White Widow Grow Log - SOG


Well-Known Member
Got all the new ones transplanted, fucking not a ton of them had roots popping through the rock wool, a bit frustrating. The friend said he would replace those that die, but time is money here and I'm leaving town for a the Hollidays shortly. Hopefully everything will fall into place, it always has before so no real reason to worry. But let me tell you, I can't WAIT to do my own clones next round, fuck relying on other people's timing and such - it's a big head ache. A word to the wise to any newbies out there, FIGURE OUT A WAY TO MOTHER A PLANT AND DO YOUR OWN CLONES - relying on others for your clone supply is shooting yourself in the foot, and often times you will need to switch strains due to the supply - do it yourself.

Gave the new clones 500 PPM water, with about 1.5 ML per liter of B1. Hopefully they look decent tomrorow.


Well-Known Member
I wanna up some new pictures but my last ones came out bunk all the colors are messed up from the HPS lamp and you can't get a true view of the plants.

Is it okay to take pictures of them with a flash of course in the dark or no? I am in veg, I would think that'd be fine... maybe I'll up a few.

The first batch of clones are taking off, they aren't that fall for being flowered 3 weeks now... only about 7-8 inches, but through topping and bending I've got planed with 4-5-6 tops on there... all looking healthy! Going to be an interesting grow.

I have a theory that my WW's are going to product just as well in 1 gallon pots as they do in 3 gallon pots, despite their height. I know, I know, I've read it all, heard it all, it sounds like a dumb idea to try to grow a 3 foot plant in a 1 gallon pot - but I'm gonna do it anyway!!! I of course have seperated my variables and am testing a few things, while keeping about 40 plants at our constant of 3 gallon pots vegged until about 12 inches tall and then forced flower. We will see where we end up! My guess packing 25 of these Widows into a 3X3 in gallon jugs, with less than half the veg time, gives the same yield that the big girls do in 3 gallons with double the vegging.

Any takers? Let's discuss and then watch it happen together.


Well-Known Member
outta town but the girlfriend said the new ones still not a ton of growth... been in the new dirt five days.

i have to say i was a bit taken back by the lack of roots coming through their rock wool, so they may take a little longer to start crankin up than usual!

is white widow traditionally a slow vegger? the first batch of clones i got came on the 1st of the month and were not growing as fast as most clones i've bought in the past.

in any case, i bombed yesterday... they had bugs so i'm guessing they should respond well now.


Well-Known Member
Pictures to come shortly, I think I'll be inducing 12.12 within 4-5 days. The new batch of clones that are now two weeks old are slow vegging right now, I'm hopeful to get them to 10 inches or so before flowering but I've never needed to veg this long and I'm growing a bit impatient.

Also got some Sour Diesels that I will be mothering


Well-Known Member
PPM up to 625 right now... things looking pretty solid in there.

I'll be taking some pictures and uploading them within a day or two.

As of now it looks like the old batch of clones (vegged since Dec 1st and topped) will be about 12-14 inches when flowered... tons of side branches, they do look nice I will admit.

The newer batch of clones which came around December 20th or so won't be as tall... 7-8 inches... so I'll be running a ton of those under one 600 watt lamp and then likely the older ones under my other lamps.


Well-Known Member
Burnt em a tiny bit with 625 that early..... here we are 10 days later ( sorry for not many updates, I couldn't find the thread) and we're running at 625. I've taken two batch of clones off the plants that are vegging.

The first batch was taken two weeks ago Sunday, and the second batch was taken yesterday. I induced flower yesterday so they are two days in now. Things are a bit crowded in there, and it will only become worse but I'll work out a way. The earliest batch looks solid, and the dome is holding humidity quite well. I've got my thermostat under the tray in the dome and set to 80....

No roots yet on the first batch, and obviously none on the second batch. The second batch they are kinda falling on each other a bit more than the first batch... do they stand up tall and proud eventually?

Inside the main room things are very much crowded as I already said, I may need to toss some out to have enough room to work on the plants... right now it's just kinda nutty in there. I'll take pictures in the next two or three days and post them.

Does anyone know if WW takes a long time to root?


Well-Known Member
Lastly, in order to make things less crowded in there I'm going to be giving these ladies a fair large trimming on the bottom third in maybe a week or so. I figure give them a week to get adjusted to flowering because I go hacking off branches. I know some of you say this is bad practice but it's always been good to me. Makes the plants concentrate on the nice top buds instead of airy garbage on the bottom and also makes the room less congested.


