish, Jews, Blacks, you name it. The only people I have ever had a problem with are white women. Man, you simply can NOT do anything right in their eyes.

  • Complement them and you're a rapist.
  • Don't complement them and you're an asshole.
  • Hold a door for them and you're sexist.
  • Don't hold the door for them and you're an asshole.
  • Offer to help them and you're demeaning.
  • Don't offer to help them and you're an asshole.
  • Ask their opinion on something and you're patronizing them.
  • Don't ask their opinion on something and you're an asshole.
Only white women are a problem. Everybody else is cool.
It's so confusing dealing with all of these unwritten rules about behavior. It makes me so tired avoiding giving gratuitous insults that some days I come home exhausted. When I'm out and about, I check out the people around me and then quickly avert my eyes so that the blacks or Mexicans won't think I'm staring at them. I can tell that the women I stare at like it but they pretend to be offended. They do it because they are afraid of feminazis. It's so confusing. I'm already exhausted.
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Our church reaches out to the blacks but we are still a completely white congregation. Maybe it's all the Nordic and Scandinavian artwork that are on our walls, I don't know why that would put them off. We managed to get a black for a while when we sponsored a Somalian refugee and hired him as a janitor but he moved on and got his medical license when he gained legal status.

Halloween is always difficult challenge with our kids because they see all the candy other kids get. Our church instead has a bible maze where the kids can see live reenactments of the bible stories like Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt for looking back at the corrupt cities. Also a depiction of Noah's Ark but we only have chickens and a dog in the Ark so it's not one of the favorites. The kids say they like it but I caught one of my kids with some Halloween candy a friend gave her. After talking it over, she agreed to give it to a food bank.

It is so difficult living in white Christian isolation. I wish everybody would just accept me.
i'd invite @Flaming Pie to give her two cents as a white but stealing from the government is not really work, nor is collecting food stamps.
When @Flaming Pie was cited for rat harboring, naturally she felt so culturally isolated she started a thread asking for ideas on how to get revenge on a neighbor. People just didn't understand that the unmowed lawn and junk behind the shed where rats were gathering is a cultural norm where she comes from.
When @Flaming Pie was cited for rat harboring, naturally she felt so culturally isolated she started a thread asking for ideas on how to get revenge on a neighbor. People just didn't understand that the unmowed lawn and junk behind the shed where rats were gathering is a cultural norm where she comes from.
don't forget leaving dogshit all over her front lawn and the neighbors' lawns.
In reality I feel that one of my Hispanic coworkers isolates me. You see one day she brought in some 10/10 home made tamales.......which I love dearly. She clearly must have caught wind of this somehow and did it to bully me.
Then she offered me a few.
Her offering wasn't enough to sate my hunger for tamales and I'm pretty sure it was done just to torment me further. Especially ones that are perfect. I had mentioned I could eat them all day everyday.
Now around once a month she brings me in a batch of them. When I say a batch we're talking 2-3lbs of them.
After I get home I isolate myself further and end up getting baked as balls and chowing down on them until I don't want to move.
It's clearly a psyop.
Poor oppressed gringo...
I oppressed a white today. I'm not sure how I should feel.:cry:
I wanted something to eat so I ordered from Chick Fil A, a Spicy Southwest salad meal. The person who stood before me was white. She may have been forced to welcome me and asked politely what will I be having. I could the feel oppression that I was placing on her as she stood smiling at me, waiting for me to place my ORDER. My only thought was to make her feel isolated so I first ordered a vanilla shake with my meal and quickly changed it to chocolate. She smiled but I knew she hated the change from vanilla to chocolate. She even lied and said that she prefers strawberry then chocolate, with vanilla being her last choice. I knew her game so I smiled and replied "usually I would just get a lemonade, but today it is chocolate shake." I bet she was pissed and felt so damn isolated, but of course she just smiled and asked will I be having anything else. Success !!!! She is now willing to take all my commands. I simply said " that will be all ". I then paid her for my food and enjoyed seeing her work to complete my commands.
Please tell me how should I feel about this slavery, oppression and isolation I forced on this white lady today. Is this normal ?