White widow , my story so far (pics)


Well-Known Member
This is how my girls are as of this morning , managed to sort some close ups out too . . .im happy now :D



Well-Known Member
and some more (upload crashed)



Well-Known Member
been a few days now so heres some more


mr. mad max

Active Member
this is my first grow ever and i got my hands on some feminized white widow seeds my question is, is this plant hard to grow, will a 150 watt hps sun light 16000 lumins in a 4x 2 1/5x 8 feet closet do the job and what kind of nuts are the best for me to use under $50 thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
this is my first grow ever and i got my hands on some feminized white widow seeds my question is, is this plant hard to grow, will a 150 watt hps sun light 16000 lumins in a 4x 2 1/5x 8 feet closet do the job and what kind of nuts are the best for me to use under $50 thanks for the advice
WW is easy to grow as long as you dont screw up, but as a first time grower, you're likely to do so :) But the plant is hardy, so it'll bounce back usually if you fuck up.

150w HPS really isn't enough lighting for that much area if you plan on filling it up. If you're doing 1 or 2 plants you'll probably be fine, but some side lighting would help out as well ala cfls.

Heres a link to afforable organic nutes:


If you want to know more about them read the thread in the Organics forum. Plenty of happy customers.


Well-Known Member
We're pretty much neck and neck bro. Looking good. You have more of an indica pheno than me. It'll be nice to compare results. What nutes u using? How many plants?

Just the one plant in flower for now , one mother vegging and a clone in hydro thats vegging, going down the LST route with her, nice simple flood/drain setup under mixed cfl's til my flowering girl is ready for the harvest, a sad day but also a very happy day . .. . . . . my first proper grow and she's looking healthy, the nutes im using are canna flora, canna boost and a bit of green haze bloom 2 part for good measure, feeding her every other day with the nutes but they are weak ass , about a third strength reccomended, she must be a mass of roots now as the run off when i water her is instant, it used to take a minute or so for the run off to appear, and she's in a 25 litre pot so there must be plenty of roots to water, she gets between 250 - 350 ml nute mix and another 250 - 350 ml of 6.0 mineral water to top her up . . . alls going well so Im very happy :)


Well-Known Member
These are as of yesterday , been a bit busy over the festive period with this that or the other :) she's lookin good tho, sure you'll agree. . . .feedin her nutes in her water every day now and she's loviong it, good ole canna flora. gave her a litre of 6.2 mineral with a full dose of boost mixed in about a week ago, ( 4th week of flowering full strength mix) and I cant really see a difference .. . . you live and learn i suppose .:wall: . . . . her crystal tiara is starting to glimmer too :)


mr. mad max

Active Member
These are as of yesterday , been a bit busy over the festive period with this that or the other :) she's lookin good tho, sure you'll agree. . . .feedin her nutes in her water every day now and she's loviong it, good ole canna flora. gave her a litre of 6.2 mineral with a full dose of boost mixed in about a week ago, ( 4th week of flowering full strength mix) and I cant really see a difference .. . . you live and learn i suppose .:wall: . . . . her crystal tiara is starting to glimmer too :)
lookin good i got my ww finally planted about a week in this just makes me more anxious than i was ten minutes ago keep up the good work man...... hey and if you dont mind me asking what kind of light are you using i have a 150 hps sun light how many plants can i grow under it if any???


Well-Known Member
lookin good i got my ww finally planted about a week in this just makes me more anxious than i was ten minutes ago keep up the good work man...... hey and if you dont mind me asking what kind of light are you using i have a 150 hps sun light how many plants can i grow under it if any???

Im under a single 400w hps at the minute as space is limeted, got another 2 x 400's sat round doing nothingfor now but i've been offered space to use them in a few months. a single 150 should be fine for your grow, look around the threads or do a search for 150w hps , you'll be suprised what a little love and some bailing twine/garden wire can do for a plant, screen of green or lst seems to be a favourite with low output lamps as it spreads the light evenly, hell even cfl's are used for growing so your 150 should be over addequate for about 3 or 4 plants depending on how you utilise the light output. good luck with the grow , and enjoy the widow, just be carful when you come to flower her, she goes nuts for the light, but when she starts flowering you'll be so amazed, its a beautiful sight . . peace , WoW :weed:


Feminized White Widow Dutch Passions seed in soil under a 400w hps planta bulb (started under cfl's for 3 weeks) in soil , my first grow and I think she's doing fine :) . .. would of put some pics up earlier , but I've only just sussed how to get em up (one by one seems to work now )

Theres about 3 weeks of growth from
start to finish in these pic's, now I know what I'm doing i can keep the grow more up to date :)
loving the pics man. i just started an experimental first grow, and yours is definitely healthy and thriving. keep up the good work