White Widow Grow Log - SOG


Well-Known Member
Yellowing might be nutrient deficiency if its only on the lower leaves
Don't really see much yellowing it's more so just that yellow\white color you get on the outsides of the leaves when they are a tiny bit burnt.

Did you spot something other than that in the pictures?

Just watered at 697 PPM. I water by hand and water close to three times a week so if I keep increasing it by 30 each time (is this too much you guys think?) I'll hit 1000PPM as my peak during week five of flower.

To anyone growing WW for the first time, careful with them they don't like a ton of nutrient... easy to burn - go slow with them.


Well-Known Member
Two small mom Diesels I just got a few days ago. Had to top 'em to transport... I'll be taking clones 5 weeks from now, hopefully I can pull 100+ cuts off these four. The bigger ones are over two feet tall, they have been growing for around 4 weeks. I will need to top them again soon, but if I'm worried about getting enough cuts in five weeks maybe I should wait? Won't the top hold 'em back a week or so?

Gave the larger mothers a dose of nitrogen about a week ago, I think they could use more even still. Some slight yellowing around the outsides of the leaves, and you can see in the shot some yellow leaves on the bottom 1\3 of the plants. I'd like them to be darker green than they are now so I'll give 'em another shot in few days.

Photos won't load ... I'll try again later - seems to be a problem on this site for me frequently. Have you guys had any problems loading from iPhoto?


Well-Known Member
You can only load 2 photos at a time. If you try more I think it just gives you an error message.


Well-Known Member
Just found your grow. I have some ww beans I have yet to put down so its cool to watch a grow of it. It's cool to me if you write stuff down to keep things journalised. I have never tried loading pics but they do captivate the audiance. well thanks for the time. subscribed.


Well-Known Member
Just found your grow. I have some ww beans I have yet to put down so its cool to watch a grow of it. It's cool to me if you write stuff down to keep things journalised. I have never tried loading pics but they do captivate the audiance. well thanks for the time. subscribed.

Yeah just tried it again... close to a dozen times in the past four days... no luck. They just aren't loading. I'm trying two at a time with no luck.


Well-Known Member
Wish I could tell you how. Maybe ask someone from admin? They seem willing to help if they know whats up. anyway, keep posting i dig watching sog type plants. I only have about 6' of headspace maybe a little more so sativas will be a outdoor in te mountains plant for me.


Well-Known Member
Not being able to upload pictures starting to annoy me. Going to give them a dose of House and Garden Top Booster. Never used it before, it's a one application type of additive that apparently temporarily shuts down the plants ability to use N for a short period and have the plant concentrate on P and K instead to bloom.

Going to water at 730PPM here, increasing it 30PPM every watering... so far they are taking it just fine. Buds sites starting to pop up in lots of places, no huge activity just yet... M&M or a little bigger sized buds mostly. I hope they pour it on soon I'm seeing less developement than usual but it's my first time with WW. Can you guys comment if she's a slower starter? My Diesels start up quite a bit quicker.


Well-Known Member
One picture working... these are the smaller Diesel mothers - grabbed them about four days ago and topped them. Between the smaller moms and the big ones which I'll try to upload here shortly I should be able to provide myself plenty of cuts, with room to weed out for the strongest ones.

I need to top the tall ones again, but if I'm concerned about having enough cuts five weeks or so from now should I just wait until after taking the cuts? I don't want to slow them down a week but I'll run into height problems eventually, and I've read topped plants provide stronger cuts anyhow.



Well-Known Member
Taller Diesel moms... had them for about three weeks now, but my guess is they are closer to five weeks old.

I'll give them another shot of nitrogen in a day or two, they look like they could use it.



Well-Known Member
Wish I could tell you how. Maybe ask someone from admin? They seem willing to help if they know whats up. anyway, keep posting i dig watching sog type plants. I only have about 6' of headspace maybe a little more so sativas will be a outdoor in te mountains plant for me.

Six feet is plenty of head space. Is that before you put them on tables and account for room in between the lamp and your plants? Keep in mind HID lamps are also a foot and a half tall themselves. Got a journal?


Well-Known Member
My room has wooden tables as a buffer from the cold concrete. the 6' give or take is actual room i will have. I have not done a journal yet but i should start some time. I can take some pics but i have never uploaded to this sight and I dont want to use photo bucket for security reasons. I have 2 600hps with air-cooled and a crap load of mothers that ive had long enough to show sex. I have gone slow and read and read and read. I have a ton of clones ready to go, under the 400 mh. and figured out how to clone pretty good. I am literally hanging my big lights in the morning having walled off the dark room today. I have bubble gum, orange bud, thc bomb, ice, blueberry and a couple of diff mids bag seed. And a huge pheno of sativa that came out of the white widow seeds i purchased. My area is 5.5ft long and 8.5' wide for flowering.. which I wonder if it is too much. I use soil and have been just going real slow but I am at go point now. I have learned so much from just reading but my first grow will be hard I am thinking just because i am going sog with a few diff strains. next time my clones will be of the ones that i pick that stay uniform in size so I wont have to adjust the lights so much around the taller plants. I prob have a couple more plants that i missed but after I figure out my favorites the majority of my girls will go outdoors. I have just decided that with the way it gets so dry here in the spring and summer that i wanted to keep a consistant supply. I grew outdoors last year with a buddy that grew in california and he got me totally into this west vigor and excitement lol. Its good to meet you, thanks for asking.


