White widow , my story so far (pics)


if you leave the lights off for 24hr complete darkness it induces flowering to as it resets the plants 'clock' then you hit it with the 12/12. as for plant number.....i jus think that 2 is just not really worth my time as i want to get a bit of money back ( i apreciate your growing for personal), i would suggest getting some auto flowering plants from a place like everyonedoesit.com or picknmix seeds as you can buy single seeds so plant 5 different ones. then you will have 5 different varieties and as they are seed to harvest in 8 weeks regardless of photoperiod. there fore giving you a wide range of smoke and its also cheaper because you'l save money on electricity ect. a friend of mine did that with one 250HPS light and got an ounce and a half a plant. each were 17 inches high at harvest. so tha might be worth thinking about for your next venture as it is the cheapest way of doing it!

check your email



Well-Known Member
Skip to the second to last page and check out Tahoes Dairy Queen. Its a beautiful plant thats definitely benefited from UVB.


Well-Known Member
if you leave the lights off for 24hr complete darkness it induces flowering to as it resets the plants 'clock' then you hit it with the 12/12.

Allready done 24 hrs darkness , she's in 12/12 now , just threw the full red over her for the best start to her flowering life, reading that buds luuuurve the red spectrum I figured it might work . . . hit and miss , and I dont think it will do much harm as the extra blue in the planta bulb is only a bit extra, this first plant is one big experiment / new experience so if its any good I'll know it works and if not . . . wtf :):joint:;s all round either way :)i done the hard bit now anyway (keeping her alive )


Well-Known Member
hey man

im running a 4x4x6.5 tent with a 600w digital ballast. Im using a 600 mh conversion bulb and I will be using a 600w hps for flower.

I also have dutch passion white widow. I have 3 ladies growing right now and they are more of a sativa pheno than yours. I was hoping for a stocky indica bush, but no luck. Anyway, we should be pretty close around harvest time, I look forward to comparing results...


Well-Known Member
hey man

im running a 4x4x6.5 tent with a 600w digital ballast. Im using a 600 mh conversion bulb and I will be using a 600w hps for flower.

I also have dutch passion white widow. I have 3 ladies growing right now and they are more of a sativa pheno than yours. I was hoping for a stocky indica bush, but no luck. Anyway, we should be pretty close around harvest time, I look forward to comparing results...

Yeah its always good to compare :) lookforwards to seein the pics, and i think its hit miss or maybe with the seeds, looked at loads of widow on this site and all of them vary. I was wonderiing if i had gotten a mixed batch of seeds but theyh are deffo indica and she's white and furry so it cant be that bad , getting some white shark cuttings in a few weeks so that should be interesting , had a smoke of the last batch and it blew me away , i was on the brink of hallucinating , so its all good :)

good luck with the grow :mrgreen:


yeh they are all slightly different in different ways. the people who design and make the strains bring out different qualities in the plant so there for slightly altering the taste and high for the experienced smoker. people who dont moke that much grade will most likely not be able to taste the difference.



Well-Known Member
Aaah I see :) confusion over, cheers for the info , forever learning on this site. So technically , even though were all growing the same weed , its been tweaked a bit , so the smoke is different and the plants are different ??? Not that I'm complaining , and in the last couple of days she's grown about 5 inches so thats all good , does the light change increase her growth rate when she's nearing flowering then or could that be from the flora nutes i gave her to get rid of the slight yellowing ( advice from someone, cant remember who though) . All i know is she's exploded :D even my gf was shocked when she opened the tent hahaha , not that she spends a fraction of the time that I do with my girls. Anyway its time for work now so I'll await your reply :) WoW


this is why for example
Dutch Passion
Greenhouse seeds
and Seedsman
all have white widow strains but are all different because they're different companies. best way t think of it is like some form of fruit juice. for example apple juice..... Sainsbury's Tesco and Asda, all tastes slighty different but roughly the same if you know what i mean, but if you look at the manufactoring process and ingredients all will be different.
heres a website to really explain, look at the top plant then the bottom two on the page

hope this explains it



Well-Known Member
Great info there dude :) it all fits into place , cue lousy columbo impression . . . . so its all good , and all does the job it says on the tin , even if its mixed up slightly different . .. . . I wonder if they do a degree in weed ??? hmmmmmm , I'd enroll on that course for sure :D


lol, ive been to the cannabis college in amsterdam! that was fucking good fun! highly recommend it bruv. yep does what it says on the tin, just a slightly different way of getting there. how are your girls looking atm?



