White Widow + Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
soo i'm just really bored and high and thought i'd show everyone my plants about a week after switching to 12/12.... how do they look?



Well-Known Member
My 2 TW's are hermies :[. I decided to rip off the few balls that were starting to form. I will be monitoring them to see if they grow back and my plan is, if they do start growing back to keep ripping them off except for one which i'll let develop so I can harvest a small amount of pollen. With this pollen I will be pollinating one or two of the lower buds on each plant. It is my understanding that once this happens, the plant will stop producing balls because it has already been pollinated. Is this correct? I think that they hermied from the stress of transplanting because there were only a couple balls and they were very very tiny, so is there any chance that it will not produce any more balls? My cheese plant had one single pollen sac on it which i ripped off a couple days ago and since, absolutely none have grown back or started to grow back.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys :). &LAX i got both strains in there, 1 white widow and 2 trainwrecks. The other 2 are a big bang and a cheese. TWxWW would be one sick ass strain though...

Cap K

Well-Known Member
My dude, in all honesty you might want to give them another week or two, transplant to a bigger pot, and maybe a little more lighting and some floralicious. If you want higher yeilds that is.


Well-Known Member
My dude, in all honesty you might want to give them another week or two, transplant to a bigger pot, and maybe a little more lighting and some floralicious. If you want higher yeilds that is.

You should really READ a thread before just going and posting in it.


Well-Known Member
allright soo my buds are starting to look great, very crystally and dense, but the leaves on some of the plants are turning yellow. I've been using half and half bloom/veg nutes but it doesn't seem to be helping. Anyone know what's going on? I topdressed with worm castings today too so hopefully that'll help.


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
way too small veg to 15 or so inches after topping or some form of training and use at least 2 gal pots if you want to get that yield. i have done quite a few inddor soil grows. i have yielded 2 dry depending on strain repeatably. some strains much less it really varies.


Well-Known Member
my most recent grow was 4 ppp plants and i topped them each twice, giving 4 colas on each plant. i vegged them until they were about 19 - 20in tall. I had them in 3 gal pots and i yielded about 2 oz per plant. if you want to see what i did with the plants here is the grow journal.


my next grow i am doing 6 plants, 3 white rhino and 3 ice. i am going to use the same training technique, but veg them a little less probably about 15 - 16in.


Well-Known Member
uhhh, i was asking about my yellow leaves :S ??? do you people honestly think that i've been asking the same question for 2 months?


Well-Known Member
lol sorry man... i read the 1st page, got lazy and skipped to the last page where i saw bicycle racers post, which caused me to assume we were on the same subject yet

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man-all depend on your lights, pot and growing methods(lst, topping) and most importanly-your strain what you are growing-so dont go all about demanding shit-do your homework and chill the fuck out bro.

keep up the good work...

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
if your leaves are yellow its a nitrogen deficiency or a ph issue the majority of the time. people are only trying to help you calm down peace.


Well-Known Member
allright soo my buds are starting to look great, very crystally and dense, but the leaves on some of the plants are turning yellow. I've been using half and half bloom/veg nutes but it doesn't seem to be helping. Anyone know what's going on?

first off all use bigger pots next time

changes to a plant in soil will take longer than in other mediums so id hold back on the N after your second week of flower.

secondly yellow leaves is usually a N deficiency but if your half and half on the feed there is no reason for it to be that...

can you accurately check your ph before feeding ? can u check your run off ph ?

finally do you have oscillating fans providing good air circulation ? if so where are they placed ?


Well-Known Member
lol i don't know what you guys are talking about? it's not like i was being an asshole in my post....
but anywho, thanks for the advice, i appreciate it. I will try adjusting the pH.


Well-Known Member
OK so I got 17% potassium hydroxide to bring the pH up, does anyone know how much i should use???