white widow 3 week into flower


Well-Known Member
thought i would do a thread using the white widow i got,

a bit of history with the plant, its about 3 months old and was left to do its own thing apart from some bending to keep the height down in the corner of my garden in a pot. It has only ever been fed levington's Tomorite. I feed it using 1/2 the recomended dose on the bottle. Seeing as i had nothing under the bulb i thought i would put this under. Its been there for 3 week and 1 day. The bulb is a vertical hung 400w hps and the shade is about 3 foot round

heres a quick photo of the stem



Well-Known Member
i have been to check on this plant today and the branch above the rot is dying, all the fan leaves are now yellow and the leaves around the bud are starting to go yellow also. i think i will be chopping it off at some point today or tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
i have cut of the effected branch today, shame though as it was gonna be a big un. ill try and smoke it see what it does, cant see it doing much though was only just over 3 week into flower


Well-Known Member
Nice man i got 2 white widow im getting ready to throw into my flowering tent i hope they look as good as yours my friend!!!!


Active Member
i have cut of the effected branch today, shame though as it was gonna be a big un. ill try and smoke it see what it does, cant see it doing much though was only just over 3 week into flower
Thats a shame about losing a branch, but your lady sure does look nice!


Well-Known Member
hi hunter thanks for your post m8, good luck with your grow m8, hope you get lots of lovley smelling bud

hi jay it was about 4 foot when i switched, just been out and measured it and it is 140cm or just over 4 foot tall but i have tied her down to keep the overall height down

hi jaibryd she is smelling very nice and getting sticky

hi richard tis a shame over the branch but she is looking very nice thanks


Well-Known Member
im going to take some more photos today of her without the bad branch on, she is coming along lovley, there is a lot to be said about using levington tomorite as a feed, i use 1/2 the strength is says on the bottle
thankyou for all your replies


Well-Known Member
I couldnt wait until later to post up a few more pictures of my white widow, Please do tell me if i go a bit overboard with the pictures. It sure does look different with the bad branch removed.



Well-Known Member
i thought i woild post some more pictures of my indoor white widow, grown under a 400w vertical hung hps, just under 4 week into flower and fed on levingtons tomorite, any input as to what my plant looks like is apreciated, i also have another plant under a bulb, ill post pictures of that at a later date

im pleases with how she is coming along

a few more random cola pictures



Well-Known Member
this white widow is 4 weeks into flower today, i will be posting more pictures up later.

i have a quick question also, do i leave an oscalating fans running 24/7 or do i just have it running when the lights are on?

at the moment i have the fans running 24/7 but if that is wrong i will change it


Well-Known Member
Well im 4 week and 1 day now with this white widow. I am very pleased with the amount of bud growth i had so far. Its been fed on levingtons tomortie



Well-Known Member
afternoon, im having what i think is a problem with the humidity, its between 60 and 65 on the guage i have, how can i lower it?, my temps are about right at 28 with lights on and around 20 off, so im after some tips on reducing the humidity, it may not be high but i am just not sure so im asking for some one to clarify what the humidity should be during flower


Active Member
afternoon, im having what i think is a problem with the humidity, its between 60 and 65 on the guage i have, how can i lower it?, my temps are about right at 28 with lights on and around 20 off, so im after some tips on reducing the humidity, it may not be high but i am just not sure so im asking for some one to clarify what the humidity should be during flower
the humidity that you have will cause bud rot if ur not careful. lowering it can be done a few ways. get a portable heater and set it as far away as possible from the plant, since it will "burn" the air. thatll help, or, get a bag of charcoal, itll suck up excess moisture, as well as dryer sheets. if you had a proper negative airflow, that might help as well, the buds are looking great, im not a fan of white strains myself, but can appreciate a fine marijuana plant and solid trichomes throughout the plant, buds look huge, and should get a nice yield from this.


Well-Known Member
cheers for the replie SativAHHH, i have loads of bags of charcoal ill spread some around a bit, i have added an extra fan also to move the air around more and the humidity has dropped to just under 50, im going to see if i can sort out some sort of heater, and thanks for the replie +rep

edit to add, i been looking all over the internet today for some tips to reduce humidity and i found a few which include rice,salt and cat litter, ill get all off these today and see how it goes