Well-Known Member
PPM 630. Gave all the three gallon pots about 30 seconds with the wand...

Sure is getting difficult to navigate the wand in there...I think I have too many plants in there. In some of my rows I only have room for three plants because they were topped and take up a shit load of canopy space. Putting plants outside of the designated 4X4 area per 1000 watt lamp is just crowding my work area.

About 5 days from now I will take a large trimming off the bottom third and see if that opens things up a bit, otherwise it may be time to toss some of these plants...I simply don't have enough room for them!!!

Oh well, better to have too many plants than too few... that's for sure


Well-Known Member
Watered yesterday with ph'ed water... back to the nutes next time most likely at arounc 640 PPM or so. I think I have too many plants this run so I'll be choosing a good 3-4 depending on how the ladies look at their trimming a few days from now!


Well-Known Member
Hydro Hut is set up in the garage - I must say those things expose much more light out of them than I thought it would. Do you guys keep these in your flowering rooms without problems? You can see plenty of light coming out both the bottom vents on mine... will need to think on how to make it tighter in there.

Anyhow, I have three Sour Diesel mothers in there, and two White Widow moms. Do you guys think I'll need this many moms? I have two of the Diesels in 7 gallon pots right now, and I think I'll put the other moms in something closer to a 5 gallon - I don't mind, and in fact I would prefer, to replace my moms every 6-8 months so I think those sized pots will work just fine.

Flowering room received a foilar spray of Reverse\Penetrator today and are looking good. Still need to take several out of the room... it's too damn crowded, these bitches are branchy... I could keep them as moms but I think the five I have now will be more than enough. I don't want that Hut super crowded if possible and both these strains like to get some height to them.


Well-Known Member
Moms also got sprayed with Nitrogen. Sorry if these details are boring to you guys following along (although I haven't received a ton of input in sometime, maybe adding some pictures would help!) but I use this site as a general log for myself to look back upon later on, as well as a discussion forum - thanks!


Well-Known Member
Moms also got sprayed with Nitrogen. Sorry if these details are boring to you guys following along (although I haven't received a ton of input in sometime, maybe adding some pictures would help!) but I use this site as a general log for myself to look back upon later on, as well as a discussion forum - thanks!
Yeah, a few pics would help to see the progression so far. I made sure to take pics at least once a week to see growth spurts and stuff. I actually want to take a pic of a plant every day and then put it together, maybe my next grow.. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'll get pictures up in the next three to four days... we have tiny m and m sized buds forming up top and a jungle! Plants are gonna have a lot of branches removed in the next few days.


Well-Known Member
Gave them bitches a nice large trimming!! They looked a bit lollipopped right now but I always regret not taking more off the bottoms...popcorn buds aren't my favorite.

PPM up to 670... hope they handle it. Gave em 5 ML\gallon of Nitrozime to get 'em started flowering more aggresively.


Well-Known Member
Gave them bitches a nice large trimming!! They looked a bit lollipopped right now but I always regret not taking more off the bottoms...popcorn buds aren't my favorite.

PPM up to 670... hope they handle it. Gave em 5 ML\gallon of Nitrozime to get 'em started flowering more aggresively.
Yea, I only like popcorn buds for when I wake up and go to work. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Trying to up some photos from iPhoto....I'm selecting all the images and then hitting upload and nothing happens, happened last time too.

Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Gonna up them two at a time because they wouldn't load with four.

Picture #1 is a tiny bud, I'm like 12 days in... developement a bit slow actually. Tiny bit of burn as well.

Picture #2 A topped plant with FIVE tops... I think this bitch will yield a nice amount of bud. Usually my plants take up a square foot per, but hoes like this take up alot more space than that!!!



Well-Known Member
Some Sour Diesel that came out real nice from the last round...

A freshly trimmed back slut. She was getting messy, too many branches, too many leaves, I know some of y'all don't treat your women like that and trim em up..but I do. It tends to cut back on the popcorn bud and increases air flow around the bottoms of the plant which is where I usually get mold or powdery mildew.



Well-Known Member
Sprayed with Floramite... used almost 1ML for 750 ML of water and 45 ML of Penetrator which I find works real well to help the plants absorb sprays quicker. I've had good luck with Floramite in the past... last time I sprayed I didn't see mites for about 6 weeks. Seeing how I'm about almost 10 days into flower... hopefully this one application will do the trick. I may spray another application in three days or so ... have you guys sprayed with this stuff two weeks into flower? I don't have a ton of buds yet so I doubt it would absorb much.