Well-Known Member
My girls are all good :) apart from a few scorched leaves where the mylar creased a bit , my bad . . . . .I moved homes for them , built a veg tent but it was way too big for my requirements so I swapped the lights in them and its now myflowering tent instead , got a flood/drain system running in the veg tent, holds about 30 litres and works a treat, same size pot that the big girl is in so fitting it in the flower room also works fine . . got one of the clones in coco and one rockwook/hydroton , both doing well under mixed cfl's, self sustained smoke is well on the cards now , be a 3 week break between harvests but wtf , if i only get a couple of oz tops per plant that will fill the 3 week gap , might even be able to veg longer before floweing em , gonna give lst a bash too if the clones adapt to the new flood/drain regime. I read that during the start of flowering your plants stretch a bit , but she's doubled in size in the last week, I'd put some more pics up but my lights on happens while Im at work , if i get home tonight before 7 I'll take a few more snaps and up em, If not its gonna be weekend before i get chance to see em. how long is it normally after changing licght cycles that flowerheads really start to appear, because its been 7 days now since the 24 hour lights out and the only thing that has happened is her filling out and growing taller, few more little whispy white strands are showing but no more than before the cycle change. oh and sorry for the slow reply , was at the works do this weekend so I been unavailable ;)



lol im a week 2 days into my flowering. you will not notice anything 'substancial' till a minimum of 2 weeks, mine for example seem to store all there energy until the last 2 weeks then blooms with a big yield so ill have to wait longer (SHIT but defo worth the wait). thats for the spoetniks anyway. obviously all strands are different but white widow i would say 2 and a half weeks to 3 weeks you should see some thing that will tickle your smoke buds. sounds like you have got a good set up bruv...good work on that front and dont worry if you have got it right which it sounds like you do, they'll bud when they're ready! All my seeds have germinated. so i have 5 dame blanche, 5 apple jack seed #305-310, 1 red dragon!!! 1 red diesel and 1 auto blueberry plus the 4 spoetnik #1 which are in flowering. so am going to put an outdoor tent inside to make a phat little grow tent for the vegging then keep the flowering room seperate with my HPS light. at the minute im just using our cuboard for the vegging as its perfect for it for the size they are at the moment. they are in 4 inch pots so plenty of room but need to prepare for the plants when they are ready to move.

what flowering nutes are you using?

peace man


Well-Known Member
Bio Nova coco, aqua flores (canna) boost (canna) bloom (greenhaze) plus a weak assed foliage spray for my hydro setup, and terra vega/flores for the girls in dirt, hopefully I,ve sorted out my leaf scorch , if not , I'm gonna have to think about making a bigger flowering tent and take some mylar down, b&w plastic could be an option for the inside. couldnt get any pics last night , my last hour of light i was fuckin about with an extract system attatched to the reflector in a bid to cool the lamp down , gonna sort supply out tonight, more fucking fans aaagggghhhhh!!!!!! good thing about workin in construction is the abundance of left overs in the skip after a job :)


Well-Known Member
What a total fuck about hahaha, ripped the roof off , raised it up a foot, embedded lamp/flexiduct/fan roof space , fed new supply to arse end of bulb and trimmed about 15 bright orange scorched leaves off , stuck a new pitched roof on and away we go . . . fingers crossed . one of my clones in the flood/drain system is sprouting roots into the tray out the net pots so good times all round , ph consistent , temp consistent and just a bit of stretching ( intended for lst ) I'm gettin the hang of this malarky , easier than it first seems , keep it simple and dont keep messing and things will happen :D . bottom leaves on the girl in the flower tent are all pale and yellowy , I'm guessing this is her way of saying she's on the change? gonna leave em on for a while see whats what, her trunk , and i say trunk, is about the thickness of a 2 p coin, so theres a good chance she's healthy too . anyway , fingers crossed theres no scorching now . in a bit , WoW


Well-Known Member
We have bud!!! Im so happy , and impressed at the same time , mygirl is finally showing flowers, theres loads of sites and most of her branches have reached the same hight as the main stem , which is nice, looking at how she has developed has opened my eyes for my next grow, a couple of her clones in a flood/drain system , lst'd and veged for less time , i didnt think she would reach the heights she has , but none the less, she's in flower now, give it a few days and I'll up somepics, I know i keep promising this but my lights on falls while I'm at work and i dont wanna change anything now , so it be sunday now before my camera see's light :)