Well-Known Member
My room has wooden tables as a buffer from the cold concrete. the 6' give or take is actual room i will have. I have not done a journal yet but i should start some time. I can take some pics but i have never uploaded to this sight and I dont want to use photo bucket for security reasons. I have 2 600hps with air-cooled and a crap load of mothers that ive had long enough to show sex. I have gone slow and read and read and read. I have a ton of clones ready to go, under the 400 mh. and figured out how to clone pretty good. I am literally hanging my big lights in the morning having walled off the dark room today. I have bubble gum, orange bud, thc bomb, ice, blueberry and a couple of diff mids bag seed. And a huge pheno of sativa that came out of the white widow seeds i purchased. My area is 5.5ft long and 8.5' wide for flowering.. which I wonder if it is too much. I use soil and have been just going real slow but I am at go point now. I have learned so much from just reading but my first grow will be hard I am thinking just because i am going sog with a few diff strains. next time my clones will be of the ones that i pick that stay uniform in size so I wont have to adjust the lights so much around the taller plants. I prob have a couple more plants that i missed but after I figure out my favorites the majority of my girls will go outdoors. I have just decided that with the way it gets so dry here in the spring and summer that i wanted to keep a consistant supply. I grew outdoors last year with a buddy that grew in california and he got me totally into this west vigor and excitement lol. Its good to meet you, thanks for asking.
I would personally advise against growing that many strains, especially at the start of your new little hobby - but that's only my opinion. You will run into different feeding preferences, lighting preferences, height differences etc. Picking clones that are "uniform in size" won't matter when you have some indicas, some mix, and some sativas in your room... things won't be even. master one strain and trade with people who have access to good herbs. You'll be amazed at how the good herb comes outta the wood work when you have a consistent supply of high high quality cannabis - it's out there... it's just very expensive and people don't want to spread it out too much. Good work on getting the cloning thing down.

Your dimensions sound good, a 600 watt lamp covers a 3X3 area according to the manufacturers but in all reality, they will cover alot more space than that. Either way you'll have plenty of room width wise to be able to walk around the plants and work on them - your plan sounds solid.


Well-Known Member
Right on thumbs up. I want to start now lol, so my game plan is to put my shorter plants on one side and my larger on the other light. My thoughts on nutes are up in the air as far as just plain feeding them. I looked at the reciept date on my beans so my mothers have been alive since 9/08 on the money genetics. I guess what i am getting to is that I mixed some good rich soil, worm castings, ample amounts of perlite and vermeculite. So far none of the plants are happy when I feed them ferts. Just a touch of 20-19-17 and some of them woud spit it out if they could. (my soil is called super crop) from a local nursery. What I am wondering is my indoor venture... are they going to get alot hungrier? I know the p,k and some apple juice or and molasses will be the mainstay but did you see a huge diff in your ladys when the flowers started getting fat and into the last few weeks?
I will be starting some ww and northern light mothers. With the ice and bubble gum it will be the size i want. Unless the blue berry just kicks that much ass. Genetics here are pretty spread out here as far as i can tell because of where i physically live. We get good bud, sour d train wreck ak47 etc come through but its all out of cali. Thanks for your time bud.


Well-Known Member
How long have the moms been alive?

Your soil has nutrients in it, you shouldn't need to always feed them. What do you mean they don't look happy? Yellowing? Drooping? What light are they under? Give more info and a pic.. I don't personally grow w soil but I do have four moms in soil right now. Roots Organic soil, and so far I haven't given them any nutes at all besides some N in a foilar once in a while.

As for if your plants will get hungrier... yes, and especially once they use up the available nutes in the soil. Why not just use something like SunShine#4? It acts just like soil, looks like soil, but is a ton lighter and very forgiving. I find it personally much easier to work with than soil.

Also, go get some nutrients at your local hydro store or order them to a friends house off the net - not the place where your OP will be. You can get a bottle of Botanicare or something similar for cheap... could last you a while with the plants in soil and all. Why are you set on soil, especially if you haven't figured out if you need to give them nutes or not? Just put them in a soil-less mix and you can monitor 100% of what they eat... and a PPM stick would be extremely helpful too - they are about $90.


Well-Known Member
I will work on some pics. But the reason I ask if they are going to get hungry is because they are flourishing. Green and happy and love to be cloned lol. I will find a place for nutes and pick them up. Hung my lights today and they will be under the hps by sun eve. I hope you dont mind me asking you questions on your post, i can pm if it's better. But I will do my first few grows in soil. It's forgiving so far -- No brainer but i am a bit daunted by hydro. I gave you some rep for your advise, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow I'll water with just pH'ed water... I like to give them three to four feedings and then just give them water and use up already available nutes.

Sunday I'll spray with the Reverse as it's ten days since first application. Have you guys had good luck with that product? I've only had two hermie or three plants hermie up on my outta a few hundred in the past few cycles.

I've read grow reports on the net saying the product is completely bogus but others say it has worked wonders for them.


Well-Known Member
pH'ed watering done. We're still at 730-740 PPM on day 17 of flowering. All looks good... no sign of the bugs though I plan to light off a bomb in the next two three days to make sure. Pictures come tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
I need to count them... I'm running 3600 watts and I think I have around 65 plants in there. One of the 1000 watters and the 600 watt have plants with small pots - 3\4 gallons under them... I'm running a little experiment.

My plants are a bit more crowded than I prefer... some of the topped ones have like four to five active tops.....I could stand to get rid of a few plants but I think I'll keep em. Anyhow, I'll count tonite and post some pictures for you.


Well-Known Member
About to water them tonight... gonna run the PPM close to 800 and we'll max out around 1100 a few weeks from now and then slowly go down and give them nothing but pHed water for the last 12 days which is really only four waterings for them... will that be enough? I usually flush to 25% run off with tables, but since I just have my plants on the ground this time minimal run off will be allowed.