White Widow + Trainwreck

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
not sure i have only used calcium hydroxide in aquariums as i use to work in that industry but not potassium hydroxide. for cannabis i use milder ph adjusting compounds. anyways i assume you have a ph kit or probe unless someone else has a direct answer you will have to test and adjust. the right dosage for 1 water source might not be the same for another.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help bicycle racer, appreciate it
But i now know that pH wasn't an issue. It just seems that this is natural for the plant, everything is fine so I don't know what problem there could possibly be. I've read that some strains just go yellow quicker than others and so I think this is just what is happening here. Am I going to see a decrease in yield if my leaves are already yellowing in only their 5th week of flowering? iow, should i be worried about this?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i have had strains do the same it takes a few grows to dial it in. at harvest yellow leaves are a good thing meaning you wont be smoking lots of ferts umm at 5 weeks you should be ok if its an indica or hybrid just fert as normal too much ferts is much worse than not enough you may lose a little yield but it should smoke smooth if you flush. overferting as i have experienced screws up everything.


Well-Known Member
cops came and took my plants, only one week away from harvest too :'(. Oh well, at least i didn't get charged or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
you know, the longer you let them veg the better off you'll be. I knew a guy who was an expert grower (RIP - John Jacobs 1954-2008). Which is where I learned what I know as of now. He once told me, that when growing you have to be patient. Thats the key to a successfull harvest.

He's right.

But, to answer your question bro. I would let them veg for about 4-6 weeks, then flip them over to 12/12. You can flip them over to 12/12 whenever you want. Or start with 12/12 straight from seed.

I personally like to keep my grows regulated to a certain size for myself. This way I control my yield (kinda) and I also control how tall she gets. I also use the LST method. That way my babies BUSH out like a fro. Instead of being tall and lanky.